カスパル: お、アッシュ!何かあったのか? 騒がしいけどよ!
Caspar: Hey, Ashe! What's with all the noise? Did something happen?
アッシュ: ああ、カスパル!僕もさっき聞いたんですが……
Ashe: I only just heard myself.
Looks like a thief got into the pantry and made off with some of our food supply.
カスパル: 修道院で、盗みだと!?許せねえ! どこのどいつだ!
その盗人、オレが取っ捕まえてやる!アッシュ! お前も協力しろ!
Caspar: Stealing from a monastery? What kind of monster would do such a thing?
Come on! We gotta get that dirty thief!
アッシュ: はい! 二人で泥棒を捕まえて、しかるべきところに突き出さないと!
Ashe: Definitely! I'm sure we can capture the culprit if we work together.
カスパル: 捕まえる?無茶言うんじゃねえって。
ここに盗みに入る奴だぞ! 見つけ次第、斬らねえと逃がしちまうに決まってんだろ!
Caspar: Capture? What are you talking about? Why bother?
This is the kind of person who would steal from a monastery. We gotta take this guy out as soon as we see him.
How do you expect to get rid of the evil in this world if that's how you're gonna treat it?
アッシュ: ええ……? カスパルのほうこそいったい何言ってるんですか。
Ashe: What?! I should be the one asking you that!
The first thing we need to do once we've caught this person is hear what they have to say.
They might have been forced into a life of theft by some awful circumstances.
カスパル: アッシュ……わかってねえぜ、お前は。そんなんじゃ、駄目だ!
Caspar: You really don't get it, do you? If you let people get away with stuff like this, it's only gonna get worse.
If we're gonna uphold justice, then we gotta stop evil. Simple as that.
アッシュ: 悪を倒すのは否定しませんけど……それだけじゃ、根本的な解決になりません。
Ashe: I'm all for the rule of law, but indiscriminate slaughter isn't going to solve anything.
You can't just execute someone on a wild assumption and call it justice!
カスパル: むっずかしい言葉ばっかり並べやがって!話にならねえ!
Caspar: And you can't just hide behind your fancy words! You have to take action!
You know what? Forget it. There's no point in arguing this with you. We're gonna have to fight this one out.
Whoever wins gets to make the plan. Got it?
アッシュ: いや、どうだ、って……カスパル。それこそ何を言ってるんですか。
Ashe: Uh, what?
How is fighting supposed to decide who's wrong and who's right?
We're not barbarians, are we? Just take it easy and we can talk this over.
カスパル: 阿呆かー!?そんな暇あったら、盗人を捕まえ……
Caspar: We don't have time to take it easy! The thief is getting away and all you wanna do is talk and—
教団兵: 聞いたか? 食料を盗んだ犯人、捕まったらしいな。いやあ、良かった良かった。
Church Soldier: Hey! Did you hear? Apparently they caught the thief who stole the food. All's well that ends well, right?
赤だとImperial Soldier
カスパル: やっぱりいいいいい!オレの出番がああああ!
Caspar: Aw, come on! You hear that? You just cost me my chance!
アッシュ: ま、まあ、捕まったんだから、いいじゃないですか……。
Ashe: H-hey! If they've already been caught, let's just leave it at that.
アッシュ: 聞きましたか、カスパル。また食糧庫に泥棒が入ったみたいですよ!
Ashe: Did you hear, Caspar? There's been another theft in the pantry!
カスパル: ああ。こうなったら四の五の言うのは後だ。今度こそ協力して犯人を捕まえるぞ!
Caspar: Come on, we can't waste time arguing about it like last time!
カスパル: よし! そこだ!追い込め、アッシュ!
Caspar: We gotta catch the guy! There he is! Corner him, Ashe!
アッシュ: 退路は完全に塞ぎました!今です、カスパル!
Ashe: I've cut off his escape route! He's all yours!
カスパル: っし! おらよ!捕まえたぜ、この盗人野郎が!
Caspar: Hah! You're not going anywhere, you dirty thief!
アッシュ: やりました……なかなか素早い相手でしたが二人がかりなら何とかなりましたね!
Ashe: We did it. He was pretty nimble but no match for the two of us together!
カスパル: ああ。けど、今度の盗人がまさかこいつだったとはな!
Caspar: I guess, but I didn't think our thief would be so...
猫: にゃあ。
Cat: Meow.
アッシュ: ……ええ。こんなに大きな猫が食糧庫に入り込んでいたとは思いませんでした。
Ashe: Yeah. I never would've guessed a cat this big could sneak into our pantry.
カスパル: んで、アッシュ。こいつ、どうする?
Caspar: So, uhh... What do we do with him?
アッシュ: どうするって……そういえば前に君は、見つけ次第斬るって言ってましたよね。
Ashe: We? Weren't you the one barreling on about striking the culprit down last time?
カスパル: はあ? 今それ言うかよ。お前、意外と根に持つんだな。
Caspar: You really think I'm gonna attack him? Why don't you try your genius plan instead?
Go ahead, talk it out! Let the cat explain himself!
I doubt you'll understand a word the guy says.
アッシュ: あはは、お互い打つ手なしってことですね。参ったな、本当にどうし……あっ!
Ashe: Haha, I guess neither of us has the right solution here. So, what are we going to do with this — whoa!
カスパル: え?
Caspar: Huh?
猫: うにゃっ!
