カウンターメジャー / Countermeasures
現在、機体の大部分は何らかのカウンターメジャーを有しています。Fighter機とSupport機の両方の機体は、ECMモジュールの健全な採用率を楽しんでいますが、その名前は少し誤解を招くものです。 Valkyrieのカウンターメジャーモジュールは、電子干渉の形というよりもアメリカ海軍のSeaWizに似ています。例えば、交戦範囲は限られており、一度に1つのターゲットを攻撃でき、スラグラウンドの弾幕を使用してターゲットを物理的に破壊します。直接的効果のECMモジュールを展開するFighter機とSupport機の役割と異なり、Heavy機は領域に効果のあるEMSモジュール(EMPエフェクトあり)を採用しています。これは意図した目標にかかわらずHeavy機の機体の特定の範囲内のすべてのミサイルを即座に破壊するだけでなく、不幸にもこの範囲に入っている敵機に過負荷とシャットダウンを起こさせ、貴重な数秒の間、敵機は漠然と宇宙を漂います。
At present the majority of hulls offer some form of countermeasures. Both the fighter and support class ships enjoy a healthy adoption rate of ECM modules but the name can be a little deceptive. The module in Valkyrie is really more akin to the US Navy’s SeaWiz than a form of electronic interference: limited engagement range, can attack one target at a time, and uses a barrage of slug rounds to physically destroy its targets. Unlike the fighter and support roles that deploy the direct effect ECM module, heavies employ an area of effect EMS module (with EMP effect). Not only will this destroy all missiles immediately within a specific radius of the heavy regardless of intended target, any hostile ships unfortunate enough to be in range will overload and shutdown, drifting aimlessly in space for precious seconds.
Missile lock indicators only appear when missiles are locked onto you and are within targeting range of your countermeasures. Activating the module before then will reduce or completely mitigate its effect.
ECM should only be activated when evasive maneuvers and speed are not options.
Countermeasures generally have a duration of 5 seconds and recharge in 15 seconds.
Only heavies can shut down hostile ships with electronic countermeasures.
Countermeasures have a visual effect, your enemies will know they are deactivated the same time as you.