アッシュ: あれ、あそこにいるのはペトラ……?買い物の最中かな。
Ashe: Oh, is that Petra? Looks like she's out shopping.
アンナ: さあ、お姉さん、買うの? 買わないの?言っとくけどこれ以上はまけられないわよ?
Anna: Hey there, young lady! Are you looking to buy or would you rather cry? Just so you know, there's no beating my prices!
ペトラ: まけられない……わたしも、負けません。わたし、あなた、勝負です?
Petra: Cry...beating... Are you wanting to battle me?
アンナ: 勝負!? 根比べってことかしら……。あたしに挑むなんて、身の程を教え……え?
Anna: As in a battle of wills? Trust me, kid, you don't want to waste your life trying to beat me at... Huh?
ペトラ: 剣、弓、どちら、戦います?あなた、弓の心得、ある、思います。
Petra: Sword or bow... Which are you fighting with? You have skill with both, I am thinking.
アッシュ: ペ、ペトラ!こんなところで喧嘩? 危ないよ!
Ashe: Petra! What are you doing!?
Why are you fighting? Wh-what did she say?
ペトラ: いえ、わたし、買い物、依頼されました。しかし、商人……勝負、挑みます。
Petra: I was asked to be coming here and do the shopping, but then this merchant gave me her challenge!
アッシュ: 勝負……?いったいどういうことなんだろう……
Ashe: Huh? This has to be a misunderstanding.
Look, I'll help you. What were you trying to buy?
ペトラ: 傷薬、必要です。使う人、増える、足りなくなる、現状です。
Petra: We are needing vulneraries. Many people make use of them and our stock is lowly.
アッシュ: よし、わかった。じゃあ、ここは僕に任せて!
Ashe: Got it. Just leave this to me.
アッシュ: うーん……これ、ちょっと高くないですか?もう少し、安くできるでしょう?
Ashe: Come on, isn't that price a little high? Surely you can afford to go a bit lower.
アンナ: 何言ってるのよ。これでも譲歩に譲歩を重ねた値段よ?
Anna: Are you kidding? This is even lower than my usual bargain rate.
アッシュ: ふーん……でも、街の入り口にある店では、この3割は値引いてくれそうでしたよ?
Ashe: Really? Because the shop over by the gates is selling the same item for a little more than half that.
Guess I'll have to head back there after all.
アンナ: え、待って待って! わかったわ!1割引きにするから、それでどう?
Anna: Hey! Let's all take a deep breath. Here's the deal. I'll give you...another 10 percent off. How's that?
アッシュ: 2割。2割引きなら、買います。
Ashe: Make it 20 percent and you've got a deal.
アンナ: ……しょうがないわねえ、2割引きよ!まったく、値切り上手なんだから。
Anna: Hmph. You drive a hard bargain. Fine, 20 percent. But you better be grateful!
ペトラ: 買い物、無事、完了しました。アッシュ、感謝します。
Petra: The shopping was successful. You have my gratitude, Ashe.
アッシュ: たいしたことじゃないよ。こういう買い物には慣れてるからね。
Ashe: Not a problem. I'm used to this sort of thing.
ペトラ: 値段、交渉、ですか。フォドラの買い物、技術、必要です。
Petra: Bargaining for prices in Fódlan is...complicated.
I am thankful for this bargain. Now the extra can be given back to our professor.
I had learnings about the customs of Fódlan. I have gratitude for that too.
アッシュ: え、いや、値切るのは別に、フォドラの流儀ってわけじゃなくて……
Ashe: Ah, I wouldn't call it a custom, exactly.
It's just a trick we commoners use to save money.
ペトラ: 損得、考える、平民、素晴らしい、技術、相伝する、しています。
Petra: Efficiency with money is a wonderful culture.
アッシュ: 相伝って……そんな大げさな……。
Ashe: I promise you it's really nothing special.
ペトラ: アッシュ、感謝、伝えます。平民の流儀、学ぶ、わたし、役立つ、です。
Petra: Ashe, I need to give you more gratitude for the commoner techniques you showed me.
アッシュ: 平民の流儀……ああ! いつか傷薬を値切った時のこと?
Ashe: Commoner techniques? Oh! You mean when I haggled for you.
ペトラ: はい。アッシュ、値切る、報告する……先生、賞賛、でした、金、節約、成功です。
Petra: Yes. It has made for many savings. I was telling the professor. We both are so happy.
アッシュ: あ、あはは……やっぱりおおげさだよ。まあ、喜んでくれたみたいだし、いいけど。
Ashe: Really, it wasn't a big deal. But I'm glad the professor was pleased.
ペトラ: ………………。
Petra: Hmm...
アッシュ: ……え、えっと?僕の顔、何かついてる?
Ashe: Uh, what is it? Do I have something on my face?
ペトラ: わたし、帝都、暮らしていました。そして、大修道院、来ました。
Petra: For a lot of time, I was living in the Imperial capital. Then I came here, to the monastery.
