アネット: あっ、先生、こんばんはー!今、ちょっと時間良いですか?
Annette: Hello, Professor. Do you have a moment?
Choice 1: もちろん Of course.
Choice 2: 何の用事? What do you need?
アネット: これ、セイロス騎士団の人からお借りした戦術の教本なんですけど……
Annette: Well, I have this book of battle tactics that I borrowed from one of the knights.
There's one part that I just don't understand. Do you think you could explain it to me?
Choice 1: 任せてほしい Leave it to me.
アネット: やったー! ありがとうございます!えっと、この状況図なんですけど……
Annette: Great! Thank you so much! It's about this diagram here...
Choice 2: 自信がない I'm not sure I can.
アネット: うーん……じゃあせめて、一緒に考えてくれませんか? この図なんですけど……
Annette: Oh. Well, maybe we can figure it out together. It's about this diagram here...
アネット: この騎兵部隊は、どうしてあえて不利な森の中に布陣して……
Annette: I don't get why the knights are grouping up in that forest there. I just can't see the advantage to a formation like that.
アネット: なるほど! おかげですっきりました。流石、先生は教え方が上手いんですね!
Annette: Yay! I finally get it! You really are a great teacher.
Choice 1: 役に立てて嬉しい I'm always happy to help.
アネット: やっぱり、先生に聞いて正解でした!
Annette: I knew asking you was the right idea.
Choice 2: 勉強熱心だ You're the one who did the work.
アネット: そ、そんなことないですよー!
Annette: No way. I couldn't have done it without you.
アネット: えへへ……あたし、勉強というか……新しいことを学ぶのが、大好きなんです。
Annette: I just love learning new things.
That's why I came to the Officers Academy. I want to learn magic, battle tactics, martial arts, and, and... Well, all kinds of stuff!
I'm learning more now than I have in my whole entire life!
Speaking of, I'd better go visit the library for some research before magic practice, which is just before sword training...
Byleth: 疲れそうだ Don't overdo it.
アネット: うーん……そう言われても……。じっとしてるほうが、疲れちゃいませんか?
Annette: That's just not possible! I always find it's more tiring to laze around doing nothing.
I've never been any good at that. I have to have something to do.
Like, on my days off, I need to get up early and take care of the cleaning first, or I just...can't relax. Know what I mean?
Choice 1: よくわからない Not really.
アネット: だって、何もしないで夜になっちゃったら折角のお休みが無駄じゃないですか!
Annette: But a day without accomplishments is completely wasted!
Choice 2: 気持ちはわかる I know the feeling.
アネット: 良かったあ、わかってもらえて!あんまり、わかってくれる人がいなくて。
Annette: Oh, I'm so glad you agree! You'd be surprised how rare it is to find people like us.
アネット: メーチェなんて、お休みの日は部屋から一歩も出たくない~、なんて言うんですよ?
Annette: Mercie never sets foot outside her room on her days off. I don't get that girl sometimes.
アネット: それでそれで…………あっ! 大変!
Annette: Not to mention... Oh wait... Oh no!
I was supposed to be on cooking duty today! I completely forgot!
Sorry, Professor, but I have to run! Thanks again for your help!
Byleth: ………………。 ...
アネット: きゃーーーーっ!何でこんなとこに樽がーー!!
Annette: Argh! Who put this stupid barrel here?
Byleth: ………………。 ...
アネット: ご、ごめんなさいっ、先生。訓練に寝坊しちゃうなんて……。
Annette: I'm so sorry, Professor... I somehow overslept and missed our training session.
I didn't mean to cause you and the other so much trouble.
アネット: 課題に取り組む日だったら、こんなことじゃ済みませんでしたよね……。
Annette: Imagine if that had happened during one of our missions. It really is inexcusable!
アネット: 本当の戦いだったら、こんなことじゃ済みませんでしたよね……。
Choice 1: 訓練で良かった Don't worry about it.
Choice 2: 寝不足は良くない You need to rest more.
アネット: 本当に、ごめんなさい。戦術の勉強に熱中しちゃって、つい……。
Annette: It's just...when I'm studying tactics, I lose track of time, and...
