Export and Import Your Note Data
When you transfer schools, the data used at the previous school can be transferred to the new school account.
The same method can be used to pass your data on to teachers at other schools.
How To Import / Export Your Note Data
Export Your Note Data
1.Log in with your teacher's account containing the required data.
2.Open the Note/Folder you want to transfer, select (...) and choose "Export".
The name of the file to be downloaded will be as follows:
Note Data: ○○○.loilonote
File Data: ○○○.loilomaterials
3.Log out from your previous account.
Inport the Data
1.Log in with the account you want to import files into.
2.Open any class and create a Note.
3.Open the Note/Folder you want to transfer, select (...) and choose "Import".
Note Data
Folder Data
Export in batches
You can also export several files at the same time.