Both places contain many nobles and many chances to be learning noble customs.
アッシュ: そうだね。確かに身の回りにいると、自然といろんな作法に触れる機会がある。
Ashe: That's true. When you're surrounded by new people, you naturally pick up all kinds of stuff.
Though with nobles, there's a lot to learn. All the etiquette is overwhelming.
Not to mention the dancing. Ahh, I just keep stepping on my partner's feet!
ペトラ: フォドラでは、貴族、小さい頃から、踊り、稽古する、だから、上手、です。
Petra: In Fódlan, the nobles are training for dancing since their youth. They have much skill.
アッシュ: 僕が小さい頃は、親の酒場を手伝いながら暇を見つけては弟たちと遊んで……
Ashe: When I was a kid, I spent most of my time helping out at my parents' restaurant and playing with my brother and sister.
Back then, I never dreamed I'd ever be studying at a proper academy with all these nobles.
ペトラ: ……わたし、平民の流儀、知りました。しかし、平民の流儀、不足する、です。
Petra: I have learned many customs of the nobles but few of the commoners.
I am hoping you will teach me. Techniques, secret skills, anything. All of the things.
アッシュ: え、奥義……?あははは……そんなものなんてないよ。
Ashe: Secret skills? Haha, I don't think I know anything that fancy.
ペトラ: いいえ。例えば、金、節約する技、もし、貴族すべて、修得すれば……
Petra: That is not the truth. The technique for money saving could be helpful even for nobles.
It has use for all the world!
アッシュ: うーん……そんな単純な話かなあ……。それに、本当に奥義なんてないんだって。
Ashe: I don't know about that. Really, I don't have any special secrets.
ペトラ: 平民の技術、平民のみ、伝授する……一子相伝、ですか。わかりました。
Petra: Commoner wisdom is only to be shared with commoners, then? I have understanding. Forbidden knowledge.
Ashe, how about we make a bargain? We can be trading information.
In Brigid, powerful curse techniques are passed down. And we can speak with the spirits. I can be teaching you these things.
アッシュ: 呪殺……!? いやいやいや、そんな物騒な情報、知らなくていいよ!
Ashe: What?! C-curses?! No, no, no, no, no! I-I don't need any dangerous information like that!
But if you really insist, I guess I could teach you a few things about what life is like on the streets.
ペトラ: 奥義、その先、ありますか?承知です!
Petra: You will be showing me the secret techniques? I cannot be waiting!
Ashe: Uh, that's not what I meant...
アッシュ: ペトラ、こっちこっち。
Ashe: Over here, Petra!
ペトラ: アッシュ。わたし、この路地、来る、未経験です。
Petra: Ashe... I do not have familiarity with this alley.
アッシュ: 心配いらないよ。……ほら、この宿場だ。少し汚い店だけど、料理は絶品なんだよ。
Ashe: That's all right. This is the place I was talking about. It's not much to look at, but the food's incredible!
店主: ほら、お待ちどうさま。ゆっくり召し上がれ。
Shopkeeper: Here you are, friends. Enjoy your meal!
アッシュ: わ、今日も美味しそう!いただきます!
Ashe: Mmm, looks great! Let's dig in!
ペトラ: いただく、します。
Petra: OK... I will be giving this my try.
Oh! It has a delicious flavor! Ashe, what is the dish being called?
アッシュ: うーん、たぶん名前なんてないよ。その日あるもので、適当に作るんだって。
Ashe: Um, I'm not sure if it has a name. They just kind of throw together whatever they've got.
But that means you never eat the same dish twice. Not knowing what you'll get is part of the fun!
ペトラ: 千変万化の料理……貴族、行く、店、ありません。平民の流儀、です。
Petra: A dish of infinite varieties... You would not be finding such a wonder in a restaurant for nobles. A commoner technique, indeed!
ペトラ: アッシュ、感謝、します。わたし、平民の流儀、多く、知りました。
Petra: I give you my gratitude, Ashe. I have learned a great many things about the commoner techniques.
アッシュ: そんなかしこまらないでよ。こっちこそ、付き合ってくれてありがとう。
Ashe: No need to be so formal. I like showing you around.
Not many people want to come to places like this.
ペトラ: ……ですが、わたし、一方的です。交換条件、本当に、不要、ですか?
Petra: But I am feeling that our deal has been very... one-sided. Are you sure you are not needing anything in exchange?
If you are not wanting any curses, I can offer other information in trade...
アッシュ: えっと……ねえ、ペトラ。そういうの、もうやめない?
Ashe: Hey, come on. Stop that.
ペトラ: やめる……?何、やめますか?
Petra: Stop that? What am I stopping?
アッシュ: 交換条件とか、対価とか……そういう損得なんて考えなくていいよ。
Ashe: Talking about payment. You don't owe me anything.
We're friends, aren't we? Friends don't pay each other for the time they spend together.