Oh, who am I kidding? I've always been like this.
Before I came to the Officers Academy, I was a student at the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad.
Even back then, I was pulling all-nighters well before the exams.
And I never even noticed I was harming myself. I'm just too focused on my goal.
アネット: 先生、確か前に言いましたよね。あたし、新しいことを覚えるのが好きって。
Annette: II know I've already told you this, but I really love to learn new things.
It's a passion of sorts. I first realized I had the learning bug when I was about four or five years old.
My father was so happy to see me using magic...
Seeing him happy made me happy too, and that made me want to work even harder.
If only things could have stayed like that...
Byleth: けど? What do you mean?
アネット: あたしが13歳の時、父さんは家を出ていっちゃって……。
Annette: When I was about 13, my father left home.
He was a devout man, so I figured he'd gone to the monastery.
That's why I went to the school of sorcery, so that I could eventually get accepted at the Officers Academy.
I studied harder than ever, and sure enough, I finally earned a referral.
Unfortunately, my passion for learning became more of an obsession. I got so focused, I kind of forgot how to relax.
It feels like I've been running in circles ever since.
Choice 1: 無理しなくていい Rest is just as important as work.
アネット: ……そうですよね。今回みたいに、みんなの足を引っ張ったら元も子もないし。
Annette: That's true. Just look at today. If my hard work stops me from working hard, what good is it?
Choice 2: 頑張らなくても優秀だ You're impressive just as you are.
アネット: そ、そんなことはないですよっ!あたしなんか、まだまだで……。
Annette: No way! I still have such a long way to go.
Still, I guess I'm doing something wrong if I'm working so hard I can't even work hard anymore.
アネット: ……よし。先生、あたし決めました。あたし、頑張らないように頑張ります!
Annette: OK, it's decided. From now on, I'll try my best not to try my best!
Choice 1: 応援している You have my support.
アネット: はいっ! 先生がそう言ってくれたら、あたし、頑張れる気がします。
Annette: Yay! With you on my side, I'm sure to succeed!
Choice 2: 頑張るのか頑張らないのか…… That's confusing.
アネット: あ、あはは……す、すみません。無茶は控えます、って言いたかったんです。
Annette: I'm sorry! All I meant is that I'll try... I mean, I'll slow down a bit.
アネット: 先生、あたしが頑張り過ぎてたら、止めてくださいね。
Annette: From now on, if you see me going overboard, just let me know. I'm a new woman, after all!
アネット: はあ……。
Annette: ...
Oh. Hi, Professor.
Choice 1: 元気がない You look down.
Choice 2: 何かあった? Did something happen?
アネット: ……前に、先生に言いましたよね。頑張らないように頑張る、って。
Annette: Do you remember what we talked about before? About doing my best to not do my best?
Well, I've been pretty busy recently, and despite my best efforts, I've been trying way to hard...
I was busy all day yesterday with training and work. I just couldn't help myself!
That's why I decided to take a day off today. It's just... Now that I have a day off, I don't know what to do with myself!
Please, you have to help me! What should I do?
Choice 1: 何もしない Nothing.
アネット: それが落ち着かないんですよお!はあ……向いてないのかなあ。
Annette: I can't relax if I'm doing nothing! I need something to keep me occupied or I'll go nuts!
Choice 2: 昼寝 Have a nap.
アネット: お昼寝も試してはみたんです。でも、眠気がちっともやってこなくって。
Annette: I tried that! I couldn't calm down enough to fall asleep.
アネット: 先生……あたし、もしかすると頑張らないのって、向いてないみたいです。
……! あ、そうだ!
Annette: I tried that! I couldn't calm down enough to fall asleep. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm cut out for not doing my best...
You're a professor! You must know some secret technique for deep relaxation, right?
If you do, please teach me! I'm begging you!
I'm at my wit's end!
Choice 1: お茶でも飲もう Have a cup of tea.
Choice 2: お菓子でも食べよう Have some sweets.
アネット: は、はい! やってみます!
