俺のカバーはどこだ? / Where’s my cover?
ゲームで使える最高のものの1つは、豊富な障害物です。これらは無料のミサイルに対する防衛手段であり、厄介なリロードタイマーもありません。これを上手く使うことで、あなたのカウンターメジャーを緊急事態に取っておくことができます。 カバーに隠すか、視線を切ることで、敵にとってポジティブな情報を隠すことができます。敵のチームは、あなたが自分に有利な状況を作り出そうとしているとは思わないでしょう。
If you’re in a situation where you’re going to lose, sometimes the only thing that will save you is cover. If you’re out in the open, you’ve forfeited that option. Having lost the initiative of the engagement you must commit to stay or run. Pilots less skilled in the management of their velocity usually run out of capacitor mid-way on their dash for cover. Those that stay will quickly find themselves a target of opportunity for anyone nearby. With their attention focused on the fight at hand it will be easy to miss the arrival of hostile reinforcements. I’m sure we all know how to take cover, but this pertains to Valkyrie specifically.
Learn how close you can get to structures. Knowing your boundaries intimately can get you out of the tightest situations.
When you’re skimming the surface around the outside of something large such as the citadel, fly with your canopy out into open space and belly to structure. This way you’re providing yourself with the greatest field of view and increases your situational awareness.
One of the best things you can have in a game is an abundance of obstacles. They are free missile defense and have no cumbersome reload timer. This frees up your countermeasures for emergency situations only.
Staying behind cover or breaking line of site denies the enemy positive intel. Every second the hostile team does not see you is time you are able to develop the situation to your advantage.