アネット: あ、アッシュ!あなたも勉強しに来たの?
Annette: Oh! Ashe. Are you here to study too?
アッシュ: はい。ここは集中できますからね。
Ashe: I am! It's quiet here. Easier to concentrate.
アネット: そうだ、折角だから一緒に勉強しない?わからないところは教え合いっこしようよ。
Annette: It really is. Hey, would you like to study together? We can help each other out if we get stuck.
アッシュ: わあ、いいですね、それ!一人でやるより、効率も良さそうです。
Ashe: Oh, yes! We'll get a lot more done working together.
アッシュ: むむ……うーん?
Ashe: Uh... Hmm...
アネット: どうしたの、アッシュ?さっきからずっと唸ってるけど。
Annette: What's the matter, Ashe?
アッシュ: えっと……実は、この算術の問題がさっぱりで……。
Ashe: This question's got me stumped.
"A ballista inside a castle is ready to fire at enemies outside. What angle should be used for the shot?
Assume the ballista is the same as those in Garreg Mach. Ignore the effects of wind."
This is for defensive strategy, isn't it? Why is it so complicated? Don't you just aim and fire?
アネット: それはそうだけど……少しでも狙いを正確にすれば、無駄撃ちも減るでしょ?
Hmm... It may help to focus on maximizing target accuracy to reduce your miss rate.
アネット: ほら、この計算が、実際の戦場で役に立つ日が来るかもしれないし。
アネット: じゃ、一度、状況を整理してみよっか。弩砲の性能はこれを使えば良くて……
Annette: To start, let's sort out the setup. Let's see...using these ballista specifications...
If the ballista quarrels follow this trajectory, they'll hit the enemy lines, right?
アッシュ: ああ……なるほど、そうですね。敵陣の布陣位置がこの点だから……
Ashe: Oh, that makes sense! Because the enemy line will be here!
アネット: そうそう! じゃ、わかったことをそれぞれ、この定理に当てはめてみよっか。
Annette: That's it! OK, now try using that same technique and applying it to this other problem.
アッシュ: 城郭の高さがここで、門から敵陣の距離は……ああ、だからここがこうなるんですか!
Ashe: If the walls are this high, and the enemy lines are at that distance—ah! I think I see!
アネット: そうそう、ほらね!これでちゃんと計算できた。
Annette: I knew you'd get it.
アッシュ: なるほど……籠城戦や攻城戦の時には、こういう計算が必要不可欠なんですね。
Ashe: Wow. I didn't expect math, of all things, to be useful in a siege.
This is tough. Numbers are not my strong suit.
But this really is the sort of thing you have to know if you want to command troops.
アネット: まあ、それはそうだよ。だけど、全員が全員計算が得意ってことはないと思うのね。
Annette: That's true. But not everyone is good with numbers.
That's why we have tacticians to do these calculations for us, or prepare them before we go to battle.
A century ago, the Empire's mathematicians played a huge role in the Battle of the Wall of Fódlan.
アッシュ: へえ……そうだったんですね。アネットは、本当に物知りなんだなあ。
Ashe: I had no idea. Hey, you really know what you're doing, Annette!
アネット: えっ、あたしが?そ、そうかなあ……?
Annette: You think so?
アッシュ: はいっ、僕、尊敬します。きっと、たくさん勉強したからですね。
Ashe: Definitely! You've obviously done a lot of studying. I really admire that.
アネット: も、もっちろん! 勉強だったら、誰にも負けないくらい頑張ってるもん!
Annette: I suppose I have! Studying is a necessity if you want the advantage over your enemies.
But necessity aside, it's nice to hear you say that.
アネット: それでね、ここはこの定理を使えばいいの。ほら、計算してみて!
Annette: OK, now that you know the technique, go ahead and solve this problem.
アッシュ: ……なるほど! ようやくわかりました。そういうことだったんですね……!
Ashe: Ah—I've got it! Finally!
アネット: ね? わかると楽しいでしょ?
Annette: See? Isn't it fun to learn?
アッシュ: はい! ……やっぱり君はすごいですね。僕が何を聞いても、答えてくれるし。
Ashe: Absolutely! You're great at this, you know. You really seem to have all the answers.
I wish I could study and just soak up knowledge like you. How did you get so good at this?
アネット: どうして、かあ……あたしには、どうしても勉強が必要だったからかな。
Annette: Well, studying was something of a necessity for me.
アッシュ: 必要……?
Ashe: What do you mean?
アネット: あたしの父さん、王様に仕える騎士だったのね。だけど……
Annette: My father was one of the king's knights.
One day, he never returned home. He just left without ever saying a word to me or my mother.
