アロイス: メルセデス殿!あなたに頼みがあるのだ!
Alois: Mercedes, hello! I have a request for you.
メルセデス: あらあら~、アロイスさん。こんな時間に、いったいどうしたんです?
Mercedes: Oh, Alois! What could you possibly need at this hour?
アロイス: 実は、噂を小耳に挟んでな。メルセデス殿は怪談が得意だと……
Alois: A little birdie told me you're good at telling ghost stories.
メルセデス: 怪談……そうですね~。怖い話は、聞くのもするのも好きですけど~……
Mercedes: I suppose I am.
アロイス: おお、やはり! メルセデス殿、どうか私に自慢の怪談を聞かせてくれまいか!
Alois: So it's true! Excellent. I'd like to hear one of your finest ghost stories. Would you be amenable?
メルセデス: あら、まあ! 私の怪談を~?ふふ、それはもう是非、ご披露したいです。
Mercedes: Goodness, you want me to share one? Well, certainly!
I'm rarely asked to tell ghost stories.
Which one should I tell? Perhaps the one I heard in the monastery the other day?
アロイス: ちょ、ちょっと待ってくれ!
Alois: W-wait a moment!
メルセデス: えっ、はい、何でしょう?
Mercedes: Is something the matter?
アロイス: 今日のところは頼みに来ただけでな、実際に聞くのはまたの機会に、と……
Alois: I was only asking whether you'd tell me. The telling itself will have to be another time.
メルセデス: あらまあ、どうしてですか? 私でしたら今からでも構いませんのに~……。
Mercedes: Are you sure? It's no trouble right now.
アロイス: いやその、まだ私の心の準備が……、ではなく、私にも所用があるゆえ、な!
Alois: No, I have to steel myself.. Er, I mean, I have something important to do!
メルセデス: そうなのですか。残念ですけれど、それでしたら仕方ありませんね……。
Mercedes: I see. That's a shame, but I suppose it can't be helped.
If you don't mind my asking, why the sudden interest in hearing a ghost story?
アロイス: いや実は、私は、その、幽霊の類いが……本当に……苦手でなあ。
Alois: Well, you see, ah, ghosts... terrify me.
But I'm a knight. Someday, somewhere, I may have to deal with one!
メルセデス: まあ、そうでしたのね。幽霊が苦手な騎士様なんて……うふふ。
Mercedes: Hmm... A knight who's afraid of ghosts.
アロイス: ……面目ない。
Alois: Yes. It's quite embarrassing.
メルセデス: いえいえ、ごめんなさい。騎士様にも、苦手なものがあって当然です。
Mercedes: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. Even knights can't be stoic toward everything.
I'm impressed that you're working so hard to face your fear.
アロイス: いやはや、何とも……。
Alois: Oh, it's nothing, really...
メルセデス: アロイスさん、次の機会までに選りすぐりの怪談を用意しておきますね。
Mercedes: I will tell you my scariest ghost story the next chance I get!
アロイス: べ、別に選りすぐりでなくとも……!……と、とにかくよろしく頼んだぞ。
Alois: It needn't be your very scariest! A moderately scary story will suffice. Thank you for taking the time.
メルセデス: ついに怪談をご披露する日が来ましたね。ふふっ……この日を待ちわびました~。
Mercedes: The time has come. I have been waiting to curse your soul with this tale of ghostly terror.
英語はすでに怪談モード 「テラ~~~~~」
アロイス: ……そ、そうだな。このアロイス、逃げも隠れもせんぞ……!
Alois: You have? Well, ah, excellent! I won't run or hide.
メルセデス: では、早速始めさせていただきますね~。
Mercedes: Then we shall proceed.
Our story begins when a friend of mine visited a graveyard in eastern Faerghus—
アロイス: ちょ、ちょっと待ったー!
Alois: Wait! Wait, wait, wait...
メルセデス: ……あら? どうしたんです。まだ始まったばかりですよ、アロイスさん。
Mercedes: Whatever is the matter, Alois? I've barely just begun.
アロイス: いや、その……いきなり墓地というのは、いささか性急に過ぎるのでは……と。
Alois: You got to the graveyard part so quickly! No warning at all. I wasn't ready.
Oh, listen to me! What kind of knight am I? Continue, Mercedes. I won't make another peep.
メルセデス: まあ、ご立派です! アロイスさんのため、何が起ころうと話し続けますね~。
Mercedes: Very well then. Now where was I? Ah, yes.
My friend went to visit his grandfather's grave, staying the night at a neighboring church.
アロイス: ………………。
Alois: ...
メルセデス: ですが夜中、不審な物音に目を覚ますと、墓を一心不乱に掘り起こす司祭様の姿が……
Mercedes: As darkness crept, he awoke to a strange sound. He peered out into the black of night to see a misshapen figure desecrating the graves.
アロイス: ひっ……!!
Alois: Ghuahh!
メルセデス: ……彼は慌てて部屋に戻って朝を待ち、司祭様に挨拶もせず教会を発ちました。
Mercedes: He barricaded himself in his room, waiting for the first glimmer of sunlight before fleeing the church.