Annette: Got it! I'll try that right now!
アネット: 先生、このお菓子、甘くて美味しいです!温かいお茶によく合いますね。
Annette: Mmm! This candy is so sweet and delicious! And it goes so well with piping hot tea!
Ooh, and speaking of the tea, your brewing skills are incredible!
I'd love to be able to make such nice tea, but...
Oh, Professor! Will you teach me how to brew tea like this?
I'll do my best to learn, and then I'll make delicious tea for you as thanks!
Byleth: また「頑張る」か Is this doing your best...
アネット: あ……す、すみません。つい、またそういう話に……。
Annette: Oh... Um, sorry. Back to my old tricks, it seems...
Oh! Why is it so difficult to not do my best?!
I try and try not to try, but it just doesn't work!
Byleth: 自然体が一番 Just be yourself.
アネット: 先生……。
Annette: Professor...
You're right! Doing nothing is just not my style!
To be myself, I've got to do my best every day!
Byleth: その意気だ That's the spirit!
アネット: よーし! じゃあ早速、先生のお茶の淹れ方を伝授してもらわなきゃっ!
Annette: OK! Then you really must teach me how to make such delicious tea!
You will, won't you? Please! Oh, and also... Well, thank you.
You've listened to me and helped me face my troubles.
Now I feel like I can talk to you about anything.
Honestly, I wish we could go on drinking tea like this forever...
アネット: 先生!みんなが先生のこと、捜してましたよ!
Annette: There you are! Everybody's been looking for you.
It must be hard being so popular. I bet it's a whole lot of work too...
If I'm being honest, I'm a little bit envious.
Choice1: 忙しくて大変だ It's hard work.
アネット: 忙しいほうが楽しいじゃないですか。毎日、変化があって、学びがあって!
Annette: Oh, but don't you enjoy keeping busy?
Choice2 : 充実している I like to keep busy.
アネット: むむっ……やっぱり羨ましいです。
Annette: So do I! Like I said, I'm envious.
アネット: ……戦いが終わって、いろいろあって。毎日、それなりに楽しかったけど……
Annette: After each battle, there's always more to do, so every day is exciting in its own way.
Though it's true I haven't been able to relax for a matter where I go or what I do.
OK, so I finally realized why it is I feel this way. It's because...I need you.
Byleth: どういう意味?What do you mean?
アネット: 先生と一緒に過ごしている間は、あたしがあたしでいられるというか……
Annette: When I'm with you, I feel like I can be myself.
It's not a matter of doing my best or not doing my best... What really affects my happiness is whether I'm with you or not.
Um, actually, I've practiced what I'm going to say to you countless times...
But of course, now that it's time to say it, I'm feeling shy. Terribly shy...
Byleth: 自分も同じ気持ちだ I feel the same way.
アネット: ……え?それは、どういう……。
Annette: You... You what?!
アネット: せ……先生!これって、まさか……
Annette: Oh goodness! You really mean it!
Byleth: 結婚しよう I love you, Annette. Marry me.
アネット: せ、先生……。ううっ……
Annette: Oh! I...
Byleth: !? Yes?
アネット: ご、ごめんなさあい……! 何であたし、こんなに嬉しいのに泣いてるんだろお……!
Annette: I'm sorry! Why am I crying when I'm so happy?
I've been so worried about this! I was thinking of what I'd do if...if...if you said no!
But asked me! I didn't even have to ask you!
I'm just so relieved!
アネット: ……先生。大好きです、先生!
Annette: I love you! So very, very much!
We'll be together forever! And ever! I promise to make you happier than anyone's ever been, my darling!
When the fighting was over and the Officers Academy was reopened, Byleth was reinstated as a professor.
His wife, Annette, took on a position alongside him teaching sorcery, and the couple spent many years educating and guiding generations of students.
In their later years, they attempted to retire to a quiet life in a village near Annette's hometown.
That quickly proved to be too quiet of a life for them, and so they opened up a local school and resumed teaching.
They continued on as educators until the end of their long and happy lives.
After becoming the new archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced his marriage to Annette.