アッシュ: ……それは、悲しいですよね。急に家族がいなくなるのは……つらいです。
Ashe: I'm so sorry to hear that. Losing a father so suddenly... I completely understand.
アネット: あ、でもね、父さんの行き先は何となく想像できたの。
Annette: After he left, I thought a lot about where he might have gone.
My father was a devout believer, so I was certain he must have come here to Garreg Mach.
アッシュ: えっ、ここに?
Ashe: Here? Really?!
アネット: だから何が何でも士官学校に入りたくて。父さんを捜すために、ね。
Annette: That's why I was determined to gain acceptance into the academy. I needed to come here so I could search for my father.
The problem was that I needed money to get in. Lots of it. And I didn't have any at all.
So I entered the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad first, hoping I could somehow find a path here.
I studied tirelessly until I finally earned myself a recommendation.
アッシュ: ……君にとっては、運命を切り拓くための手段が、勉強だったんですね。
Ashe: Oh, wow. So for you, studying has been like a way to meet your destiny.
アネット: う、運命だなんて、そんな大仰な言い方をされちゃうと、ちょっと恥ずかしいかも……
Annette: Destiny, huh? Well, yes, but it's a bit embarrassing when you put it like that.
Now I have other reasons for wanting to keep trying hard. I want to protect all of my friends and allies here.
I'm studying hard so I can be as useful as possible to everyone I hold dear.
アッシュ: アネットは、とっても努力家なんですね。本当に、尊敬します。
Ashe: You've worked so hard. I really respect that.
I'm going to follow your example!
アネット: はあ……もう、ついてないなあ。こんな古い塔の掃除なんて……。
Annette: Aww... How unlucky that we were assigned to clean this ancient tower...
アッシュ: し、仕方ないですよ。誰かが掃除しなきゃもっとぼろぼろになっちゃいますから。
Ashe: It's not a pleasant job, but someone has to do it.
アネット: でも、どの部屋も窓は板張りされてて真っ暗だし、変な音はするし……
Annette: With all the windows boarded up, it's so dark. And there are strange noises...
Like that noise! What was that? A rat?! Tell me it was a rat...
Tell me it... はとても小さい声
アッシュ: ネ、ネズミだったら良いですけどね!ゆゆ、幽霊とかだったら困りますよね!
Ashe: B-better than a ghost!
アネット: え、アッシュって、幽霊苦手なの?何だか意外かも……。
Annette: You're not scared of ghosts, are you, Ashe? I didn't think you'd be...
アッシュ: じ、実はですね、僕、幽霊を見たことが……
Ashe: You haven't seen what I've seen!
アッシュ: わーーーーーっ!!
Ashe: Ahhh!
アネット: きゃーーーーっ!!
Annette: Ahhh!
Oh no! What was that noise?
アッシュ: だっ、だだだ、大丈夫ですよ!風で入口の扉が閉まっただけで……!
Ashe: I-it's OK! Just the wind blowing the door shut!
アッシュ: わわ、た、大変だ……!この扉、金具が錆びついてて開かない……!
Ashe: Oh no, the latch is rusted! Ugh... It won't budge!
アネット: ええーっ!? じゃ、あたしたち、閉じ込められちゃったってこと!?
Annette: What?! You mean we're trapped in here?
アッシュ: ご、ごめんなさい!僕があらかじめ、扉に何か挟んでおけば……
Ashe: I'm sorry! I didn't think to prop the door open!
アネット: そんなことより、早くここから出る方法を考えようよー!
Annette: Don't worry about that now! We need to think of a way out of here!
アッシュ: そ、そうだ! 窓の板張りを破れば、きっと外に出られます!
Ashe: Well, what if we were to pry the boards off the windows?
アネット: 確かに!破れそうな板を探してみよう!
Annette: Yes, that! We can do it in no time.
アッシュ: う、うわっ!い、今、顔に何か……!
Ashe: Oh! Ah! There's something on my face!
アネット: アッシュ、おお、落ち着いて!蜘蛛の巣、ただの蜘蛛の巣だから!
Annette: Calm down, Ashe! It's a cobweb! Just a cobweb!
We've got to pull ourselves together. Now, which of the windows should we check? Ah, I can't stand it here in the pitch dark!
アッシュ: こ、この辺なら行けるかな?僕が破ります、アネット、どいてください!
Ashe: Oh! I've got one here. Stand back!
アッシュ: はあ、はあ……。何とか出られましたね……。
Ashe: Oh... We made it.
アネット: ほんと、散々な目に遭ったよー……。一時はどうなることかと……
……あれ? うそ、ない。えっ、ない……!
Annette: I wouldn't want to go through that again... For a moment there, I didn't think we'd make it out alive.
