Moneylender is an Action card from the Base set. When played, it lets you trash a Copper from your hand and gives you + if you do. It is similar to terminal Silvers, since it gives you more than you would have had from just playing the Copper; however, it also gets the Coppers out of your deck so you can draw your better cards more often. https://gyazo.com/3c30ee286e80dfd602ba218475cf01e5
You may trash a Copper from your hand for +3 Cost.
Moneylender is an Action card from the Base set. When played, it lets you trash a {{Card|Copper}} from your hand and gives you +3 Cost if you do. It is similar to terminal Silver|terminal Silvers, since it gives you {{cost|2}} more than you would have had from just playing the Copper; however, it also gets the Coppers out of your deck so you can draw your better cards more often. You may trash a Copper from your hand for +3 Coin.
Moneylender is an Action card from the Base set. When played, it lets you trash a Copper from your hand and gives you +3 Coin if you do. It is similar to terminal Silvers(terminal Silver), since it gives you 2 Coin more than you would have had from just playing the Copper; however, it also gets the Coppers out of your deck so you can draw your better cards more often.