ペトラ: ……わたし、あなた、友達……友人、ですか?
Petra: You and I... are friends? Are you speaking truth?
アッシュ: うん、もちろん! だから、好きなことを聞いて、好きなことを話そうよ。
Ashe: I hope so, at least! So, why don't we just talk about whatever we'd like, OK?
ペトラ: ……はい、承知です。わたし、好きなこと、話します。
Petra: I have understanding. I will now be speaking whatever I wish!
You are my friend. There are many things I am wishing for you to know...
アッシュ: あれ、ペトラ、どうしたの?何か気になるものでもあった?
Ashe: What is it, Petra? Something catch your eye?
ペトラ: はい。大聖堂、見事な、建築です。フォドラの技術、驚く、常、あります。
Petra: Yes. The architecture of this cathedral is very grand. Fódlan craftsmanship always makes me astounded.
I have been hearing that all of its adornments have meaning and are all honoring the goddess.
アッシュ: あ、僕もそれは聞いたことあるな。まあ、あんまり詳しくないけど……
Ashe: I heard that too. I'm not sure of the details though.
That reminds me, I've been wondering... do you worship the goddess in Brigid?
ペトラ: ブリギット、女神、いません。精霊、多数、います。
Petra: The goddess does not reside in Brigid. There are, however, many spirits there.
Earth spirits, water spirits, wind spirits... Spirits dwell in all things.
The ocean, for an example... The spirit of the ocean is with two faces.
Its kind face is bestowing bountiful blessings... but its terrifying face is bringing disaster.
アッシュ: へえ……ブリギットは海に囲まれてるし、信仰の上でも海が重要になるのかもね。
Ashe: I guess it's natural for the ocean to have spiritual significance to you when you're surrounded by it.
Since Brigid's made up of islands, your people must have a lot of experience with boats too.
ペトラ: はい、わたし、操船、得意です。しかし、泳ぐ、更に、好みます。
Petra: Yes. I have great skill at sailing. However, to be swimming is what I really love.
アッシュ: ええっ、泳ぐって……海を?本当に!? ……どんな感じ?
Ashe: Swimming in the ocean? I've never had the chance! What's it like?
ペトラ: 海、浅く、深く、明るく、暗く……感じ、様々です。生物も、多様、日々、発見です。
Petra: The ocean can feel shallow or deep, bright or dark... and it is filled with many creatures. There are always new things for discovery.
On sunny days, I like to be diving under the clear surface of the ocean and to be looking up at the sky from below... Those moments are my favorite.
The sun shining through the blue water... It can be making even the water sparkle like gems.
アッシュ: へえ、すごいな……海の中から空を見上げるなんて、どんな気分だろう。
Ashe: That sounds amazing. I can't even imagine it.
You must really love it though. Your description just now was very poetic.
It makes my time swimming in rivers and lakes feel pretty small in comparison.
ペトラ: ……わたし、名案、あります。戦争、終わる、ブリギット、共に、行きましょう。
Petra: I am having an idea. When this war is over, we should be going to Brigid... with each other.
アッシュ: え、ええっ?! そ、それはもちろん、行ってみたいとは思うけど!
Ashe: Oh! Well, I'd definitely like to visit...
It's not the right time for me to travel though. My duties as a knight will have to come first.
ペトラ: 騎士、わかりました。アッシュのため、ブリギット、騎士団、創設します。
Petra: A knight... Very well. I will be establishing an order of knights for you in Brigid.
アッシュ: いやいや、騎士団創設って何!?そんな簡単にできることじゃ……
Ashe: Wait, what?! A whole knightly order, just like that?!
ペトラ: わたし、ブリギットの王、なります。アッシュ、わたし、守る騎士、なります。
Petra: I am going to become the queen of Brigid. Ashe... You will become my guardian knight.
Do not have fear. I will be making your dream come true.
アッシュ: ひええっ、どうしよう。どんどん話が大きくなってきた……。
Ashe: I don't know, Petra. This is really ambitious.
ペトラ: 二人、ブリギットの海、潜り、二人、海中より、空、見る、しましょう。
Petra: We will be diving into the ocean with each other, and be gazing up at the sky from behind the waves.
I give you this promise. I hope you are understanding.
アッシュ: ペトラ……もう、仕方ないなあ。そんな笑顔で言われたら、断れないからね。
Ashe: All right, all right. That smile of yours has gotten to me. I don't think I can refuse!
Petra took Ashe with her to her homeland of Brigid, where she inherited the throne from her grandfather. With Ashe's guidance, she established an order of knights, and used that order to declare independence from Fodlan and renegotiate diplomatic ties on more equal terms. Over years of work reforming diplomatic and military policy together, Petra and Ashe fell in love and eventually were married. The people of Brigid warmly embraced the union. It is said that the name of the knightly order, the Blue Sun, was born of their mutual love of swimming in the sea.