ベイト・ボール(魚群) / Bait Ball
また、コンデンサの半分を焼いたことに気付くと、この点で呪いが始まります。今、あなた、あなたの翼の男、そして多くの敵対者が、どこにも表紙をつけずに真っ暗なところで喧嘩し始めます。 ECM、EMP、ブラスター、パルス砲、爆発、時にはミサイルの爆発で、破壊の巨大な不協和音が形を取ります。竜巻のように、餌のボールの生活は一瞬ですが、それは両側に壊滅的なことがあります。ここでは、統合された火災や消耗のゲームになります。
Heavy機を操縦する際は、アプローチベクトルであなたの翼の人に近づけないようにしてください。 Heavy機は領域効果のダメージに優れています。
When I first applied the term to Valkyrie, ‘bait ball’ was in reference to some older and now irrelevant NPC behavior. Subsequent releases have seen a drastic increase in the capabilities of the NPCs and while they no longer played king-of-no-hill without prompting, the influx of new pilots are now making the same mistakes once performed by rudimentary AI. Like moths to a flame the foolhardy, inexperienced, or the brave, fly across wide open space as soon as a hostile comes within view. And like a good wing man, you follow your wing mate out into the open. That incessant buzzing missile indicator reminds you that no cover means you’re life now depends on how fast and how maneuverable you are.
It’s also around this point where the cursing begins as you realize you burned half your capacitor getting there. Now you, your wing man, and a number of hostiles start brawling it out in the middle of nowhere with no cover. Flashes of ECM, EMP, blasters, pulse cannons, flak explosions, and occasionally missiles, a giant cacophony of destruction takes form. Like that of a tornado, a bait balls life is fleeting but it can be devastating to both sides. Here it becomes a game of consolidated fire and attrition.
Best advice is avoid these situations – split your fleet in favor of objectives.
Try to avoid using missiles on any targets central to the bait ball and shoot for those on the outside. This will reduce the likelihood of indirect countermeasures affecting your missiles.
Never fly into a bait ball where the hostiles are numerically superior – this never ends well.
If a bait ball is stubbornly hanging around, drag the engagement into an obstacle. Using obstructions like capital ship wrecks forces bait balls to splinter into smaller fights.
In a bait ball there is no such thing as a kill thief. The objective is to obliterate the other team as fast as possible to reduce your own casualties. Consolidating fire can be the quickest means of turning the fight to your advantage.
Target ships by class and threat. A support ship can render all your efforts useless in seconds and should almost always be primary.
When engaging heavies try and avoid flying too close to your wing man on approach vectors. Heavies excel at area of effect damage – do not oblige them.