アロイス: むむむむむ。まさか私がベルナデッタ殿に書類を届けることになろうとは。
Alois: OK, I must drop off these papers with Bernadetta. I'm not sure how to go about this.
She's as timid as a mouse—and that's when speaking to people her own age!
She'll likely scream the second she sees me.
Maybe this is a mistake. All that noise is going to frighten the other students.
ベルナデッタ: あ、あの……アロイスさん?ベルの部屋の前で何してるんですか?
Bernadetta: Um... Hi! Can I help you?
アロイス: うむ。ベルナデッタ殿に用があるのだが何と声をかけたものか悩んでいるのだ。
Alois: Ah, hello! I have some business with Bernadetta. I wasn't sure how to approach her.
ベルナデッタ: ? そうなんですか。よくわかりませんけど、大変なんですね。
Bernadetta: I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, but OK.
What business do you have with Bernie?
アロイス: うむ。ちと届け物があってな。たまたま私が頼まれて届けに来たのだ。
Alois: I was supposed to deliver this, you see. Perhaps you can take it off my hands?
ベルナデッタ: あ、すみません。わざわざありがとうございます。
Bernadetta: Right... Thanks for taking the time.
アロイス: いや、なに、礼には及ばん。さあ、これだ。受け取ってくれ。
Alois: No trouble at all! Here it is.
ベルナデッタ: ありがとうございます。じゃ、わたしは部屋に戻るので、これで。
Bernadetta: Thanks. I'm going to head in now, if that's OK.
アロイス: ああ、こちらこそ助かったぞ。ベルナデッタ殿のおかげで少し落ち着いた。
よし! それでは覚悟を決めていざベルナデッタ殿に声を……
Alois: Whew, that's quite a relief.
How kind of Bernadetta's friend, making that delivery for me.
アロイス: ……え?
Alois: Wait a second..
That was Bernadetta!
But it couldn't have been! She spoke so...normally.
She didn't act frightened at all. In fact, she was quite friendly!
Ouch! Yes, it still hurts when I pinch my cheek, so I'm not dreaming...
Hm. I'm glad the ordeal's done with, but now I feel terribly confused. And a little worried.
Meek little Bernadetta, what have they done to you?
アロイス: む。あの後ろ姿はベルナデッタ殿。今は独りか。うむ。ならば、ちょうどよい。
Alois: There she is—and she seems to be alone. Now's my chance.
Bernadetta, hello! May I ask you something?
ベルナデッタ: ! ひゃ、ひゃい? だ、誰?あ、あたし? あたしに何の用でしょう?
Bernadetta: Ah! What? Me?! I-I've seen nothing!
I w-wasn't even there! You have no proof!
And even if I was there, it's not a crime to find people's hobbies fascinating!
I'll forget everything! I'll never tell a soul where I found them or what they were wearing or any of it!
アロイス: 待った! 私だ。アロイスだ。落ち着いてくれ、ベルナデッタ殿。
Alois: Hold on, hold on! Please calm down. It's just me.
ベルナデッタ: え? あ……ほんとにアロイスさんだ!アロイスさんですね。ほっ、良かった。
Bernadetta: Huh? Oh... Oh, it's you, Alois. What a relief.
アロイス: うむ、私だ。正直、何の話か気になるが、ひとまず落ち着いてくれて何よりだ。
Alois: That's right. Your denials really piqued my curiosity, but I'm glad you've calmed down.
ベルナデッタ: それで、アロイスさん。あたしに何かご用ですか?
Bernadetta: Did you want to talk to me about something?
アロイス: ああ、そうだった。ベルナデッタ殿に聞きたいことがあるのだ。
Alois: I did. Listen...
You're always so skittish—just now, for example. But when you saw it was me, you were fine. Why is that?
It's been on my mind since I delivered that package. You don't seem scared of me at all.
ベルナデッタ: え? あ、アロイスさん。まさか怖がられたいんですか?
Bernadetta: Um, were you hoping I would be?
アロイス: ああいや、そんなことは決してない。ただ純粋に疑問だっただけだ。
Alois: What? Oh no, certainly not. I was just making an observation.
ベルナデッタ: ふふん。それはですね、アロイスさんがベルの親戚のおじさんに似てるからです。
Bernadetta: Well, I guess it's because you remind me of my uncle.
He's the only one in my family who's ever been kind to me, and he's the only man I can talk to normally.
ベルナデッタ: あ、いや、先生も大丈夫なんで、ただ一人じゃないかも……。まあともかく。
Bernadetta: Actually, I'm fine with the professor too. So I guess that's not completely true anymore.
ベルナデッタ: ベルとおじさんは友達だったんです。ごくたまにしか会えませんでしたけど。
Bernadetta: My uncle and I never did talk that much, but we didn't need to. We just understood each other.
Anyway, you really remind me of him. So talking to you feels comfortable.
アロイス: ふむ。なるほど。そういう訳だったのか。はっはっは。ようやく謎が解けたな。
しかし、私はおじさんとやらに、そこまで似ているのか? 顔がか? 体型がか?
