アッシュ: あれ? 書庫の本が床に積まれてる……誰がやったんだろう?
Ashe: What are all these books doing on the floor?
Hey, Cyril, what's going on here?
ツィリル: 書庫の整理と、書棚の掃除だけど。今日中にやっちゃわないと。
Cyril: I'm tidying up the library— sweeping the floors, dusting the shelves, restocking the books...
アッシュ: え、だって書庫の掃除は、当番制でしょ?何でツィリル一人で……。
Ashe: Isn't there a schedule for library cleaning duty? Why are you doing all of this by yourself?
ツィリル: 当番の子がやるのは、その先の書棚まで。こっから先は、ボクの仕事。
Cyril: Oh, I'm helping out the kid whose job it is. He says I'm making him look bad, but I'm just happy to help.
Besides, some of these books are valuable. Gotta handle 'em carefully. Not a lot of people get that,
アッシュ: そ、そうなの? でも、量が多すぎるよ。これを今日中にっていうのは無理じゃ……。
Ashe: But there are so many. You really think you'll get all this done today?
ツィリル: 無理じゃないよ。今日やっちゃわないと、明日には明日に仕事があるから。
Cyril: Easy. There's more stuff to do tomorrow, so the library has gotta get done today.
アッシュ: ……ツィリル一人で?
Ashe: And I guess you're planning to do all that by yourself too.
ツィリル: そうだよ。
Cyril: Yep.
Ashe: Come on, it'll be dusk soon. Let me help.
ツィリル: 要らない。これはボクの仕事だから。
Cyril: Nah, it's my job and I'm gonna do it.
アッシュ: いや……だけど、この量を一人で片づけるのは絶対無理だって。
Ashe: There is no way one person can shelve all these books before nightfall, Cyril!
ツィリル: 雑に扱われると困るんだってば。アナタにはアナタのやることがあるでしょ?
Cyril: Like I said, these books need to be handled real careful. Shouldn't you be doing your own thing anyway?
This is my job, and I'm gonna do it because I know Lady Rhea expects it done a certain way.
アッシュ: ……だけど、見てられないよ。ツィリルの邪魔はしないからさ。
Ashe: I can't just stand here and watch. I won't get in your way, all right?
I'll handle this shelf and you take the next one.
ツィリル: ちょ、ちょっと……!手伝わなくていいってば。
Cyril: Listen! I said I don't need your help.
アッシュ: 丁寧に扱えば文句はないんでしょ?いいから、さっさと片づけちゃおうよ。
Ashe: I promise I'll be careful, OK? Let's just get to it.
ツィリル: ……わかった。じゃあ、そっちはよろしく。
Cyril: Ugh, fine. You do over there. I'll do all of this.
アッシュ: 任せて。じゃあ、暗くなる前に終わらせちゃおう。
Ashe: Got it.
ツィリル: ………………。
Cyril: Ugh...
ツィリル: あ……アッシュ。
Cyril: Hey, Ashe.
アッシュ: やあ、ツィリル。どうしたの? 何かあった?
Ashe: Hey there, Cyril. Is there something on your mind?
ツィリル: ずっと、お礼を言おうと思ってた。前は……ありがとう。助かった。
Cyril: Well, I just... I wanted to thank ya for helping me.
アッシュ: 前……いつの話?
Ashe: Huh? When do you mean?
ツィリル: ここの掃除、手伝ってもらったでしょう?
Cyril: You know, when ya helped me with cleaning up the library?
アッシュ: ……ああ、あの時のか!すっかり忘れてたよ。
Ashe: Ah, right! That was quite a while ago! I'd completely forgotten about it.
No need to thank me though. It was nothing.
Do you need help with anything today? I've got some spare time. I really don't mind.
ツィリル: ボク、任されてる仕事は、できるだけ自分でやりたいんだ。
Cyril: Well, I'd rather take care of the stuff I've been asked to do on my own.
アッシュ: でも、僕がちょっと手伝うくらい、君の立場には何の影響もないだろ?
Ashe: I could give you a hand though, couldn't I?
ツィリル: それはそうだけど……それでも、やっぱり遠慮はするよ。
Cyril: Yeah, ya could, but I sure would rather ya didn't.
Me doing those jobs is why I get to stay here, even though I'm an Almyran.
アッシュ: 身分の違い、みたいなこと?それは、わからないでもないけど。
Ashe: Oh, so it's a status thing. I can understand that.
I can get pretty awkward if I ever have to ask a favor from a noble.
ツィリル: それと同じだよ。だから、ボクなんか手伝わなくていい。
Cyril: Exactly. That's why I don't want anybody's help.
アッシュ: だとしても、僕に遠慮は要らないよ。僕は平民の貧しい家の生まれなんだしさ。
Ashe: You don't need to feel that way around me though. I'm just a commoner.
I'm only in here thanks to a bit of luck, so really, I'm just the same as you.
