バルタザール: よう、ヒルダ。ちょろっと金貸してくんねえか。
Balthus: Hilda! Be a dear and spot me some gold, will ya?
ヒルダ: ……バル兄、冗談とはいえ挨拶代わりに金の無心するのどうかと思うけどー?
Hilda: Slow down, Baltie. You can't be asking for money without so much as a hello. You're kidding, right?
バルタザール: 冗談だと思ってたのかよ。おれはいつだって本気だぜ?
Balthus: Kidding. Yeah... Thing is, I was deadly serious. I don't joke about matters of gold.
ヒルダ: それはそれで、どうかと思うけど……。昔はこんなんじゃなかったのになー。
Hilda: Ugh. Your request is denied. You didn't use to be like this, you know?
バルタザール: こんなんって何だよ、お前。おれは今も昔も変わってねえって。
Balthus: I get the feeling you don't mean anything good by that. But come on, I'm the same as I ever was.
ヒルダ: あたしが小さい頃に遊んでくれたバル兄はもっと頼もしかったと思うけどー。
Hilda: No. You used to be dependable.
Like that time in the woods near Fódlan's Throat. You remember?
バルタザール: うーん……?そんなこともあったか。
Balthus: Thinking, thinking... Are you sure that was me?
ヒルダ: あったんだよ。あたしが兄さんにさ、遠くまでお散歩に行きたーい!って頼んで。
Hilda: Yes! Ugh. I had told Holst I wanted to go on a walk in the forest.
バルタザール: ホルストは昔っから、ヒルダのおねだりに弱かったもんなあ。
Balthus: Heh, Holst never could tell you "no."
ヒルダ: でも森に着いた途端、魔物の群れに襲われて……あたし、大泣きしちゃって。
Hilda: Hm, few can. Anyway, when the three of us got there, a horde of monsters appeared. I started wailing.
バルタザール: ふんふん、それで?
Balthus: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Then what happened?
ヒルダ: 兄さんが木剣で先頭の魔物を叩いて、その間にバル兄があたしを担いで逃げたの。
Hilda: My brother started hitting one of the beasts with a wooden sword. You hoisted me over your shoulder.
Holst told you to get me to safety, even if it killed you.
So you ran the whole way from the forest to the estate with me on your back.
バルタザール: ああ、思い出してきた。ありゃキツかった。疲労困憊で内臓丸ごと口から出そうだった。
Balthus: Ah! I remember it now. Toughest run of my life. I was so exhausted, I threw up about a month's worth of lunches afterward.
ヒルダ: それなのに「ホルストを助けに戻る」!って、また来た道を飛ぶように引き返して。
Hilda: And then you turned right around and started running back. You said, "I've gotta save Holst!"
バルタザール: そしたら案の定、ホルストが魔物どもに食われそうになってたからよ。
Balthus: A good thing too. Holst was moments from winding up in that thing's stomach.
Had to slam into it, then Holst and I kept punching till the deed was done! Truly a fight to remember.
ヒルダ: で、見事に魔物の群れを撃退したんだよね。二人とも、まだ15才とかじゃなかった?
Hilda: It was impressive, especially since you were just teenagers.
When you came back... you were just bruised boys in tattered clothes. But to me, you looked like heroes.
And now, here you are, a scrounger who can hardly open his mouth without nagging me for money.
What happened to that brave little boy who saved me from a monster?
バルタザール: 面目ねえ……が、懐が寒々しくてよ。生きてるだけで金がかかる、嫌な世の中だ。
Balthus: Wow. Way to shame a guy. I feel awful... but I still need gold. Can't live without it in this cruel world.
ヒルダ: とか言いながら、お酒だ賭け事だに使っちゃってんでしょ? ほんっと最低。
Hilda: Oh, come on. We both know that when you have money, you drink or gamble it all away.
But I suppose I could ask my brother to help pay off your debts. Get you back on your feet.
バルタザール: よせ! ホルストに頼むのは駄目だ!
Balthus: Don't you dare speak to Holst about this!
He's a close friend. I'd hate to ruin what we have by borrowing gold.
ヒルダ: ……その親友の妹ならいいわけ?ほんっと最低。
Hilda: Oh! But you have no qualms about using his little sister? Figured I'd be an easy mark, is that it? Unbelievable.
バルタザール: あーいや……面目ねえ……。
Balthus: That... coulda gone better.
ヒルダ: きゃっ!
Hilda: Woah! Easy there, big guy. I'm fragile, you know.
