ベルナデッタ: ふんふんふふ~ん♪……ん? レオニーさん?
Bernadetta: ♪ Hm hm-hm-hm... Hm-hmm... ♪ Oh, it's Leonie.
レオニー: ……よし、苗床はこんなもんかな。次は苗を植えて……。
Leonie: Perfect. The soil's ready. Let's get to planting.
ベルナデッタ: すごいなあ、畑仕事なんて。うん? あ、肘……。
Bernadetta: She's so diligent I can barely... Oh, look at her elbow.
レオニー: ……ふう、苗の植え替え完了。あとは水か。
Leonie: There we go, all set. Now, a little water.
ベルナデッタ: どうしよっかな、肘。……ここにいれば、戻ってくる?
Bernadetta: Her sleeve's all torn. She should get that fixed.
レオニー: あれ? ベルナデッタ?何してんの、こんなとこで。
Leonie: Hey, Bernadetta. What are you doing here?
ベルナデッタ: あいやあ、レ、レオニーさん……!え、ええと、あのね……
Bernadetta: Uh, Leonie. I was, um...
レオニー: ん?何だよ、はっきり言えよ。
Leonie: Hm? What is it?
ベルナデッタ: うん、その、しっかり働いてるレオニーさんがすごいなあって思って。
Bernadetta: I was just...admiring your hard work.
レオニー: いや、見てるだけなら手伝ってよ。用ってそれなの?
Leonie: If you've got time to stare, you may as well help me out. Is that all you wanted to say?
ベルナデッタ: 違うっていうか……。
Bernadetta: Uh, not exactly.
レオニー: 頼むから普通に話せよ。ここで何してるんだ、ベルナデッタさんよ。
Leonie: Well, come on. Out with it.
ベルナデッタ: ひうっ!そ、その、肘なの。
Bernadetta: Uh... It's, uh... Elbow!
レオニー: 肘? 肘がどうかしたか?何もなさそうだけど。
Leonie: Your elbow looks fine to me. Is it bothering you?
ベルナデッタ: あたしのじゃなくて、レオニーさんの。肘、綻びてるなあって。
Bernadetta: Not mine—yours. Your sleeve's torn.
レオニー: はあ? 綻び? ……ああ、本当だ。右肘に穴が開いてる。
Leonie: Huh, how about that? You're right. I didn't notice.
You could have just told me right away, you know.
It's just a little tear though. Nothing to worry about.
ベルナデッタ: ご、ごめん。あのお……良ければ、だけど。
Bernadetta: If you don't mind, I could fix it for you.
It would only take a minute.
レオニー: えっ、あんたが?そんなことできんの?
Leonie: You can do that?
ベルナデッタ: うん、お裁縫、得意だから。
Bernadetta: I'm actually pretty good at sewing.
レオニー: そうなんだ。じゃあ折角だから、お願いしようかな。
Leonie: I never knew. Well, if you're offering, by all means!
Just let me finish watering these.
Oh, I guess I should get this shirt off first though, huh?
ベルナデッタ: え、ちょっと、レオニーさん!?そんなはしたない格好……ダメ、ダメええ!
Bernadetta: What?! Hold on— Don't— You can't just— Aaaah!
ベルナデッタ: レオニーさん。ええと、これ……預けてもらった服、直ったよ。
Bernadetta: Um, here. I patched up the clothes you gave me.
レオニー: 悪いね、最近多くてさ。自分でやってもいいんだけど……
Leonie: Hey, thanks! You've helped me a lot lately. I feel like I should be doing this stuff myself.
But ever since you patched up my sleeve, I've been really interested in your craft.
ベルナデッタ: 気に入ったって……この、刺繍のこと?
Bernadetta: Craft? You mean my embroidery?
レオニー: ああ、そうだよ。初めて見た時は、何だこりゃって思ったが。
Leonie: Yeah. When I saw what you were doing, I thought, "What the heck is that?"
But it turned out to be a nice touch, once I was actually wearing it. Practical too.
When you're embroidering, you patch up the torn parts with new cloth, right?
And that strengthens it, so the same part won't break so easily next time.
ベルナデッタ: よ、良かったあ!
Bernadetta: Uh, I'm glad you liked it.
At first, I felt like you thought it was stupid.
I was worried you secretly hated me or something.
It made me pretty scared to show you my stitching.
レオニー: ははっ! いや、悪かった。確かに言ってなかったかもな。
Leonie: Haha, sorry. I should have told you I liked it.
Thanks, Bernadetta. I'm glad I asked for your help.
ベルナデッタ: い、いえ……どういたしまして。
Bernadetta: Oh, um. It's nothing.
レオニー: 今回は……雀蜂か?また随分と恐ろしい刺繍だね。
Leonie: What'd you make this time? A hornet, huh? You do like the scary critters, don't you?
ベルナデッタ: 森の中を素早く動き、刺す……!レオニーさんを思い浮かべて縫ったよ!
Bernadetta: It zips out from the trees and strikes — just like you!
レオニー: なるほど、蜂のように刺す、か。うん、悪くないね。
Leonie: I sting like a hornet, do I? Actually, I like that.
You know, you ought to be more confident.
ベルナデッタ: えっ? 自信?
Bernadetta: Um. What?
レオニー: これだけ立派に裁縫ができりゃ、仕事になるよ。胸を張っていい。
Leonie: You're good enough at sewing that you could make a living out of it. You should take pride in that.
レオニー: 装備の修理とか、備品の管理とか、あんた、実はもっと活躍できるんじゃないの?
Leonie: Your skills would be really useful to the war effort too. We're always needing equipment mended.
ベルナデッタ: 仕事だなんて、そんな……。あたしなんて役立たずだし……。
Bernadetta: Oh, no-no-no-no. I could never do that. Trust me, I'm completely useless.
ベルナデッタ: 活躍だなんて、そんな……。あたしなんて戦場じゃ役立たずだし……。
Bernadetta: Useful? Oh, no-no-no. I'm completely useless, even more so on the battlefield.
レオニー: 役立たずじゃないよ。こうしてわたしの助けになってるだろ。
Leonie: That's not true at all. You've been a great help!
Maybe I'm a better fighter, but I've got nowhere near the same skill in sewing.
We can help each other. Isn't that what friends do?
ベルナデッタ: あたし、レオニーさんと仲間だったの?
Bernadetta: Friends? We're friends?
レオニー: おいおい、そっからか?あんた、自信なさすぎだろ……。
Leonie: Hey, come on! I know you're not the most confident, but this is getting silly.
レオニー: 仲間でも友達でも何でもいいよ。わたしは、あんたを信頼してるんだ。
Leonie: Of course we're friends. I completely trust you.
レオニー: 仲間でも戦友でも何でもいいよ。わたしは、あんたを信頼してるんだ。
ベルナデッタ: そっか……。えへへ! レオニーさん!
Bernadetta: Heh-heh! Leonie?
レオニー: な、何?
Leonie: Yeah?
ベルナデッタ: じゃんじゃん穴、開けてきてね!全部ベルが直しちゃうから!
Bernadetta: Get your clothes torn up as much as you want! I'll always be here to patch them right up!
レオニー: あー、うん。頼んだよ。裁縫に限った話じゃないんだけどな……。
Leonie: Right — for sure. But I wasn't just talking about embroidery, you know.