Cat: Mrowr!
アッシュ: ………………。
Ashe: Huh?! Oh...
カスパル: ………………。
Caspar: Gah!
アッシュ: ……ぷっ、あははははは!逃げられちゃいましたね!
Ashe: Haha, looks like he gave us the slip!
カスパル: あははは、あーっはっはっはっは!ああ、逃げられちまった!
Caspar: Haha, he sure did!
アッシュ: やれやれ……。ま、ああも鮮やかに逃げられては、どうしようもないですね。
Ashe: Well, after a daring escape like that, I guess there's no more we can do.
カスパル: ああ、今度捕まえたら、オレがばっちり対処してやる。
Caspar: I'll teach him a lesson if we ever catch him again.
I thought of a pretty good plan to show him the error of his ways.
アッシュ: 君もですか。僕もですよ。負けませんからね。
Ashe: I've got an idea of my own so, I guess I'd better find him first.
カスパル: もちろんだぜ! オレのやり方が正しいって次こそ証明してやるからな!
Caspar: Is that a challenge? Well then, may the best plan win.
カスパル: ほら、こいつを食え。おっ! がははは、良い食いっぷりだな!
Caspar: Go on, eat up. Oh, wow. You're really going at it!
猫: にゃん!
Cat: Meow!
アッシュ: やれやれ。お前は食欲旺盛だね。まだおかわりが欲しいの?
Ashe: Still hungry, huh? You're a greedy little fellow.
猫: にゃ~!
Cat: Mrowr!
カスパル: よっしゃ、来たぜ。今日も飯を食わせてやらねえとな。
って、あれ? アッシュ?お前、食糧庫に何か用か?
Caspar: Here he comes, right on time. The food's all ready to go!
Huh? Ashe? What are you doing here?
アッシュ: カスパル?いや、僕はちょっと……って、あれ?
Ashe: Caspar! I-I was just... Hey, hang on a second...
Did you come here to feed the cat too?
カスパル: お、オレは別に……って、ん?君も、ってことは……まさかお前もか!
Caspar: Feed? Well, I don't know what you're... wait. Did you say "too"? Is that what you're doing?
アッシュ: ええ、ちょっと前から。……カスパルもだったとは、驚きました。
Ashe: I have been for a while. I had no idea you were doing the same.
カスパル: いや、だってよ。他の奴に見つかったら始末されちまうかもしれねえだろ?
Caspar: I was just worried about the guy! I didn't want someone else to find him and hurt him.
I figured it would be the best to watch out for him. You know me, defender of the helpless!
More importantly though, what's your excuse?
アッシュ: また食糧庫を荒らされたら困るので、いっそ、僕が面倒を見たほうが、と……。
Ashe: I didn't want him stealing more supplies, so I figured I'd take care of him.
Guess we're not so different after all, are we?
カスパル: ああ。同じ正義を志す者どうし、根っこは同じなのかもしれねえ!
Caspar: Yeah, I guess we're not... deep down.
アッシュ: そうですね。こうなったら僕たち二人で、猫の面倒を見ていきましょう!
Ashe: Since you're here, why don't you feed this little guy what you brought him?
カスパル: おう! よおし、アッシュ!これからは協力して世話するぜ。
Caspar: Oh yeah! I've got something good.
アッシュ: はい!
Ashe: Looks like it...
Hey, where did you get that?
カスパル: げげっ!
Caspar: Uhh.. Get what?
アッシュ: すごく新鮮で、綺麗ですけど、まさか厨房から盗んできたりしてないですよね?
Ashe: It looks awfully fresh. You didn't take that from the kitchen, did you?
カスパル: ふゅーぷゅー……アッシュの持ってきた飯、小さな魚の日干しと、野菜の切れ端か。
Caspar: Is that some dried fish and vegetables?
Looks like someone's leftovers.
アッシュ: 僕のはどうでもいいんです。今は、カスパルの持ってきた肉の話です!
Ashe: I, uh... Never mind how I got mine! What about yours?
カスパル: 正義を語るオレが、盗むわけねえだろ!
Caspar: I'm a defender of the helpless! You really think I'd steal some food for a cat?
I got it by fighting an old guy in the dining hall! I won it fair and square!
アッシュ: 肉のために喧嘩しないでください!信じられません、君って人は……。
Ashe: You started a fight over that?!
カスパル: 喧嘩はあっちが売ってきたんだ! オレはこいつのために肉を賭けさせただけだぜ!
Caspar: No, the old guy started a fight! Then I took his dinner as a prize!
Aww, you love this meat, don't you? And you love when I fight, don't you?
猫: うにゃにゃにゃにゃー!
Cat: Meow-meow-meow-meow-meow!
アッシュ: はあ……この子が喜んでいるから、今日は不問にします。……ふふ、可愛いですね。
Ashe: Well, this cat's happy, so I'll let you off easy just this once. You're lucky he's so cute...
After the war, Caspar and Ashe embarked on a carefree journey around the world. They traveled to every corner of Fodlan, and even ventured abroad now and again, with the sole purpose of punishing those who preyed upon the helpless. Though Caspar seemed to get into trouble at every turn, Ashe was always there to get him out of it, and Caspar's bravery and strength returned the favor more than once. Though opposites in many ways, they shared the same view of justice, and their abilities complemented one another nicely. The stories of their adventures lived on as exciting and amusing folktales.