His wife actively contributed to his endeavors, and it is said that her wisdom was heavily relied upon during Fodlan's restoration and development.
Despite her lofty position, she was known to occasionally step in as a guest speaker at the Royal School of Sorcery, where she educated many renowned sages.
Though her talents were widely respected, it is said she was a bit accident-prone.
Charming tales endure of her husband saving her from countless kitchen explosions, but it is unknown whether these are fact or purely fiction.
After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Byleth announced his marriage to Annette.
His wife actively contributed to his endeavors, and it is said that her wisdom was heavily relied upon during Fodlan's restoration and development.
Despite her lofty position, she was known to occasionally step in as a guest speaker at the Royal School of Sorcery, where she educated many renowned sages.
Though her talents were widely respected, it is said she was always a bit accident-prone.
Charming tales endure of her husband saving her from countless kitchen explosions, but it is unknown whether these are fact or purely fiction.
アネット: あ、先生!何だ、ここにいたんですね。
Annette: Professor! I'm happy to see you here.
Everybody's been asking about you. You're really popular with the students.
Choice 1: 逃げてきた I had to escape.
Choice 2: 疲れた I'm worn out.
アネット: あれっ、そうだったんですか?……そっかあ。
Annette: Oh, really? Huh.
Uh, actually... I've been trying to find you too.
But if you're not interested in dancing, that's OK.
We are supposed to be at a ball though... If you're not going to dance tonight, when and where will you get another chance?
Choice 1: ここで Here.
Choice 2: 今 Now.
アネット: え、今、ここで?音楽もないのに……
Annette: Wait...really? There isn't any music...
But this is too special to pass up! Maybe...I could sing a little something.
I may not look like it, but I'm a practiced singer. Though...people do tend to think my lyrics are a little odd.
アネット: お野菜とお肉~……♪しっかりと炒めて~……♪
Annette: ♪Fry the food, it tastes so good... It fills up our hungry tummies...♪
Choice 1: お腹が空いてきた Now I'm hungry.
Choice 2: その替え歌は…… What an interesting song.
アネット: あ、この間、修道士の人に教えてもらった煮込み料理の作り方なんですけど。
Annette: It's about this yummy stew one of the monks taught me to make a while back.
Oh, I know! I'll make it for you! It really is just about the tastiest thing in the world.
Um... If I'm bothering you, please tell me now and I'll leave you alone.
Byleth: ……? ...
アネット: 先生、知ってましたか? この女神の塔で願い事をすると、必ず叶うって言い伝え。
Annette: Say, Professor... Did you know that if you make a wish here at the Goddess Tower, it will for sure come true?
That's why people usually meet up with someone they like here. For a rendezvous!
And they make a wish that they'll stay together forever.
So... Uh, I thought you might be waiting for a girl here. And that I'm messing it up.
Choice 1: 知らなかった I've never heard about that tradition.
Choice 2: 興味がなかった Nothing of the sort.
アネット: あはは……先生のことだし、そんなことだろうと思ってました。
Annette: Hehe, that's just what I'd expect you to say!
But since we're already here, let's go ahead and make a wish together.
Choice 1: どんな約束? What kind of wish?
Choice 2: 構わない Sure.
アネット: ふっふっふ。実は、願い事はもう決めてあるんです。
Annette: I've already decided what it will be.
Dearest Goddess... I wish for the professor and I to always be the best of friends!
How's that sound? Can we wish for that?
Choice 1: 嬉しい I'd be happy to.
アネット: 本当ですか?そう言ってもらえて、あたしも嬉しいです!
Annette: Really? That makes me so happy!
Choice 2: 恥ずかしい It's a little embarrassing...
アネット: ……た、確かに。今考えてみたら、ちょっと恥ずかしいお願いだったかも……えへへ。
Annette: Oh no! Actually, when I said it aloud, I could tell it was an embarrassing wish... Oops!
アネット: ……それじゃ先生、あたしはこれで!後で、ちゃんと戻ってきてくださいね!
Annette: Well, I'd better be going now, and you should think about returning to the ball too. But make sure you save me a dance!