ツィリル: ボクと変わらない……アッシュが?うーん、そうかなあ……。
Cyril: I don't know if that's exactly true, but maybe...
アッシュ: それに今、僕が君を手伝うことについて、生まれとか身分とかは関係ないと思うな。
Ashe: Either way, birth and social status don't really matter for us, do they?
After all, we're friends, right?
ツィリル: ……友達?
Cyril: Friends?
アッシュ: 友達が困ってたら、放っておけない。助けるのは当然だよ。
Ashe: Yeah. And when a friend needs you, you've got to help, don't you?
ツィリル: 当然なの? 友達っていうのも、ボクにはよくわからないけど。
Cyril: I don't know. I guess I've never been anybody's friend before.
アッシュ: もし僕が困った時には、君に助けてもらう。そうやって助け合うのが友達なんだよ。
Ashe: It's easy. If I'm in trouble, you help me out. And if you need something, I help you too.
ツィリル: ふうん……わかった。でも、今日はもう片づいたから、また今度、手伝ってくれる?
Cyril: Huh... OK. But I've packed up for the day already, so maybe ya could help me out next time?
アッシュ: もちろん。助けが欲しくなったら、いつでも呼んでね。
Ashe: Sure! Whenever you need a hand, just let me know.
ツィリル: アッシュは、友達で……友達を助けるのは当然……。
Cyril: Ashe is my friend... and friends help each other out. Yeah... that sounds nice.
アッシュ: まずいな、完全にはぐれちゃったよ……。まだ魔物がいるかもしれないし……
Ashe: No good. I've lost sight of them completely, and those monsters might still be out there...
I'd better get back to the monastery before dark.
ツィリル: ……アッシュ!
Cyril: Ashe!
Ashe, I finally found ya.
アッシュ: えっ、ツィリル……?どうしてここに?
Ashe: Cyril? What are you doing here?
You're awfully far from your post.
ツィリル: アッシュがはぐれたって聞いて、捜しに来たんだよ。
Cyril: I'd heard you'd gone missing, so I started looking for you everywhere.
Here, I brought you a map. You can use this to get home later, right?
アッシュ: そのために、一人でここまで?危なすぎるよ! 何で、そんな……
Ashe: You came all this way for that? Alone? It's dangerous out here.
ツィリル: ……迷惑だった?
Cyril: Am I being a nuisance?
アッシュ: いや、迷惑なんかじゃ……本当にありがたかったけど……。
Ashe: Of course not. This is a big help actually.
You took a serious risk coming out here though.
ツィリル: ……だって、アッシュは友達でしょ?
Cyril: But... I thought we were friends?
That's what you told me, Ashe. You said friends help each other when they're in trouble.
アッシュ: ツィリル……。……そっか。そうだったね。
Ashe: I did say that. You're right.
Come on, let's get back to the monastery. I could use your help finding the way.
ツィリル: うん、そのために来たんだもの。
Cyril: I know you could. That's why I came out here.
Oh no. I just thought about it. I'm gonna be in trouble when I get back, huh?
アッシュ: そ、それはそうかも……。勝手に持ち場を離れるのは命令違反だし……
Ashe: Maybe. Leaving your post is against orders.
But don't worry. I'll take a share of the punishment.
ツィリル: え? だけど、アッシュは別に、悪いことしたわけじゃないし……
Cyril: What? Why? You did nothing wrong.
アッシュ: あはは、そうかもしれないけど。だって僕たち、友達なんだからさ。
Ashe: True. We're friends though, aren't we?
ツィリル: 友達は、一緒に叱られたりもするの?
Cyril: Friends gotta get punished together too? I don't know about all that.
アッシュ: うん、まあ、そういうこと。嬉しいことも、悲しいことも……
Ashe: I wouldn't put it like that. I'd say friends stick together, through good and bad.
So, let's split the blame. That's what friends are for.
ツィリル: へえ……すごいなあ、友達って。
Cyril: Wow, so that's what friends are for.
OK then. When you're in trouble next time and you need my help, I'll go with ya to get punished.
アッシュ: はは、わかった。その時はお願いするよ。……これからもずっと友達でいよう。
Ashe: Good. I hope you remember that, because I think we're going to be friends for a long time.
ツィリル: うん、ずっと友達。約束するよ、アッシュ。
Cyril: You betcha. Friends for life, Ashe. That's a promise.
After the war, Ashe was formally knighted and appointed the new head of House Gaspard, which had no successors. The young and inexperienced lord faced a great deal of difficulty in governing, until his court was blessed with a new adviser in Cyril. Using skills he learned during his time as a student at the Officers Academy, Cyril offered Ashe the advice he needed to grow into a worthy lord. Over time, Ashe gained the respect of his people, and Gaspard territory prospered. The pair swore always to be there to help one another, and remained best friends for the whole of their lives.