リシテア: 訓練、疲れた……、お腹空いた……。よし、こんな時のための……携帯お菓子!
Lysithea: Ugh, training was exhausting today. Need some quick energy.
Aha! Perfect time for my favorite candy! I won't make it back to my room without this sweet, sweet energy, and no one's around, soooo...
Mmm... Mmm...
バルタザール: おっと、コーデリア家のご令嬢か。訓練の帰りかい、ご苦労さん。
Balthus: Lookee here! It's the little lady of House Ordelia. Just back from training, yeah? You're unstoppable.
リシテア: ………………。
Lysithea: Mmm... Mmm... Mmm...
バルタザール: ん? お前、頬が腫れてんじゃねえか。訓練で誰かにやられちまったか?
Balthus: Not feeling chatty, I see. Something to do with those puffy cheeks? Got a cavity brewing, or what?
リシテア: ……ちはいまふ。
Lysithea: I definitely don't!
バルタザール: あ? まともに喋れねえほど酷えのかよ。早く医務室に行かねえとまずいな。
Balthus: So bad you can't even speak properly. Poor thing. It's OK, I know a guy. He'll have that rotten tooth out in no time.
リシテア: ひみまへむっへ!
Lysithea: No need!
バルタザール: おうよ、これでも応急処置は得意なんだ。おれ自身も生傷が絶えねえからなあ。
Balthus: Yep. Best in the business. Uses special tools and everything. Door and a string or some such.
リシテア: ……!! ……け、結構です!
Lysithea: No! No! Thank you!
バルタザール: なんだ、何か食ってたのか。紛らわしいなあ、おい。
Balthus: Ah. You just had food in your mouth. You could have told me that a lot sooner, you know.
リシテア: 勝手に勘違いして文句言わないでくれます?それから……この件は内密に願います。
Lysithea: Wow. Placing the blame on me? What a piece of work. But, uh... hey. Don't tell anyone.
バルタザール: 肉を頬張って歩いてたことか?
Balthus: That you were walking around with acorn-stuffed cheeks like some kind of overzealous squirrel?
リシテア: 肉じゃありません!……お菓子です。
Lysithea: Ugh! It wasn't acorns. It was candy!
バルタザール: 菓子か。別に誰にも言わねえよ。腹が減ったら何か食う、普通のことだろ。
Balthus: Even still, I don't plan on telling anyone a hungry girl ate some food. Not much of a story, really.
リシテア: いいえ、外でお菓子をモグモグしてたなんて子どもみたいだと笑われます。
Lysithea: You don't get it. If people think I'm gnawing on candy, they'll think I'm nothing more than a child.
バルタザール: そうか? 食い物を持ち歩くのはむしろ大人の嗜みじゃねえのかい。
Balthus: That a fact? I'd say it's downright prudent to fortify yourself any chance you get. Mature, even.
リシテア: は?
Lysithea: Wait... What?
バルタザール: 物騒な世の中だ。いつ地下牢にぶち込まれて飲まず食わずの状態になるかわからねえ。
Balthus: Nothing is certain in life, not even your next meal. You never know when you'll be taken into custody and have to go without food and drink for a while.
リシテア: あんたって、今までどんな世の中を生きてきたんですか……。
Lysithea: Just what kind of a world do you inhabit, mister?
バルタザール: まさにそういう世の中だが?暴れちゃあ逃げ、逃げちゃあ暴れ……
Balthus: The real world, little lady. My life is a collection of getting into trouble, getting caught, and getting free.
バルタザール: 暴れちゃあ逃げ、逃げちゃあ暴れを繰り返して生きてきたってわけだな。
バルタザール: あ、そんな時にお前の両親に助けられたこともあるんだぜ。
Balthus: One time I was actually rescued by your parents. Bet you didn't know that, eh?
リシテア: 父と母が? あんたを助けたの?
Lysithea: They... rescued you?
バルタザール: おれにとっちゃ恩人でな。おっと……ゆっくり話してる場合じゃねえんだった。
Balthus: Too true. I owe them for that. I... Gah! I forgot I'm actually in a rush.
I gotta run. Enjoy your secret candy, pal.
リシテア: 父様と母様が、バルタザールを助けた……?いつの話なのかしら……。
Lysithea: Mother and Father rescued that guy? But when would that have happened?
