Summary of Experience
As a media artist, I created several art works since the 1990s, including the permanent exhibit "Internet Physics Model" at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. I launched NicoNicoGakkai Beta, a large-scale online research platform that connects public citizens and professional researchers (total 650,000 viewers). At AIST, I research on constructing services with user participation. I have received the Grand Prix of Ars Electronica Award and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award.
Work Experience
2002/9-Present: Senior Researcher at Co-creative Platform Research Team, Human Augmentation Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).
2019-2021: Guest Professor at SFC, Keio University.
2013-Present: Part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Art, Department of Design. Teaching for designing future visions.
2003-2006: Part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Art, Department of Advanced Art and Design. Teaching "Media Literacy" class.
2001-2002: Part-time lecturer at Tama Art University, Department of Information Design.
1997-2002: Researcher at the International Media Research Foundation (IMRF).
2010: Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology from the University of Tokyo. Graduated as the top of Ph.D. program.
1997: M.A. in Media and Governance from Keio University.
1995: B.A. in Environment and Information Studies from Keio University.
Research Area
Research area: Human Computer Interaction
Research topic: Media Art, Co-creative Innovation
Major field: Art
Major field (detailed: Research on platforms that encourage creative activity on the web
2017: The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, The Prizes for Science and Technology (for the Promotion of Understanding), (Awardees: Koichiro Eto and Hiroto Doi)
2013: Ars Electronica Award for Digital Communities, Honorable Mention. (Winner: Koichiro Eto, NicoNicoGakkai Beta Executive Committee)
2013: READYFOR Award in the Creative Category, (Winner: Koichiro Eto)
2012: Good Design Award, Good Design Best 100, (Winner: AIST (Representative: Koichiro Eto))
2010: Dean's Award, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo (recipient: Koichiro Eto)
2006: WISS 2006 Best Paper Award, (Winner: Koichiro Eto and 2 others)
2005: WISS 2005 Interactive Presentation Award, (Winner: Koichiro Eto and 4 others)
1999: Ars Electronica Award for Interactive Art, Honorary Mention (Winner: Koichiro Eto, Canon Art Lab)
1997: Ars Electronica Award Grand Prix (Golden Nica Award) (Winner: Project Taos (himself and 11 others))
Affiliated organizations
2019-Present: SIP Structuring Team Member. SIP (Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program) is one of the largest research grants promoted by the Cabinet Office.
2017-Present: Advisor of JST CREST Symbiotic Interaction.
2016-Present: COI STREAM Structuring Team Member. COI (Center of Innovation) is one of the largest research grants promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
2011-Present: the chairman of the NicoNicoGakkai Beta Executive Committee (Now, NicoNicoGakkai Beta Association).
2014-Present: visiting researcher at the Institute of Information Society, Tama University.
In addition, I'm an editorial committee of the Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, a committee of Tsukuba City Arts and Culture Promotion Council. I was Judge of Good Design Award, Science Agora Promotion Member, and so on.
2001: “Internet Physical Model” (at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation)
2000: “WebBrowserMusic” (with Suguru Yamaguchi)
1998: “SoundCreatures” (with Canon ArtLab)
1996: “WebHopper” (as a member of “sensorium”)
1996: “RemotePiano” (in concert "Music Plays Images × Images Play Music" with Toshio Iwai and Ryuichi Sakamoto)
Main Publications
2016: “The Making of the NicoNicoGakkai Beta” (Film Art)
2013: “Evolving Academia” (East Press)
2012: “Research on NicoNicoGakkai Beta” (Kawade Shobo)
2009: “Patterns, Wiki, XP” (Gijutsu Hyoronsha)
Research Achievements
Activity 1: Research on Building a Co-Creation Platform
I researched the construction of a "co-creation platform" environment, a place where many users can get together to collaborate on creative works.
"Co-creation platform" means that various users It is a place where people can get together and collaborate to create something creative. One of examples is Wikipedia. This field is widely referred to as UGC (User Generated Contents).
I developed qwikWeb, a collaboration system that integrates mailing lists and wikis, which can be easily constructed and managed by anyone, and provided a trial environment (used by more than 42,000 people).
We developed Modulobe, a platform that makes it easy to create and share moving objects, and anyone can It was made available for use (total of more than 170,000 downloads and more than 3,000 submitted models). Conducted workshops for a total of more than 1,200 people in 22 elementary and junior high schools in collaboration with YCAM in Yamaguchi Prefecture. The results were exhibited at the Yamaguchi Prefecture Media Art Festival.
We built and operated Wedata, a collective intelligence database for sharing miniscule code fragments used collaboratively by various programmers (over 1.34 million users).
These systems have been made available to the public, not just for research purposes, but for practical use by the public at large. We have also transferred the technology and made it available from other organizations. In addition, qwikWeb is available as open source software.
Eto, K., Takabayashi, S., and Masui, T. 2005. qwikWeb: integrating mailing list and WikiWikiWeb for group communication. In proceedings of the 2005 international symposium on Wikis (San Diego, California, October 16--18, 2005). WikiSym'05. ACM Press, New York, NY, 17--23.
