ベルナデッタ: はあ、和む。和んじゃう。やっぱりお花は独りで愛でるに限るなあ。
Bernadetta: Ah, it's peaceful here. Flowers are so calming.
Just looking at these, it's like all the terrible parts of the day just disappear.
If only people could be more like flowers...
ドロテア: あら、ベルちゃん?何してるのかしら……
Dorothea: What's Bern doing? She looks like there's something wrong.
ベルナデッタ: 貴族のみんなは怖いからなあ……。でも平民の出の人は……、はあ……。
Bernadetta: All these nobles are just terrifying, and the commoners...
Just look at Dorothea. So pretty, popular, dazzling...
There's no way someone like me could ever be close with someone like that.
ドロテア: どうしたの?
Dorothea: Bern, are you OK?
ベルナデッタ: ほおおおおえっ!? ド、ドロテアさん!い、今の聞いてた?
Bernadetta: Ah! Dorothea! Did you hear all that?
ドロテア: 仲良くできるとかどうとかって……。もしかして、気になる人がいるの?
Dorothea: Just the part about you wishing you could get along with someone. So, Bern, who've you got a crush on?
Seriously now, you have to tell me. Who are they? Do I know them? I'm so excited for you, Bern!
ベルナデッタ: え、えっとー……ドロテアさんとお近づきになりたいなと思って……!
Bernadetta: Um, n-no. I was...actually thinking about...being friends with you.
ドロテア: あらっ……私と?……男じゃなかったのね。
でも何で? そもそも近づく必要があるほど疎遠だったかしら、私たち。
Dorothea: Me?
I thought we already were friends.
ベルナデッタ: そ、そんなんじゃないけど、あたし、怖がりだし、なかなか友達が……
Bernadetta: That's n-not what I mean. Oh, I'm such a coward!
I thought it would be great if we could be closer.
But old memories just get in the way for me.
ドロテア: いったいどうしちゃったの、ベルちゃん?私ならいつでも大歓迎よ。
Dorothea: Bern, whatever happened in the past, you know you have my full support. I'm here for you.
I thought we'd already been friends for a long time no. Please...
ベルナデッタ: や、や、やっぱり無理ですうううう!これ以上、仲良くなったら……
Bernadetta: Just forget it. We'll never be close friends.
Father would just... He would just... Aaaah! Nooo!
ドロテア: 待って! あ……。……お父様?
Dorothea: Wait! I...Father? What did she mean by that?
ドロテア: 待ってたわよ、ベルちゃん。さあ、そこに座ってちょうだい。
Dorothea: Hello, Bern.
ベルナデッタ: えっ、あっ、はい。あの、あたし、何されるのかな。
Bernadetta: Oh, no. What did I do this time?
Did I offend you? Is this your revenge?
ドロテア: 何も恨みなんてないわよ……。ちょっと座ってくれる?
Dorothea: No, not at all. I just want to talk.
ベルナデッタ: いいけど、暴力は反対だからね!ね!
Bernadetta: If you promise not to resort to violence, I'll do whatever you want.
ドロテア: 暴力って……ベルちゃん。私ね、ずっと貴女のこと気になってたのよ。
私と仲良くしたいけど、お父様が……って言ってたことあるでしょ? 覚えてる?
Dorothea: Bern, I've just been worried about you. That's all.
When I said I was your friend, you ran away, saying something about your father. Remember?
ベルナデッタ: そんなこともあったような……。
Bernadetta: Um... Vaguely...
ドロテア: 何か嫌な思い出でもあるの?私に話せるかしら。
Dorothea: I know you've lived through some bad times. If you could tell me about it, maybe I could help?
ベルナデッタ: えーと、その……
Bernadetta: Oh, I don't know.
ドロテア: ここには、貴女のお父様はいないわ。大丈夫。だから、教えて?
Dorothea: Please. Your father's not here now. Whatever it is, you're safe to tell me.
ベルナデッタ: ……うん。じゃあ、話すね、ドロテアさん。
Bernadetta: All right...
ベルナデッタ: あたし、両親から、平民なんかと友達になっちゃいけないって躾けられたの。
Bernadetta: My parents told me never to befriend a commoner.
They said commoners are scum and that they'd crush any that tried to come near me.
ドロテア: ご、ゴミ? 虫けら!?
Dorothea: Hang on. Scum? They called me—I mean commoners—they called us scum?
ベルナデッタ: う、うん……。でもね、あたし、昔、こっそり平民の男の子と友達になったの。
Bernadetta: Yeah. But once, a long time ago, I did secretly make friends with one...a boy.
When my father found out about him, he disappeared the very next day.
I heard he was found beaten half to death. I never saw him again.
Since then, I've been terrified of making friends with anyone. Commoners, especially.
ドロテア: ……そんな事情があったのね。ベルちゃん、これまでよく頑張ってきたわ。
Dorothea: I... I never knew that kind of thing really happened. You hear stories, sure, but... Oh, Bern. I'm so sorry.
ベルナデッタ: ううっ……
Bernadetta: …
ドロテア: もう大丈夫。私が貴女にとって二番目の、平民の友達ね。
Dorothea: I'm proud to be your commoner friend!
ベルナデッタ: うええええええええええん!ドロテアさあああああああん!
Bernadetta: Dorothea!
ドロテア: ふふっ、安心して、ベルちゃん。
Dorothea: Hey now, relax. There's nothing to bawl about.
If your dad tried to beat me up, I'd return the favor and then some.
ベルナデッタ: ふえええええええ……ひぐっ……ひくっ……返り討ち……?
Bernadetta: Return...the favor?
ドロテア: 冗談じゃないのよ。歌姫をやってた頃には何度も恐ろしい目に遭ってきたんだから。
Dorothea: When I was in the opera, you better believe I had run-ins with the most wicked, terrible men.
I survived kidnappings, attempted murders, all kinds of stuff. But you know what?
I broke those guys' arms. Snap! It was a thank-you for all the trouble they went through trying to hurt me.
ベルナデッタ: くふっ……ひくっ……すごいね、ドロテアさん……。
Bernadetta: You're incredible, Dorothea.
ドロテア: だから、大丈夫。仲良く二人で頑張っていきましょ?
Dorothea: So now that you know I can defend myself, can we be friends, Bern?
ベルナデッタ: ……うん!あたし、頑張る、頑張りたい!
Bernadetta: All right. Yeah. Yeah!