セイロス騎士: いやあ……助かったよ。君のおかげで、何とかなりそうだ。
Knight of Seiros: Thanks so much for the help. We should be able to manage on our own from here.
アッシュ: 僕で役に立てたなら良かったです。また何かあったら、言ってくださいね。
Ashe: I'm glad to be of use. If there's anything else you need, come find me anytime.
ハピ: ……キミ、騎士団と仲いいの?
Hapi: Well, well. You seem to be pretty chummy with the knights.
アッシュ: え? 仲がいいとか、そういうんじゃ……防具の修繕をちょっと手伝ってただけだよ。
Ashe: Chummy? I suppose... Really I was just helping out with some equipment repairs.
ハピ: ふーん、手伝いね。それって課題の一環だったりするわけ?
Hapi: For an assignment or something?
アッシュ: そうじゃないよ。けどあの人、凄く困ってるみたいだったからさ。
Ashe: No. It just looked like they could use a hand, so... I lent one.
ハピ: そっか。てっきり騎士にこき使われてたのかと思った。
Hapi: To me, it looked like they were using you for some unpaid labor.
アッシュ: あはは、こき使われてたって……。僕が、僕の意思であの人を手伝ったんだよ。
Ashe: Unpaid labor? Heh heh, I helped them because I wanted to, Hapi. I wasn't expecting to be paid.
It's like when you help us with our assignments. We don't pay you for that, do we?
ハピ: 生きるためじゃん。別に教団が好きだからやってるわけじゃないし。
Hapi: Like I have a choice. Can I give you some advice, Freckles?
Don't support the knights, the church, any of them. All you'll get in return is a knife in the back.
アッシュ: すぐ裏切るって……そうかなあ。そんな人、ごく一部だと思うけど……。
Ashe: Isn't that a little... dramatic? You really don't need to worry about that with most people...
ハピ: キミ、人が好いんだね。さっきの騎士だってさ、ハピに……
Hapi: You're naive. Those two-faced buffoons exasperate me so much, I can hardly help but―
アッシュ: わわっ、待って待って!ちょっと、何か面白い話をするから……!
Ashe: Oh! Ah... Hey! That reminds me of a great story. You have to hear this one.
It's called, um... Oh! The Luna Knight's Tale! Yeah―I think you'll love this!
On second thought, maybe a story about a knight isn't what you want to hear right now...
ハピ: え?物語の騎士と、本物の騎士は別じゃん。
Hapi: You know, the knights in stories aren't like the ones in real life.
Unless the Luna Knight is a liar who does terrible things.
アッシュ: そんなことないよ! えっと、この物語の主人公である“月の騎士”なんだけど……
Ashe: No, of course not! The Luna Knight is the hero of the story.
She's from an offshoot of House Blaiddyd. Marries into House Riegan after the Crescent Moon War.
In peacetime, she sets aside her weapons and devotes herself to giving wise counsel to her husband.
In this role, she ensures that the dishonest and unfaithful are dealt with accordingly.
ハピ: 物語の中になら、そーいう立派な人もいっぱいいるよね。
Hapi: Huh. She sounds like a real hero.
アッシュ: うん、とっても立派な騎士なんだ! だけどこの人には面白い逸話がたくさんあって……
Ashe: Very much so, yes! The tale is full of fascinating details about her...
セイロス騎士: アッシュ、忙しいところすまない。急いで手伝ってほしい仕事があるんだが……
Knight of Seiros: Ashe! Sorry to interrupt, but if you're not too busy, we could really use your help right now.
アッシュ: あっ、大丈夫ですよ。……ハピ、話の続きはまた後でいいかな?
Ashe: Of course! Be right there. I'll tell you the rest of the tale later. OK, Hapi?
ハピ: 別にいーけど。
Hapi: Um... Sure, I guess.
But seriously, watch yourself, OK? I don't want you to learn I'm right the hard way.
See ya, Freckles. I can hardly wait to hear that riveting story of yours.
アッシュ: うーん、こき使われてる、か……。そういうふうに考えたこと、なかったなあ。
Ashe: Using me... I've never thought about it that way.