Eto, K. 2008, Modulobe: a creation and sharing platform for articulated models with complex motion. In Proc. ACE '08, pp. 305--308.
Eto, K, Hamasaki, M., and Takeda, H. 2012, "Wedata: a wiki system for service oriented tiny code sharing." In Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration. pp. 1--4
Activity 2: Research on Construction and Operation of Services with User Participation
We studied the design methodology for building and operating services with user participation.
Compared to YouTube, Wikipedia. has the major feature of being a user-driven platform. I call such a user-driven system for designing a place "user-participatory design process". He named it and published it as a book.
Wikipedia, unlike YouTube and other platforms, is also different in its platform management. It has the distinction of being user driven. The governing body, the Wikipedia Foundation, is a non-profit organization, and as such special users are "bureaucrats and is elected through a democratic system like an election. By designing, developing, and operating services with such user participation, the value to users is We studied ways to enhance this process and extracted it as a "user participatory design process" methodology.
When this methodology was published as a book, "Patterns, Wiki and XP", there was a great response, including 37 invited and requested lectures, 3 interviews and 1 TV appearance.
This methodology is also used to build consensus in online discussions. The findings were extracted and published as a pattern language.
Eto, K. Patterns, Wiki, and XP: The Timeless Way of Creation. Gijutsu Hyoronshsya, 2009.
Motohashi, M., Nakano, H., Hanyuda, E., Kakeda, T., & Eto, K. "From pattern languages to a project language: process of co-creation." In Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. 2011.
Eto, K., & Hamasaki, M. A pattern language for organizing open discussion on the web. In Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (pp. 1-8), 2011.
Activity 3: Action Research for Building Co-creative Innovation Environment
We applied the "user-participatory design process" to organizing a new academic symposium based on user participation and promoted action research using the methodology of "user-participatory research.
Action research on the creation of a "co-creational innovation system": the proponents of such a forum Based on the methodological research of design, we set up a place for co-creation and action research from there. I observe the place as a subject and derive a theory from it. This kind of self-initiated and self-directed observation of the place is called action research. There is. Starting from the aforementioned "Nico Nico Gakkai Beta", we are currently working on the joint production event with Tsukuba City. Co-creation is further developing, such as by holding.
In 2011, the proponents of the proposal have been working to create a place where professional researchers and the general public can co-create science and technology research and development. Established "NicoNicoGakkai Beta". (the parent company of Nico Nico Nico Douga), and held 9 symposia, and the "NicoNicoGakkai Beta" was launched. The entire event was broadcast live on Nico Nico Live (Japanese version of YouTube Live). All of them were broadcast live on Nico Nico Live (Japanese version of YouTube Live). By making it easier for the general public to understand the presentations of researchers at scientific symposia It was widely supported by the general public. At the same time, the NicoNicoGakkai Beta was a place where the general public could also present their work. I was able to create a place to present various researches by wild researchers. We published three books and nine e-books to communicate the significance of the NicoNicoGakkai Beta.
This method of inviting innovation through the "user participatory design process" is called "co-creation We named it "Innovation" and made it available to the public. The response to this action research was great, with 90 invited/invited lectures and 10 interviews. The research was published in the 2015 edition of the White Paper on Science and Technology. Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award for Science and Technology (Promoting Understanding), Good Design Award for the Best 100, and The project has received four awards, including the Ars Electronica Award. This activity will bring together many researchers and citizens who are interested in new science and technology communication A place has been created. It is worth noting that the policy on "co-creational innovation" initiated by this project was The recommendations are made in Chapter 6 of the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan, "Co-creative Science and Technology Innovation," which is a part of the national science and technology It had a huge impact on the production.
The proposer has stated in the COI STREAM program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, "We will directly link sensibility and digital manufacturing to the consumer's Selected as the "Center for the Creation of a Fab Global Society that Expands Creativity" (Representative: Jun Murai) for 9 years of research. Currently, the company is conducting a project based on "co-creation-type innovation" within this program. In this program, the company is also developing businesses based on "co-creation-type innovation," with all 18 of its bases being cross-branched. He is a member of the structured team through which he works.
The company is also working in partnership with Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and is planning to launch a joint project with Tsukuba City and O'Reilly in 2020. The Tsukuba Mini Maker Faire 2020 was co-hosted by
JST-ANR Symbiotic CREST Symposium We had the pleasure of holding an international conference in Paris.
Eto, K., NicoNicoGakkai Beta Executive Committee. Evolving Academia: "User Participatory Research" brings the future, East Press, 2013.
Eto, K., Hope, T., and Takeda, H.: A pattern language for an open academic society with non-professional users, PLoP’14 Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Pattern Language of Programs, The Hillside Group, No.4, 2014.
Eto, K., Chthono. How to make the NicoNicoGakkai Beta - from co-created events to future communities, Film Art, 2016.