アッシュ: ……カトリーヌさん。やっぱり、ここにいると思いました。
Ashe: Hello, Catherine. I thought I might find you here.
カトリーヌ: アッシュか。どうした、アタシに何か用か。
Catherine: Is there something I can do for you, Ashe?
アッシュ: ……これについて、知っていることを教えてください。
Ashe: Yes. Could you tell me what you know about this?
カトリーヌ: この手紙……少し古いな。どこで拾った?
Catherine: This is quite an old letter. Where'd you find it?
アッシュ: 西方教会への査問の時に、司教の部屋から見つかったものです。
Ashe: It was found in the bishop's room during the inquiry of the Western Church.
カトリーヌ: ああ……なるほど。あの時にアンタが預かった資料ってのが、それか。
Catherine: Hm, I see. It's one of the documents you collected.
アッシュ: ……この手紙には、クリストフ=アルド=ガスパールの……義兄さんの名前がある。
Ashe: This letter mentions my brother, Christophe Gaspard, by name.
カトリーヌ: ………………!
Catherine: Hm.
アッシュ: 義兄さんは、「ダスカーの悲劇」への関与を疑われて、教団に処刑されたんですよね。
Ashe: He was executed by the church for allegedly taking part in the Tragedy of Duscur.
I know you were the one who turned him over.
But this letter isn't about that. It's about a plot to assassinate Lady Rhea.
If my brother's name is in here, that means this plot predates the Tragedy.
So there was another plot against Lady Rhea in the past. And my brother was somehow involved.
カトリーヌ: ………………。
Catherine: Ah...
アッシュ: ……その様子、やっぱり、何か知ってるんですね?
教えてください、カトリーヌさん!僕は知りたい! 知らなきゃいけない!
Ashe: I can tell by your face that you know something.
Tell me, Catherine. Please, I deserve to know!
カトリーヌ: ……クリストフは良い奴すぎたんだ。人を疑うことを知らないって言うかさ。
Catherine: Christophe was a good man—maybe too good. It wasn't in his nature to mistrust people.
So when the Western Church told him that Lady Rhea had to die for the goddess's sake, or the world's, he went along with it.
アッシュ: 義兄さんのこと、知ってるんですか……?
Ashe: Just how well did you know my brother?
カトリーヌ: アタシとクリストフは友達だった。士官学校時代、同じ青獅子の学級で学んだ。
Catherine: Christophe and I were friends. We were in the Blue Lion House together at the academy.
アッシュ: 友達だったなら、もっと別のやり方が……義兄さんを殺させない方法が……
Ashe: If you were friends, why did you hand him over to be executed? There must have been another way!
カトリーヌ: 黙りな。それができたらどんなに良かったか。
Catherine: No. If there was another option, I'd have chosen it.
But he was foolish. He went along with the plan to assassinate Lady Rhea.
I wasn't motivated by a personal grudge. I had no choice but to turn him in. That much is true.
アッシュ: 義兄さんが……本当に、レア様を暗殺しようとするなんて……
Ashe: I can't believe that my brother would try to assassinate Lady Rhea.
But if he did, that means the church was lying about his involvement in the Tragedy of Duscur, doesn't it?
カトリーヌ: ……そうなるな。
Catherine: "Lying" is a strong word. The world was in chaos, and the church did what it had to.
If people had known about the threat to Lady Rhea's life, the panic would only have worsened.
アッシュ: なら、やっぱり……この手紙に書いてあるのは、本当の……
Ashe: So you're saying everything in this letter is true.
カトリーヌ: ……さあな。信じるも信じないもアンタ次第だが……
Catherine: You can choose what to believe.
All I know is, I let him die. And that's something I can never change. Now, if you'll excuse me.
アッシュ: あ……待ってください!カトリーヌさん!!
Ashe: Catherine, wait! Please!
カトリーヌ: アッシュ、どうした。そんなところで突っ立って。
Catherine: What's wrong, Ashe? Why are you standing there?
アッシュ: ……ちょっと、考え事を。
Ashe: I've been thinking.
No matter what I do, Lonato and my brother are never coming back.
カトリーヌ: アタシが憎いか。
Catherine: Do you hate me?
アッシュ: ……わかりません。
Ashe: I don't know. Maybe I do.
I know you're an ally I can trust. A knight I can respect...but maybe I do.
カトリーヌ: ……ったく、おい。くすぶってるくらいならアタシに一発ぶちかましてみな。
Catherine: Why don't you take a swing at me? I bet that'll make you feel better.
アッシュ: え?
Ashe: What?
カトリーヌ: 何腑抜けた顔してるんだよ。アタシをぶっ飛ばしてみろって言ってるんだ。
Catherine: Don't just stand there with that timid look on your face. Come at me!
アッシュ: でも、そんなことをしても……
Ashe: I don't think that's going to help.
カトリーヌ: 死んだ奴らが報われるかどうかは別問題さ。仇討ちってのはな、けじめなんだよ。
Catherine: This isn't about avenging the dead. It's about taking revenge for yourself.
It's how survivors move on.
What will you do, Ashe? You're welcome to stare at your feet for the rest of your life.
アッシュ: ………………!
Ashe: Ngh...
Catherine: Ah, that look in our eye. I like it!
アッシュ: はああああっ!
Ashe: Rrrrgh!
カトリーヌ: まだまだ甘いね!歯ァ食いしばりなッ!
Catherine: Come on! Put your back into it!
アッシュ: はあ、はあ……。……カトリーヌさん。
Ashe: Catherine...
カトリーヌ: 何だ。
Catherine: Yes, Ashe?
アッシュ: 僕には……何が正しいのか、わかりません……。
Ashe: I don't know what's right anymore. I don't.
