準備OK!次はどうすれば? / Ok I’m ready! Now what?
私がこの記事でマルチプレイヤーモードに焦点を当てている間は、簡単にセーフティフラッグを振り、ホイッスルを吹きます(要修正 )。 Valkyrieはまだまだ開発が進んでいて、変更の可能性もたくさんあります。幸いなことに、この動作は機能に関係なくほとんどの状況に適用できます(要修正)。 ゲームに慣れようとあれこれやってみる前に、まずはチュートリアルを読むことを強くお勧めします。メニューを見るのが好きな人はそうしてもいいでしょう。ただし、まだ戦闘メニューには入らないでください。セッション切り替えも発生しますし、このあとすぐにやってみることになるでしょう。
Eris IIIやサバイバルモードでエンカウントするNPCの動作を、マルチプレイヤーで経験するものと同じだと思わないでください。これらのNPCはあらかじめプログラムされた飛行経路を飛行するか、まっすぐ進むことしかしません。私は安全な子供向けの寝室のようなものだと考えています。NPCにはまだまだ変な挙動があり、勝手に死ぬこともあります。まっすぐにしか飛ばなかったり、サークルでスピンして(要修正)スッと死んだり、お互いに衝突したりします。ある時はあなたの後ろにくっついて、船が光る紙吹雪と化すまで発砲しないこともあります。 私たちは別の時間にアップグレードを話すことができますが(要修正)、避けることができる行動や間違いがあります。
Since I am mainly focusing on what happens in multiplayer in this article I will briefly wave the safety placards and blow my whistle. Valkyrie is a game still very much under heavy development and much of this is subject to change, fortunately though the behavior can be applied in most situations regardless of the mechanics. I highly recommend going through the tutorial before attempting anything else to get yourself orientated within the game in the most efficient way possible. If you’ve a predilection for scoping out the menus, get that done and out of the way but do not go into the combat menu yet as this is a session change – we’ll touch on that in a moment.
The Chronicles are also a great place to check out. Scout mode would be a good time to learn the maps before you ride forth as a newbie. If you’re interested in what it could feel like if a campaign mode were to be added, try out the chronicle Eris III. This is the full mission experienced by many who lined up at a variety of conventions and events.
Please don’t confuse the NPC behavior encountered in Emis III or Survival mode for what you’ll experience in multiplayer. These NPCs are more interested in flying their pre-programmed flight paths or going straight at you. I would liken this to a child-proofed bedroom: round corners, padded surfaces and a cover for that power outlet you keep trying to fork. Multiplayer bots still have their quirks and odd behaviors that will inevitably get themselves killed: occasionally fly straight, spin in circles and die without a whimper and collide with one another. The other times they don’t fire until they sneak up behind you and turn your ship into bright confetti.
We can talk upgrades another time but there are behaviors and mistakes that can be avoided. My hope is having read this you will be more aware of your actions and learn faster. Below is a short list of very common ones made by many pilots.