バルタザール: ヒルダ!下がってろ、ここはおれがやる!
Balthus: Stand back, Hilda! I've got this!
ヒルダ: ふええ……バル兄、助かったよー。大丈夫? 怪我しなかった?
Hilda: Whew. Thanks for the help, Baltie. Are you, OK?
バルタザール: あんなもん、どうってこと……いてて。
Balthus: What, this? It's noth― Argh!
ヒルダ: そんなに無理して守ってくれなくてもあたしなら大丈夫だよー?
Hilda: Ouch! You didn't have to do that, you know. I didn't ask you to get yourself beaten up.
If I thought I might have to break a sweat, I'd have gotten out of there myself.
バルタザール: まあ、お前がそういう奴だってのはわかってるが、それでも心配でよ。
Balthus: I know, I know. But I can't help but worry when I see you in a tight spot.
Holst told me to keep an eye on you and all. It's the least I could do.
ヒルダ: え? そうなの?最近、兄さんに会ったの?
Hilda: Huh. I didn't realize you were still in touch with my brother.
バルタザール: いや、ずっと昔の話だけどよ。俺に何かあったら妹を頼む、みてえなさ。
Balthus: Nah, this was ages ago. Told me if anything happened to him, it was up to me to look after you.
ヒルダ: 何かあったらって、兄さんまだ元気だけど。
Hilda: What could possibly happen to Holst? He's indestructible.
バルタザール: そうだが、もしお前が大怪我でもしてその時おれも一緒だったと知れた日にゃ……
Balthus: True. But what would he think if I let you get hurt when I could've saved you? Not on my watch, pal.
ヒルダ: ああ……命が危ないわねー。
Hilda: Ha, good point. He'd kill you.
バルタザール: だろ? 万夫不当の格闘王とはいえ、あいつだけは相手にしたくねえ……。
Balthus: It's a real concern. I may be the Renowned King of Grappling, but I still wouldn't want to take on Holst.
ヒルダ: あはは……だけど、あんまり無茶してバル兄が帰らぬ人にでもなったら……
Hilda: Haha! He'd tear you to pieces... But if you did get killed trying to protect me, Holst would be crushed.
Not as crushed as if something happened to me. But still, he'd be broken up about it.
バルタザール: そうかねえ。だとしても、あいつはおれが下手を踏むとは思っちゃいねえよ。
Balthus: Maybe so. But in that case, at least he wouldn't think I'd messed up.
As much as I believe in Holst, he also believes in me.
Because of that, I won't ever let him down. And on that note...
Even if you think I'm in over my head, don't worry about it. I'd like for you to believe in me too.
ヒルダ: うーん。気にするなって言われてもなー。
Hilda: I can't stop worrying about you on command. That's not how worrying works.
バルタザール: 好きでやってることだ。万一おれが死んだら、そん時は泣いてくれ。
Balthus: Heh, fair. But I do what I do because I want to. If it lands me beneath the dirt sooner than later, well save your tears for my funeral.
ヒルダ: そんな悲しいこと言わないでよ。とりあえず生きといてねー?
Hilda: I hate when people talk about death like it's no big deal. Try to keep your stupid heart beating, all right?
バルタザール: フンッ! ホッ! ウラッ!
Balthus: Hyah! Ha! Hiiiyah!
ヒルダ: あれー? バル兄、こんな時間まで訓練?柄にもなく熱心だねー。
Hilda: Baltie? Still training at this hour? How unexpectedly diligent of you.
バルタザール: おう、ヒルダか。……お前、最近どうだ?
Balthus: Ah, Hilda. How are things? Anything...of note to report?
ヒルダ: どうって、何がよ。
Hilda: I'm not sure what you mean.
バルタザール: 変な男に言い寄られてねえかって話。
Balthus: Oh, I don't know. You haven't been approached by any lovelorn goons lately, have you?
ヒルダ: はあ? ……そういえば最近、男の子からのお誘いが少なくなったような。
Hilda: Hmm, now that you mention it, it's been a few days since any guys have flirted with me.
バルタザール: よしよし、ちゃんと男どもには伝わってるようだな……。
Balthus: Fantastic. They got the hint.
ヒルダ: ちょっとちょっとー。バル兄、何かおかしなことしてる?
Hilda: Whoa, whoa, wait a second. Are you pulling some weird prank on me?
