Gain a card costing up to 4 Cost. If it's an...
Action card, gain a Horse;
Treasure card, gain a Silver;
Victory card, +1 Card and +1 Action.
Groom is an Action card from Set:Menagerie. It is a gainer that offers a bonus depending on the type of the card gained, similar to Ironworks. https://gyazo.com/00191a564c9302aa8cfb67a4b1ba6851
Gain a card costing up to 4 Coin. If it's an...
Action card, gain a Horse;
Treasure card, gain a Silver;
Victory card, +1 Card and +1 Action.
Groom is an Action card from Set:Menagerie. It is a gainer that offers a bonus depending on the type of the card gained, similar to Ironworks.