Alois: Ah, so that's why! At last the mystery's solved.
Your uncle and I must be quite alike. Is it my face, my physique?
ベルナデッタ: ええと、顔も体型も何となく似てますけど。一番そっくりなのは性格ですかね。
Bernadetta: Kind of, but I think it's more your personality.
アロイス: 性格?
Alois: My personality?
ベルナデッタ: おじさんもアロイスさんみたいに、いつも明るくて優しいんですよ。
Bernadetta: Yeah, you're always so bright, cheerful, and gentle. You put people at ease.
アロイス: はっはっは。それは光栄だ。こうなったら私も一度、そのおじさんに会ってみたいぞ。
Alois: Well, I'm honored to hear you say so.
I'd like to meet this uncle of yours. He sounds like a genial fellow. Whereabouts does he live?
ベルナデッタ: ! おじさんですか。おじさんは……。
そ、そうだ! ベル、ちょっと急用があったんでした。し、失礼しますうう。
Bernadetta: Oh... My uncle? Um...
I, uh... I just remembered something. I have to go!
ベルナデッタ: ふんふんふふーん♪ 久しぶりのお休み~♪一日中~部屋に籠もって何しよっかな~♪
Bernadetta: ♪ Hm hm-hm-hm... I finally have a day all on my own... A day inside my room... At last I feel as free as a bird that's flown... ♪
アロイス: ベルナデッタ殿、少しいいだろうか。
Alois: Bernadetta, do you have a moment?
ベルナデッタ: ふぎゃああああ!?あたしは何も見てませええええん!
許して! 許してください!秘密は守れる女なんですうううう!
Bernadetta: Ah! I wasn't looking at their hats, I swear!
And if I was, I wouldn't say a word about them! Not even if you tortured me!
Mercy! Please! I can keep a secret—honest!
アロイス: 待て! 私だ。アロイスだ。落ち着いてくれ、ベルナデッタ殿。
Alois: Hold on! It's me, Aloi. Calm down.
ベルナデッタ: え? あ……何だ、アロイスさんか。ベルはてっきり……いえ、何でもないです。
Bernadetta: Huh? Oh, Alois! I was sure you— Um, never mind.
アロイス: む、本当に何を見たのか気になるが、まあ、今はそれは置いておくとしよう。
Alois: Hm. I can't help but wonder about these hats you were looking at... But I'll set that aside for now.
I wanted to apologize for being insensitive. I can't believe I trampled on your emotions like that.
ベルナデッタ: え? ベル、何かアロイスさんにされましたっけ?
Bernadetta: Huh? Was there something you did? I don't remember anything...
アロイス: ベルナデッタ殿の親戚のおじさんのことだ。まさか亡くなっていたとは知らずに……
Alois: About your dear uncle. It never crossed my mind that he might have passed away.
ベルナデッタ: ああ、おじさんのことですか。いいんです、気にしないでください。
Bernadetta: Oh, that. Don't worry about it.
アロイス: いやしかし、あの時、ベルナデッタ殿は少し暗い顔をしていた。
Alois: But it clearly upset you.
I can't even express how guilty I feel about opening an old wound like that. I'm so sorry.
ベルナデッタ: もう……アロイスさんってば、そんなところも、おじさんそっくりですね。
Bernadetta: Hey, it's OK. You're reminding me of him even now.
And it's completely fine! I'm glad we talked about it.
アロイス: ……そうであったか。では、なぜあの時、ベルナデッタ殿は暗い顔を?
Alois: Is that so? Hm. Well then, why did you look so sad when I mentioned him?
ベルナデッタ: 実は、しばらくおじさんのお墓参りに行けてなかったなって……
Bernadetta: The truth is I realized I hadn't visited my uncle's grave in a long time.
With me not showing up for so long, I imagined him being worried about me...
アロイス: なるほど。ベルナデッタ殿は本当に彼が好きだったのだな。
Alois: I see. He must have been quite dear to you.
ベルナデッタ: そうだ! 良いことを思いつきました!……アロイスさん!
Bernadetta: Hey, that gives me a great idea!
Why don't we go see my uncle together sometime?
アロイス: 私がベルナデッタ殿のおじさんの墓参り?むうう、何の縁もない気もするが……
Alois: You want me to visit your uncle's grave? But I don't have any connection with him.
ベルナデッタ: 縁ならありますよ。……ベルです!
Bernadetta: Sure you do. You're connected by me!
アロイス: む。ううむ、まあ、言われてみれば。うむ、わかった。心得た。
Alois: I didn't think of that... All right, then. I accept.
If you don't mind my tagging along, I'll gladly accompany you!
ベルナデッタ: はい、約束ですよ。おじさん!……あっ、その。間違えました。
Bernadetta: Great! Thanks, Unc— Ugh... Thanks, Alois.
アロイス: あっはっはっはっは。
Alois: Hahaha!