あなたの次のターンの開始時、このカード (魔導士) を場から手札に加える。
アクション - 持続 - 魔法使い
Gain a card costing up to {{cost|4|4}}.
At the start of your next turn, put this into your hand.
Conjurer is an Action-Duration-Wizard card from Allies. It is a gainer that puts itself back into your hand on the turn after you play it, guaranteeing that you can continue to use it as many turns in a row as you want. Gain a card costing up to 4 Coin.
At the start of your next turn, put this into your hand.
Conjurer is an Action-Duration-Wizard card from Allies. It is a gainer that puts itself back into your hand on the turn after you play it, guaranteeing that you can continue to use it as many turns in a row as you want.