リシテア: バルタザール、ちょっといいですか。
Lysithea: Balthus, do you have a moment?
バルタザール: おっと、コーデリア家のご令嬢か。おれなんかに何の用だい。
Balthus: Well, well! It's the little lady of House Ordelia. What can I do for you?
リシテア: 前に聞いた話が気になりまして。わたしの父と母が、あんたを助けたって……
Lysithea: You piqued my interest when you spoke about my parents coming to your rescue.
バルタザール: そんな話したか?まあ助けられたのは事実だがよ。
Balthus: Ah, right. Forgot I let that slip.
After I fled my home, I became something of a vagrant. Getting into fights, borrowing money I couldn't pay back, the works.
リシテア: ええ、噂は聞いています。ろくでもありませんね。
Lysithea: Oh, I know all about it. You were quite the vagabond.
バルタザール: そんなこんなで、どこにいっても煙たがられて、食うにも困る日々……
Balthus: Wherever I went, I was treated like trash. Securing enough food to live on got harder and harder.
It became clear that I wasn't welcome in Alliance territory, so I decided to head on over to the Empire.
My big mistake was stopping by the Great Bridge of Myrddin on the way.
Just my luck, some jerk of a minor lord north of the bridge was on a hunt for the bounty on my head.
リシテア: 酷いですね……。そこまでするなんて。
Lysithea: Oh, that's awful...
バルタザール: おれ一人ならどうにでもなるんだが、関係ねえ連中まで狩られちゃ一大事だ。
Balthus: Would have been fine if I'd been alone, but innocent folks were around. Didn't want to endanger them.
That's when I turned tail. I ran until I couldn't run another step, and found myself in Ordelia territory.
I knew Count Ordelia from when I was still with my family's house, so it seemed like a decent option.
I was hoping our history would be enough to secure a place of sanctuary... but no such luck.
リシテア: 断られた……?
Lysithea: They refused to take you in?
バルタザール: ああ。何か事情があったようでな。すぐに領地から出ていくよう言われたのさ。
Balthus: Yeah. I could tell there was some reason behind it, but they told me to get out as fast as I could.
リシテア: ……帝国の干渉を受けていた時期でしょう。あの頃は何の自由もありませんでしたから。
Lysithea: Ah... I imagine it was when the Empire was meddling with my family. We lived in shackles back then.
バルタザール: らしいな。だが彼らは、帝国の人間の目を盗んで、食料を分けてくれたんだ。
Balthus: Makes sense. Still, I'm grateful. They gave me food and distracted the Empire's cronies so I could escape.
I was half dead from starvation, so that meal saved my life–no joke. Your family's the real deal.
Just imagine what the Empire would have done to me. I can tell you it wouldn't have been pretty.
リシテア: そうだったと思います。外の人間との接触を厳しく禁じていましたからね。
Lysithea: I have no doubts. We weren't allowed contact with anyone from outside. It was strictly forbidden.
バルタザール: ……で、そん時におれは誓いを立てたんだ。いつか必ず、彼らに恩を返すとね。
Balthus: I see. Well, that's when I vowed to find a way to repay them. One day, I'll do just that.
リシテア: なるほど。……で、その誓いはいつ果たすんですか?
Lysithea: And when do you intend to carry out this vow of yours?
In due honesty, I don't see you as someone capable of carrying out vows right now. Or even keeping your things together.
バルタザール: ぶはっはっは、返す言葉もねえ。その機会は、もう少し後になりそうだな。
Balthus: Haha! Can't argue with that. It'll take me a while to repay that debt, but I will. Just you wait and see.
バルタザール: リシテア嬢、ご機嫌麗しゅう。ちょいと小耳に挟んだんだが……
Balthus: Little Lysithea! These ears miss nothing, you know.
リシテア: 何ですか、いったい。
Lysithea: What are you on about this time?
バルタザール: コーデリア伯が、いずれ爵位を返上するつもりだってのは、本当なのかい。
Balthus: Is it true that Count Ordelia plans to relinquish his title eventually?
リシテア: 本当ですけど……それが何か?
Lysithea: Yes. But why are you asking?
バルタザール: いや、悪くねえ話だと思ってよ。窮屈な貴族より自由な平民!ってな。
Balthus: I approve, that's all. Throwing off the shackles of nobility to live freely. It's a beautiful thing.
リシテア: ……あんたと一緒にしないでくれます?