アッシュ: ……あ、ハピ!ずっと君のことを捜してたんだよ。
Ashe: Hapi:! I've been looking everywhere for you.
ハピ: ん、どーしたの?急ぎの用事?
Hapi: What's going on? Something urgent?
アッシュ: ほら、いつかの約束。物語の続きを教えるって話だったじゃないか。
Ashe: Oh, no. Hehe, but I promised to tell you the rest of the Luna Knight's Tale, remember?
ハピ: え? けっこー前の話じゃん。というか、絶対忘れてると思ってた。
Hapi: Huh. I'd forgotten all about that.
If you really want to tell the story that badly, I guess just... go ahead.
アッシュ: ……良かった!えっと、前はどこまで話したっけ……?
Ashe: OK, I will! Do you remember where I left off?
ハピ: 確か……浮気と嘘つきに厳しい騎士がいるってとこ。
Hapi: Hmm... Well, you were telling me something about how the Luna Knight was hard on liars and cheaters.
アッシュ: そうそう。それで、その人が嫁いだ、当時のリーガン公はすごく自由奔放な人でね……
Ashe: Right! So her husband, Duke Riegan, turns out to be a bit of a libertine...
ハピ: あっはははははは!すっごいバカじゃん!
Hapi: Haha, that's hilarious!
My favorite part was when she caught her husband in the act and tossed him out the window.
I thought tales about knights were supposed to be straitlaced, but this one's raunchy as heck.
アッシュ: 君が楽しんでくれたなら良かったよ。まあ、実際、だいたいは真面目な話なんだけど……
Ashe: I'm, uh, glad you enjoyed it. Usually these tales are pretty serious...
But sometimes, in a serious story, you need lighter moments like that to connect the characters.
It helps to see that even these great heroes made mistakes now and again. Just like us.
ハピ: アシュって……信じやすすぎじゃない?そこがキミの良いとこかもだけどさ。
Hapi: You're so trusting, Freckles. For some reason, I find it endearing.
But you shouldn't take something at face value just because it's written down.
The truth is, knights do plenty of things that aren't heroic at all. Things that hurt people.
アッシュ: 確かに、騎士の中にはとても手本にできないような人もいるけれど……
Ashe: You're not wrong. Some knights do terrible things.
That doesn't make the great ones any less worthy of honor though.
ハピ: その立派な騎士に、教団に逆らって死んじゃった人は入ってないわけ?
Hapi: What about knights who have died taking a stand against the church? Would you call them great?
アッシュ: ……それは。
Ashe: That's... complicated...
ハピ: ハピの見てきた騎士たちはさ、体を治すって約束してハピを教会から連れ出した。
Hapi: Or what about the knights who put me in Abyss, promising to release me from my curse.
When they couldn't, they left me there out of fear for what I might do. Does that sound honorable to you?
アッシュ: ハピ……。
Ashe: Hapi... I'm so sorry...
ハピ: あー、ごめんね。ヤなことばっか喋っちゃって。
Hapi: Ah, sorry... I can't help but say nasty things.
Got any more stories for me? Maybe another racy one?
アッシュ: えっ? ああ……うん、もちろんだよ。今回は、いろいろ話を用意してきたんだ。
Ashe: Yes, actually! I came prepared with the most... uh, racy ones I could find... in case you happened to ask.
ハピ: じゃ、聞かせてよ。ちょっとだけ期待しとくし。
Hapi: Of course you did. Let's hear one, then.
騎士: だから私は、彼女を地下に繋いでおけと言ったんだ。
Knight: ...This is why I keep telling people we need to keep her underground.
The church records explain in full detail what a threat she poses to everyone's safety.
騎士: 今回は、我々に危害が及ばなかったから良いものの……
Knight: ...It's a miracle that no one was hurt. Next time, we may not be so lucky.
アッシュ: だけど今回のことは、彼女のため息とは無関係かもしれないじゃないですか。
Ashe: What makes you so certain this incident was caused by her sighing?