My friend soon learned that the graveyard was built on the ruins of an ancient battlefield.
Legend says that the souls of the knights who fell during the battle roam freely after dark.
He was sure that the misshapen figure he saw was the ghost of a warrior, searching for its earthly remains.
After his stay at the church, my friend complained of restless nights and an unbearable weight on his chest.
His closest friends and family feared a change in his eyes, as though it wasn't him occupying his body.
No one knows for certain what happened that night.
After years of isolation. his body was found... in the very graveyard where it all began!
Alois? Did you hear me? I said "in the very graveyard where it all began!"
アロイス: 出たあああああーーーー!?
……はっ!な、何だ? お、終わったのか!?
What happened?! Is it over?!
I blacked out after the part with the misshapen figure. Ugh, I'm so pathetic!
I'm a knight! I have to be ready to fight anywhere, even in a... spooky graveyard!
メルセデス: う、う~ん……夜のお墓で戦うなんて、滅多にない気もしますけれど……。
Mercedes: I don't think many battles take place in graveyards in the middle of the night.
But I suppose it's important to be prepared, isn't it?
アロイス: そのとおり。ということでメルセデス殿、今後も、私に力を貸してくれないだろうか。
Alois: Precisely. Please, Mercedes, help me prepare!
メルセデス: ええ、もちろん。次の機会までに、怖い話をたくさん仕入れておきますから~。
Mercedes: Of course! I'm happy to share another spooky story next time!
アロイス: い……今ので、終わりだろうか?
Alois: Is it over?
メルセデス: はい。以上でおしまいです。よく最後まで聞いてくださいました~。
Mercedes: Yes, that's all there is. You listened all the way to the end!
アロイス: ……こ、これもメルセデス殿の助力の賜物。耳を塞がず耐えられた。感謝する……。
Alois: Oh, Mercedes, thank you! And I didn't cover my ears even once!
メルセデス: いえいえ~、アロイスさんこそ、ご立派でした。
Mercedes: There's no need to thank me. You're the one who did all the hard work. You should be proud of yourself!
Now you can face any challenge on the battlefield without fear!
I had always planned on working in the monastery once the war was over...
But seeing knights like you makes me consider joining up.
アロイス: ……ほう、セイロス騎士団に入りたいと?
Alois: You want to join the Knights of Seiros?
メルセデス: 女神様のお側で、困っている方に手を差し伸べる……
Mercedes: Helping those in need with the goddess always at my side?
I can't think of a better way to live.
アロイス: ……セイロス騎士団は、あなたが思うような場所ではないかもしれんぞ。
Alois: Hm. I think the Knights of Seiros wouldn't be quite what you expect.
As a knight myself, I slew countless foes.
I shudder at the memory of my own deeds. The corpses I made, heaped in a pile, would be like a mountain.
I suppose that's why I'm so frightened of ghosts.
What if they appear before me, seeking revenge?
Perhaps it's a silly thing to worry about, but... still.
メルセデス: 任務の厳しさは承知しています。でも……今更、恐れることなんてありません。
Mercedes: I'm well aware of the nature of a knight's duty. But I no longer have anything to fear.
I've been on the battlefield. I've killed my enemies many times.
アロイス: そうか……。将来の希望について、ご両親に話したことは?
Alois: I see. What would your parents think about you planning to become a knight?
メルセデス: きっと母は受け入れてくれるはずです。養父は……説得してみなければ、何とも。
Mercedes: My mother would respect my wishes, but my adoptive father would need to be persuaded...
アロイス: ならば、騎士団がこれまで何をしてきたのかも、知っておいたほうがいい。
Alois: Before you talk to them, I had better relate some of the darker chapters in the knights' history.
It's your turn to listen, Mercedes.
メルセデス: ありがとうございます、アロイスさん。私もいっそう、怪談の腕を磨く所存です。
Mercedes: Thank you, Alois. And you should know, I intend to improve my ghost storytelling as well.
アロイス: ……え?
Alois: Eh, pardon?
メルセデス: 私、今後もアロイスさんをお助けするため、もっと怖い話を仕入れてくるつもりです。
Mercedes: If I want to continue helping you, I'll have to seek out much scarier stories to share.
アロイス: そ、それは……か、かたじけないようななくないような……。
Alois: Oh, well, you needn't go to any trouble...
メルセデス: いえいえ。これからも、お互い助け合って頑張りましょうね~。
Mercedes: Nonsense! It's no trouble at all! Besides, we have to help each other the best we can.
アロイス: そ、そうだな……。よろしく頼む、メルセデス殿。
Alois: I... suppose that's true. Thank you.
Mercedes left home for a life as a cleric at Garreg Mach. Alois, as Jeralt's successor, officially assumed the role of captain of the Knights of Seiros. Though the two were quite busy with their daily activities, they would often find time to get together in the evenings so Alois could hear Mercedes's ghost stories.
No one can say for certain whether it was the constant exposure to spooky tales or some other cause, but from that time on, Alois's reputation became that of a totally fearless fighter.
Mercedes's quiet support was widely credited for this increase in bravery. Her blessing came to be known as a guarantee of victory.