ゲームを始める前の準備 / Out-Of-Game Preparations
あなたがどのVRハードウェアを購入したとしても、現在すべてのモデルは複数のケーブルでつながれています。それが操り人形のように絡み合うと怪我の原因にもなりますし、進化論の中で、VRポルノを見ながら自己発情窒息を起こす最初の研究対象になるかもしれません。 議論を進めるために、あなたがその人になりたくないと仮定しましょう。世の中の人がよくやるように、あなたの机の上も適当に置かれたガラクタだらけだとしたら、それが気になってしまいますね。綺麗に片付いた机はゲームに集中するのを助けるだけでなく、あなたがVRの世界に視界を奪われている間に、ガラクタの雪崩に遭遇する危険性を減らします。
..Everything you can do to prepare the area around you out-of-game has a resounding effect on your level of presence experienced in-game, as well as having the added bonus of reducing the chance of having to explain to the emergency room nurse how you managed to break your wrist trying to play internet spaceships. Regardless of what VR hardware you’re looking to buy, at present all models are tethered by one or more wires. Getting tangled up like a marionette will lead to you losing your sense of presence possibly causing injuries or be the first Darwinian candidate to auto-erotic asphyxiate themselves while watching VR porn.
For the sake of argument let’s assume you don’t want to be that guy. Assuming you’re like most people and your desk is shoved in the corner covered with piles of crap you put there “for a minute”, you’re going to want to take care off this. Not only does a clean desk help you focus on your task, it prevents you from suffering an avalanche of said piles and causing potential hazards while you’re blind to the world.
If you’re anything like some of our more active members, you’re going to play for hours. That is why before each session I like to take a minute to go through my little checklist:
One articulating straw (bendy)
One beverage
One-handed snack (bars, strips, burritos, chips, etc but nothing that will drip or make a mess)
One small desk fan set to low
One desk clear of all obstacles
Set drink/snack in an established out-of-way location
Turn my phone to vibrate
Clear the floor
Get a good stretch in before I crawl into a cockpit for a few hours..