バルタザール: いや、おれはホルストの想いを裏切れねえからよ。
Balthus: Of course not. I'm just doing my best to keep my promise to Holst, that's all.
ヒルダ: その話、ずーっと昔のことなんでしょ?もう兄さんだって忘れてるよ。
Hilda: Oh, not this again. That was ages ago! I'm sure my brother's forgotten all about it.
バルタザール: いやさ、この前久しぶりに会った時に別のことを頼まれちまってな。
Balthus: Dead wrong, pal. I actually had the chance to see him recently, and he had a new request for me.
ヒルダ: え……まさか、あたしに近寄る男を片っ端からブッ飛ばしてくれ、みたいな?
Hilda: What? He told you to get rid of any guys who show interest in me, so I can stay his innocent little sister forever?
バルタザール: 違えよ。セテスの旦那じゃあるめえし。
Balthus: That sounds more like Seteth than Holst, don't you think?
ヒルダ: じゃあ、何を頼まれたっていうの?
Hilda: Mm, fair point. What was the request?
バルタザール: お前を嫁にって考えてる野郎は多い。だからおれが試してやってんのさ。
Balthus: Guys here have the gall to consider you a potential bride. It's my job to test 'em. See if they're worthy.
ヒルダ: 試すって、まさか……
Hilda: I don't like where this is going.
バルタザール: このバルタザール様を倒さねえ限り、嫁にはやらん!って奴だ。
Balthus: Since Holst isn't here to do the honors, I've spread the word that nobody is fit to marry you unless they can defeat the Great King of Grappling in a fight.
ヒルダ: はああ? それじゃ片っ端からブッ飛ばせってのと変わらないじゃない!
Hilda: What?! That's exactly the same as getting rid of them!
バルタザール: だいぶ違えだろ。おれは、おれに挑んできた奴しかブッ飛ばさねえんだぞ?
Balthus: How so? It only eliminates the guys who are dumb enough to take up the challenge.
ヒルダ: だけど、“格闘王”に挑もうなんていう無謀な人なんていないでしょう。
Hilda: No one is that dumb. No one around here thinks they can beat the Stupendous King of Grappling or whatever.
バルタザール: そこは不意打ち上等にしてやってるから、意外に挑戦者は多いんだぜ?
Balthus: That's why I leveled the playing field by allowing sneak attacks. Plenty have already tried their luck.
One guy actually tried to strangle me in my sleep.
ヒルダ: あたし、寝込みを襲って首絞めるような人と結婚したくないんですけど……。
Hilda: Wow, a sleep-strangler. He sounds like husband material.
バルタザール: だからこうして鍛え直してるってわけよ。中途半端な野郎にヒルダはやれねえ。
Balthus: And that's why I've been training so much. Can't let you end up with some weakling, after all.
ヒルダ: やめてやめて。今より強くなっちゃったらあたし一生、結婚なんてできないじゃない!
Hilda: This is madness! If you keep getting stronger, there won't be anyone who fits the bill!
バルタザール: そうだなあ、このバルタザール様を倒せる奴なんざ、フォドラ中を探しても……
Balthus: True. You could spend your whole life searching and never find a match for Balthus the Great. The only people who stand a chance are Holst...and me! Heh!
ヒルダ: バル兄をバル兄が倒すって、何それ。
Hilda: To prove that you're worthy of my hand in marriage, you're going to fight...yourself?
バルタザール: てめえの敵はてめえ自身って言うだろ?おれはいつかおれを倒すんだよ。
Balthus: I always knew I was my own worst enemy. One day, I'll finally meet my equal in battle. Me.
ヒルダ: あっははは……何それ、意味わかんないけど。
Hilda: Haha! So you're going to punch yourself out? Is that your idea of a romantic gesture?
バルタザール: そうなったときには、ちゃーんと約束を果たしてやるからな、ヒルダ。
Balthus: When that fateful day arrives, Hilda, I want you to know that I intend to keep my word.
ヒルダ: うーん……? ま、いっか。
Hilda: Huh. A girl could do worse, I suppose.
Most of Balthus's debts vanished in the chaos after the war, and those few that remained were paid off with what he had earned in the fighting. Free to do as he pleased, he sought out Hilda, and the two of them went on an adventure around the world. Crossing Fodlan's Throat, they journeyed through and beyond Almyra, where they are said to have found a kingdom of gold in the far east. Though the details of their adventure are largely lost, one anecdote firmly remains. To win Holst's blessing to take his sister out of Fodlan, Balthus had to beat him in a duel.