No... Wait! I've lost it. It's gone!
アッシュ: アネット?ど、どうしたんですか?
Ashe: What is it?
アネット: 父さんに貰った人形がなくて……お、落としちゃったのかな……
Annette: The doll my father gave me... I must have dropped it.
アッシュ: も、もしかして、塔の中に……?……戻りますか?
Ashe: In the tower? Are you going back for it?
アネット: や、やだよ! ……いいよ、気にしないで!元々、捨てちゃおうと思ってたものだから!
Annette: No! It's OK... Don't worry about it. I've been meaning to throw it out for a while now.
アッシュ: お父さんから貰ったものなのに、良いんですか……?
Ashe: Are you sure? If it was a gift from your father...
アネット: ……うん。しょうがないもの。ほら、アッシュ。一度修道院に戻ろうよ!
Annette: Yes, but it can't be helped. Let's just get back to the monastery...
アッシュ: は、はい……。
Ashe: Uh, right.
アッシュ: や、やっぱり不気味だなあ……僕だけで来るのは無理があったかも……
Ashe: Almost forgot how spooky this place is. I don't know if I can do this alone...
No—I've got to. What use am I to anyone if I can't even handle an empty tower?
Here goes...
アネット: 父さんの人形、あの塔に落ちてるのかなあ。でも、拾いに行くのはちょっと怖いし……
Annette: The doll from my father must be in this tower. But I'm too scared to go looking for it…
アッシュ: アネット!
Ashe: Annette!
アネット: アッシュ!?ど、どうしたの、いきなり……?
Annette: Ashe! What are you doing here?
アッシュ: はあ、はあ……こ、これ!君に渡さなきゃと思って!
Ashe: Phew... Here! I got this for you!
アネット: えっ……?それ、あたしの人形……!
も、もしかして、拾ってきてくれたの?あの塔から!? 何で!?
Annette: My doll!
You went back for it? But why?
アッシュ: な、何でって言われても……だってそれ、お父さんから貰った人形なんですよね?
Ashe: Your father gave it to you.
I know you said you'd throw it away, but you can't just toss out something so important.
アネット: アッシュ……。……ありがとう。本当に嬉しい!
実を言うと、どうしても拾いに行く勇気が出なくて……あれ? だけどアッシュも……
Annette: Ashe... Thank you! I'm so happy!
To be honest, I didn't have the courage to go back in there to get it myself. But thanks to you, I didn't have to.
And you're afraid of ghosts, right? Were you OK in there all by yourself?
アッシュ: え、あ、うん、まあ……大丈夫じゃあ……なかったですけど……。
Ashe: Well, ah, not really...
I tried my best not to think about it. My legs shook whenever I did.
アネット: だ、大丈夫だよ!ほら怖くない、怖くない!
Annette: Oh, poor Ashe! You're safe now, I promise.
アッシュ: ア、アネット!もう僕も子供じゃないんですから……!
Ashe: Knock it off, would you? I'm OK now.
But I'm glad I could help you and see a smile on your face.
Look at me though. Haha, a grown man, scared of ghosts. Pathetic, right?
アネット: ……そんなことないよ。アッシュはとってもかっこいいよ!
Annette: No, I don't think that at all. I think you're something special, Ashe!
You were really brave. And all for me...
That wasn't an easy thing to do. I'm in awe of you!
アッシュ: そ、そうでしょうか……。ちゃんと、立派な騎士になれるでしょうか、僕。
Ashe: Thanks. Maybe there is still hope for me as a knight.
アネット: うん、あたしが保証する!アッシュはきっと、素敵な騎士になれるよ!
Annette: Yes, I'll gladly attest to that! I'm sure you'll be a splendid knight!
Maybe you'll even outdo my father!
アッシュ: そ、それは流石に畏れ多すぎますよ!あのギルベルトさんよりすごいだなんて……
アッシュ: そ、それはさすがに畏れ多いような!王様にお仕えしてた騎士なんでしょう……?
Ashe: That's a frightening thought, comparing me to one of the king's best knights.
アッシュ: ……でも、嬉しいです。これからも、もっと立派な騎士を目指して頑張らないと!
Ashe: But it's a happy one too. It makes me want to work that much harder!
After the war, Ashe was formally knighted and appointed the new head of House Gaspard, which had no successors.
He married Annette, and the couple's combined tenacity, intelligence, and courage proved more than a match for the many difficulties they faced in governing. Together they helped Gaspard territory flourish more than it ever had before.
From his lowly origins as an orphan, Ashe grew to become a splendid knight, much beloved by his people.
After he passed, his story was immortalized in a book that was authored by his beloved wife.