OSB shear strength
Based on the formula in C. Donald Ahrens, Meteorology Today: Wind speed in miles per hour
multiplied by itself and then by 0.004 gives wind's pressure in pounds per square foot.
Case study
36' x 24' shed box house
12' height and 8' height shed roof
Wind speed: 50 mph ( 50 x 50 x 0.004 = 10 lbs/sq.ft. )
12' height wall wind load: 120 pound per feet
8' height wall wind load: 80 pound per feet
8' height wall get
80 pound per feet x 24' = 1920 pound
one corner get 960 pound
a roof edge and a bottom edge of the one corner get 480 pounds
1/2" OSB (4" on boundary and 12" on studs nailing pattern ) vertical sheeting can hold 250 pound per sheet.
2 sheets of OSB on shear wall can hold 8' x 24' wall