Lysithea: I would ask that you refrain from painting them with the same brushstrokes that you so liberally paint yourself with.
My mother and father will carry on with all the associated duties befitting of nobles. Only after that they will retire.
バルタザール: ああ、わかってるよ。てめえの都合で貴族の身分を捨てたおれとは雲泥の差だ。
Balthus: Got it. And that's completely different from someone like me who tapped out of the nobility game, right?
Your parents are exemplary nobles, that's for sure. I respect that you support them as much as you do.
リシテア: う……そんなふうに言われると、むしろ戸惑いますけど。
Lysithea: Would you just stop. You're embarrassing me.
バルタザール: 謙遜せず胸張っとけよ。お前を見てると、おれは自分が恥ずかしくなってくるぜ。
Balthus: Can't be helped. Meant every word. If anyone should have red cheeks, it's me, given the choices I've made.
リシテア: ……あんただって、いろいろと事情があったんでしょ?
Lysithea: I'm sure you had your reasons.
バルタザール: そりゃあまあ、そうだが……。だとしてももう少し実家と向き合うべきかな、と。
Balthus: Of course. Still, it's a bit cowardly of me not to stand up to my family a little more.
Honestly... It's since getting to know you that I've started thinking along these lines.
One day so, I'll return to that house. My reception will be chilly at best... Still, it must be done.
My house is full of lowlifes. But it also has my little bro, who took over when I left. He's good people.
Even with the difficulties in Leicester, our house is still going strong. That's his doing.
That's why I've decided that it's time to talk to him about what can be done to help Count Ordelia.
リシテア: それは嬉しいですけど……まさか自分の恩返しを弟さんにさせるつもりですか。
Lysithea: Repaying your perceived debt would be nice, sure, but it sounds like you intend to foist your responsibility on to your little brother.
バルタザール: そんなわけねえだろ……。おれはおれで、ちゃんと別の形で恩を返すさ。
Balthus: Ah, but the two aren't related. This is just the right thing to do. I'm still pondering how best to fulfill my vow.
リシテア: へえ……
Lysithea: Uh-huh...
バルタザール: おやおや、ご令嬢。信じてねえな?
Balthus: Wow. You don't believe me, do you, little lady?
リシテア: じゃあ、どんな恩返しなんですか。
Lysithea: Just what exactly are you planning on in terms of this... repayment?
バルタザール: 爵位を返上した後、お前ら家族がしっかり暮らせるように世話させてもらう。
Balthus: After your family relinquishes their noble titles, I'll support them so you can all live in peace.
リシテア: 甲斐性もないのに?
Lysithea: Even though you're a lowlife?
バルタザール: 甲斐性はねえが、おれは貴族の生活も、平民以下の放浪生活も味わってる。
Balthus: That may be true―and it is―but consider this. I've seen life from both sides. As a noble and a vagabond.
When their situation changes, they'll face new challenges. I'm the perfect guy to help 'em through.
リシテア: ふうん……あんたって、いい加減でだらしないけど、悪い人ではないし……
Lysithea: You're irresponsible and unreliable, but clearly, you're not a bad person.
And your support would be most appreciated.
Just so you're aware, however, we have no means with which to pay you. So are you sure you're still willing to follow through with this?
バルタザール: そんなもん端から期待してねえって。だが、どうしてもっていうんなら……
Balthus: I wasn't planning on doing this for a payout. But if you really insisted on a thank-you gift...
Well, you could always accept me into your family. Then paying me wouldn't be a consideration.
リシテア: それは……、ええと……どういう……?
Lysithea: Excuse me? Just what are you insinuating?
バルタザール: ま、おれの恩返しはまだ始まってもいねえ。これからゆっくり、付き合ってもらうぜ?
Balthus: Don't think too hard about it just yet. I still have lots of debts to pay and affairs to settle. In the meantime, let's just stick close together, yeah?
Balthus accompanied Lysithea home to help her parents restore their family land, securing the aid of his younger brother, who happened to be lord of a nearby domain. Years later, when the end to their hard work was finally in sight, Lysithea relinquished House Ordelia's claim to nobility, ceding the territory to a nearby lord. Shortly thereafter, Balthus brought her and her family to Kupala, in Fodlan's Throat. There, they fell in love and lived peaceful, happy lives blending in with the mountain folk.