ベルナデッタ: ペトラさんって、良いよなあ。怒鳴らないし、悪口も言わないし……
Bernadetta: Petra's really nice. Never yells, never says mean things about people.
Maybe she'd be my friend.
Oh, there she is now. OK, Bernie, you can do this!
ペトラ: ……ベルナデッタ、ですか?何か、わたし、用事、ありますか?
Petra: Bernadetta, are you needing help with something?
ベルナデッタ: ひえっ!? な、なぜベルだと!?背中に目でもあるんですかいな!
Bernadetta: Ah! How did you know? Do you have eyes on the back of your head or something?!
ペトラ: 目、顔の上、2つです。背中、ないです。背後、気配、感じます、あなた。
Petra: not have that, no.
ベルナデッタ: あ、そ、そう。気配……。……じゃなかった、聞きたいことがあって。
Bernadetta: Right... Um, can I ask you something?
Do you want to, um...maybe, friends or something? Maybe?
Maybe you don't. Maybe you don't like me. I don't know what you think of me.
ペトラ: あなた、どう思う、ですか?……まるで、獲物のよう、です。
Petra: What I am thinking? I am thinking that you remind me of prey.
ベルナデッタ: え……獲物おおおおおおっ!?
Bernadetta: Wh-what?
ペトラ: はい。あなた、狩りの獲物、似ています。草陰の、兎のごとし、です。
Petra: Yes. Like a rabbit in the tall grass.
Always watching for enemies, and you flee at any sign of danger. You are quick also.
I must be careful that I am not hunting Bernie when I take out my bow.
素で Bernie 呼びなのかわいい
ベルナデッタ: へ、へえええ……。注意してくれてるんだね。ふーん……。
Bernadetta: Oh, you...try not to shoot me. That's, um...nice.
ペトラ: 気配、動き、似ています。違い、背丈のみ、難しいです。
Petra: You have similarities with prey, that is all I mean to be saying.
ベルナデッタ: 難しいんだ……。つまり……いつかはあたし、狩られちゃうってことおおお!?
Bernadetta: So you're saying you might end up hunting me?!
ペトラ: いいえ、心配、無用です。矢、射る瞬間、わたし、外せます。
Petra: There is no need to have concern.
I will make sure my arrows are not hitting you.
ベルナデッタ: ほっぺかすめてる時点で問題でしょおおお!なぜ! なぜなの!
Bernadetta: Th-that isn't comforting!
Whatever I did to deserve this, forgive me!
ペトラ: 何も、していません。しかし、許す、構いません。
Petra: You do not need forgiveness, but it is yours, if you are wanting it.
Was I saying something wrong?
ベルナデッタ: 無理だよ、あたしが狩りなんて。なぜ主は引き籠もらせてくれないの……。
Bernadetta: Hunting? Really? There's no way I can do this. Goddess, why couldn't I have stayed in today...
ペトラ: ベルナデッタ、困る、あります。わたし、助けます。
Petra: Bernadetta. Is this a trouble you are having?
I heard that the duty to hunt is yours today.
ベルナデッタ: そうなの! 引き籠もってる間に仕事の割り振りが決まっちゃって……。
Bernadetta: The duties all got assigned while I was holed up in my room...
ペトラ: 問題ない、ありません。わたし、狩人の心得、教授します。
Petra: Do not be worrying. I can show you the way to hunt well.
ベルナデッタ: ほえ? 狩人の、心得……?
Bernadetta: Oh, um... OK, then...
ペトラ: ……このとおり、です。あなた、獣、見る、敵と、認識します。
Petra: When you see a beast, you are thinking of it as an enemy.
That is how prey thinks.
You must think of the beast as food. That is how the hunter thinks.
ベルナデッタ: 獲物は、獣を見ると敵と認識する……狩人は、獣を見ると食糧と認識する……
Bernadetta: So it's not an enemy. It's food.
But, um, how is it food when it's still alive?
ペトラ: あなた、畑、行き、野菜、収穫できます。野菜、生きています。
Petra: You pick the vegetables from the field. Those have life too. It is the same.
You take a blade in your hand and take the lives of the vegetable. You cut their stalks and harvest without mercy.
They do not scream, but you are still their killer.
ベルナデッタ: こ、殺して……!?
Bernadetta: K-killer?!
ペトラ: 実、熟し、地、落ちる。種、芽吹き、新たな命、育つ、命の連鎖……
Petra: Fruit ripens and falls to the ground. The seeds sprout and a new life is born.
That is life's cycle. It has cruelty, yes. But you must end life to eat. You must be killing to be living.
ベルナデッタ: そ、それは確かに、そうかも……。生きるために野菜の命を……。
Bernadetta: Maybe, but I don't know if I want to be some...some kind of vegetable murderer!
ペトラ: 兎、鹿、雉、すべて、同じ。違い、声、出る、出ない、のみ。
Petra: It is the same for rabbits, deer, pheasants. The only difference being that they cannot cry out.
You must do what you must do to be living in this world. It is your task.
ベルナデッタ: 作業……作業と思えば、できるかも……。
Bernadetta: A task. Yes, just a task. A completely mindless task.
ペトラ: 草陰、兎、います。畑、実、なります。
Petra: Feel it. There, in the grass. Prey is moving. Just like a vegetable in the wind.
Give it an arrow, just like you would give a vegetable a blade. It is just your task.
ベルナデッタ: な、なるほど! 茎を落とすのも首筋を射抜くのも同じ! ……あれ?
Bernadetta: Uh, right. That makes sense. It's just like cutting a stem.
ペトラ: そう、同じ、です。あなた、もう、狩人。心得、学びました。
Petra: You are now a hunter. You have learned how to hunt.
ベルナデッタ: うん!心得、わかった気がする!
Bernadetta: I am? I have? Oh, good! What a relief.
ペトラ: 畑仕事、行くよう、狩り、行けます。完璧な狩り人、ベルナデッタ、です。
Petra: You have understanding now, I can tell.
ベルナデッタ: 任せて! 野菜を刈り取るように、獲物も狩っちゃうんだから!
Bernadetta: Great! Leave it to me. I'll hunt down my prey just like they're vegetables.
ペトラ: その意気、です。あなた、できます。
Petra: I have belief in you.
ベルナデッタ: やったあ!ペトラさん、ありがとう!
Bernadetta: Aw, thanks, Petra! I can do this!
Make way for Huntmaster Bernie!
ペトラ: ベルナデッタ、武運、祈ります。
Petra: Have luck, Bernie.
ベルナデッタ: ぎゃぴいっ!? 痛っ!?……な、何っ!?
うわああ! こっち!こっち来ないで! 兎さああん!
Bernadetta: Ugh! Ow! Wh-what?
No! Stay back! I'm sorry, Mr. Rabbit! I didn't mean it!
Why are you the one chasing me?! Ow!