Gardens is a Victory card from the Base set. It is worth 1 for every 10 cards in your deck, so it is worth a lot of points when your deck is filled with lots of cards and worth very little if you have trashed most of your deck. https://gyazo.com/7a50a19b2705752ea748c5a6e03c043b
Worth 1{{VP}} per 10 cards you have (round down).
Gardens is a Victory card from the Base set. It is worth 1{{VP}} for every 10 cards in your deck, so it is worth a lot of points when your deck is filled with lots of cards and worth very little if you have trash|trashed most of your deck. Worth 1VP per 10 cards you have (round down).
Gardens is a Victory card from the Base set. It is worth 1VP for every 10 cards in your deck, so it is worth a lot of points when your deck is filled with lots of cards and worth very little if you have trashed(trash) most of your deck.