Vassal is an Action card from the second edition of the base set. If the top card of your deck is an Action, Vassal can play it; otherwise, the top card is discarded. Either way, it gives +, making it sometimes a terminal silver, and sometimes a sort of Peddler variant. https://gyazo.com/0dcd13d314a8cb06ae62da802110b2ff
Discard the top card of your deck. If it is an Action card, you may play it.
Vassal is an Action card from the second edition of the base set. If the top card of your deck is an Action, Vassal can play it; otherwise, the top card is discarded. Either way, it gives +2 Cost, making it sometimes a terminal silver, and sometimes a sort of Peddler variant. +2 Coin
Discard the top card of your deck. If it is an Action card, you may play it.
Vassal is an Action card from the second edition of the base set. If the top card of your deck is an Action, Vassal can play it; otherwise, the top card is discarded. Either way, it gives +2 Coin, making it sometimes a terminal silver, and sometimes a sort of Peddler variant.