カトリーヌ: ……馬鹿野郎。何が正しいかなんて、自分で決めるこった。
Catherine: Don't be a fool. You decide for yourself what's right and what's wrong.
I believe Lady Rhea is right. So I won't allow anyone to bring her harm.
アッシュ: ……たとえそれが、大事な友達でも?迷いなく、殺せたって言うんですか……?
Ashe: What about a friend? How could you kill a friend to protect her, with no hesitation?
カトリーヌ: そんなわけないだろ。今だって、あの日のことはよく思い出す。
Catherine: I couldn't. I'll never forget that day...
When they took him, all I could do was stand there.
I had to persuade myself, over and over under my breath, "This is the right thing to do."
If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to stand there. I would've cried out.
I'm still persuading myself even now. I probably will be for the rest of my life.
If I let myself regret what happened, he will have died for no reason.
アッシュ: ……カトリーヌさん。
Ashe: Catherine...
カトリーヌ: いつまでも迷ってちゃ、弱いままさ。腹をくくれ。アンタはアタシをどうしたい?
Catherine: Uncertainty is weakness. Someday, Ashe, you'll have to make up your mind. You know who I am. What will you do about it?
アッシュ: 僕は……。
Ashe: I...
アッシュ: はあ、はあ……!
Ashe: …
カトリーヌ: ほう、なかなか腕を上げたじゃないか。……いや、迷いが消えたって言うべきかな。
Catherine: Wow, you've gotten much better. You're not doubting yourself anymore.
It's like your state of mind is completely different. What changed?
アッシュ: ……はい。僕も、カトリーヌさんに今の正直な気持ちを聞いてほしかった。
Ashe: Can I tell you honestly?
カトリーヌ: 好きにぶちまけりゃいい。それで初めて、前に進めるってもんさ。
Catherine: Please do. Maybe this is a chance to resolve our dispute and move on.
アッシュ: ……僕は、あなたを信頼しています。仲間として、騎士として、人として……。
Ashe: As a knight, an ally, and even as a person... I know I can trust you.
But somewhere in my heart, there's a part of me that can't forgive what you did.
カトリーヌ: そりゃあ当たり前だろ。家族を死なせた相手を、簡単に許せる奴がいてたまるかよ。
Catherine: Of course. Your brother's blood is on my hands. It wouldn't be easy for anyone in your position to feel forgiving.
If someone said it was easy, I would probably give 'em a smack in the face.
You may never be able to forgive me, no matter how hard you try.
I'm prepared to accept that. It's my duty.
アッシュ: ……はは、カトリーヌさんはすごいな。その揺るぎない心、尊敬します。
Ashe: I admire your spirit, Catherine. Honestly, I do.
I hope the part of me that's holding this grudge will get smaller with time. Maybe someday it'll vanish.
カトリーヌ: ……何だそりゃ。随分、詩的な言い回しだな。
Catherine: That's rather poetic.
アッシュ: た、確かにそうかもしれませんけどっ。僕は至って真面目に……
Ashe: Maybe, but...I'm being serious!
カトリーヌ: あっはっは、ごめん、悪かったよ。
Catherine: Sorry, didn't mean to make light of it.
アッシュ: はは……本当はもっと早く、あなたとこうして話をすべきでした。
Ashe: No, it's all right. We should have talked like this much sooner.
I feel like I can finally stop dwelling on the past, and start looking forward to the future.
カトリーヌ: ……それを言うなら、アタシも、アンタに会えて、良かったのかもしれない。
Catherine: I think meeting you has been good for me too.
Different people have different morals. They won't always agree on what's right and what's wrong.
Maybe that's obvious. But it's something I think about when I'm talking to you.
アッシュ: あの……カトリーヌさん。お願いがあるんです。
Ashe: Can I ask something of you?
I'd like to get to know you better, Catherine. As a person...and as my friend.
カトリーヌ: おいおい、アタシにばっかり喋らせる気か?アンタも話してくれなきゃ、つまらないよ。
Catherine: Sure, but I won't do all the talking. It'll be dull if you don't tell me about yourself too.
アッシュ: え、僕ですか? ……はい、もちろんです。あんまり面白い話はできませんけど……。
Ashe: Me? It won't be very interesting for you, but OK.
カトリーヌ: ……よし! じゃあ、飯でも食いながら喋るとするか。好きなもんおごってやるよ。
Catherine: OK! Let's chat over a nice, tasty meal. My treat.
アッシュ: ……義兄さん。ロナート様。……見守っていてくださいね。
Ashe: Christophe. Lonato. Watch over me, please...
カトリーヌ: 何もたもたしてんだ、早く来なよ!
Catherine: Hurry up, or I'll eat all the food!
アッシュ: あ、はい!待ってください、カトリーヌさん!
Ashe: Coming!
When Rhea resigned her position of archbishop and left the Church of Seiros, Catherine followed, and the pair began a life of seclusion in the Red Canyon.
Years later, they began to hear rumors of a wise young man who had been knighted and appointed lord of House Gaspard. Soon they were approached by that lord, Ashe, who came to the Red Canyon to kneel before Catherine and ask her to be his wife.
With Rhea's encouragement, Catherine was persuaded to accept. She left the Red Canyon with him, and the two began their journey together.
After the war, Ashe was formally knighted and appointed the new head of House Gaspard, which had no successors. He asked Catherine, who had left the Knights of Seiros, to marry him, but she declined, convinced that the people of Gaspard territory would never accept it.
Refusing to set his love for Catherine aside, Ashe worked diligently along with the Church of Seiros to expose the full truth of the Western Church's plot.
With great persistence, he convinced the people of this truth, and then persuaded Catherine finally to reconsider. The people received her reluctantly at first, but over time, they recognized her virtue and came to accept her.