It seems unfair to cast blame until you're truly sure.
騎士: だが、我々が突如現れた魔物の群れに襲われたことは事実だろう? だから……
Knight: Isn't it obvious? A horde of monsters appeared out of nowhere and attacked us.
ハピ: ……あ、まだやってたの?
Hapi: Uh-oh. You guys are talking about me, aren't you?
騎士: 君か……君の処遇については、調査を重ねて検討させてもらう。いいね。
Knight: There you are. You won't get away with this crime. I'll make sure everyone knows who was to blame.
アッシュ: あ、待ってください!まだ話は……!
Ashe: Hey! You didn't answer my question!
ハピ: もーやめなよ。ハピが悪いってことにしとけばいいじゃん。
Hapi: He doesn't care what we have to say. Forget about it.
アッシュ: でも、君自身、今回の件はため息をついていないって言ってたでしょ?
Ashe: No, you told me you had nothing to do with this. I can't just leave it alone.
ハピ: そうだけど、どーせ信じてくれないって。ハピのせいでよくない?
Hapi: Yes, you can. And you don't need to worry about it.
アッシュ: 確かかどうかもわからないうちに、やってもいない罪を認めてどうするのさ。
Ashe: But I do! What if they pressured you into confessing something you hadn't actually done?
They mean well, but they seem to think they have good reasons to suspect you.
Those suspicions could lead to forceful questioning. They'll do anything to get to the bottom of this.
ハピ: 聞く耳持たないじゃん。頭ごなしに決めつけてさ。
キミはどうなの? 内心ではハピのせいかもって思ってたり?
Hapi: You're probably right. If he has his way, they'll do whatever they can to pin it on me.
What about you? There isn't some part of you that agrees with that creep?
アッシュ: ……僕は、君がため息をつきたくてついてるわけじゃないってわかってる。
Ashe: No. I know you don't sigh unless you absolutely can't help it.
You would never endanger people like that unless something pushed you over the edge.
I know this wasn't your fault. You said as much, and I believe you.
ハピ: キミ一人信じてくれたってムダだって。ハピのせいじゃないって証明なんて……
Hapi: That's sweet...but unfortunately your conviction isn't good for much on its own. We have no proof.
アッシュ: ううん、最初から諦めてちゃ意味がないよ。証明する方法だって、きっとあるはずだ。
Ashe: Then we'll find proof! If you didn't cause it, then something else did. We just have to find out what.
I'll investigate the site where we were attacked. There could be a monster nest nearby
ハピ: ……ハピが嘘ついてたら、骨折り損だよ?
Hapi: You're so darn trusting, Freckles. For all you know, I could be lying.
アッシュ: 嘘つきの嫌いな君が、嘘をつくはずがない。僕は君の、嘘を憎む心を信じてる。
Ashe: Your commitment to honesty is as strong as mine. You'd never turn your back on our common bond!
ハピ: ………………。
Hapi: ...
You're just like the Luna Knight!
アッシュ: あ、あんまり笑わないでよ。僕だって、僕なりにいろいろ考えて……
Ashe: Hey, come on! I was being serious!
ハピ: ごめんごめん、でも嬉しいと笑っちゃうよ。物語の騎士がホントにいるかもなんてさ。
Hapi: Sorry! I'm not laughing at you, I promise.
I guess part of me was hoping to meet one of those storybook heroes. Now I finally have.
アッシュ: うん、期待していて。君がもうため息をつかなくてもいいように、頑張るからさ。
Ashe: If that's how you feel...then I'm going to live up to it. I'll do my best to make sure you never sigh again!
After the war, Ashe was formally knighted and appointed the new head of House Gaspard, which had no successors.
He soon married Hapi, whose competence lent much reliability to the governance of their territory.
The ruling couple developed a frank and earnest relationship with their people, and the territory prospered. They were also blessed with many children, and their home was always so busy and full of merriment that there was never an occasion to sigh.
It is said that Hapi took such delight in recounting Ashe's stories to their children that it became hard to believe she had ever despised knights.