DSL for plasma predicate
Define the domain specific language of predicate to make discussion more efficiently. We provide the theory to treat fraud proof verification.
Thank you CEL team(...) for daily discussion and also great foundation such as predicate from PG.
Problems to solve
It's not really efficient to discribe new predicate everytime it is created. Researchers need a very high context background to understand the behavior of deprecation logic in the discussion for example at plasma.build. We should define the notation for predicates so that everyone can share a new predicate desdin quickly without any misinterpretation.
Secondly, it's generally important to look for what atomic predicate is. In this theory, We can convert from complex predicate to multiple simple predicates. We can build more complex predicate easily, and also break these down to more general predicates.
How does it work in detail
Dispute scheme and deprecation logic
The dispute scheme is to prove the validity of state.
The deprecation logic is to prove deprecation of state.
sg.icon state isn't well formalized yet
$ dispution(deprecation\_logic(state))
sg.icon "disputation" is grammatically correct naming.
dispute(deprecationA(state) and deprecationB(state)) = dispute(deprecationA(state)) or dispute(deprecationB(state))
dispute(deprecationA(state) or deprecationB(state)) = dispute(deprecationA(state)) and dispute(deprecationB(state))
Fee predicate
This formula defamation stands for that "the transfer with fee predicate" can be split into fee predicate and ownership predicate.
sg.icon defamation? 誹謗中傷?
sg.icon "predicate" below is the "disputation scheme" category
sg.icon proveFee, proveTransfer, proveInclusion, confirmation, finalizeExit, deprecate, proveClose are "deprecation logic" category
predicate(proveFee(state) and proveTransfer(state))
= predicate(proveFee(state)) or predicate(proveTransfer(state))
1. predicate(proveFee(state) and proveTransfer(state))
1. means one predicate has the deprecation logic which is combined from proveFee and proveDeprecation.
2. predicate(proveFee(state)) or predicate(proveTransfer(state))
2. means that two exits run at the same time and if at least one exit succeed the whole state should be exitable.
name a b c d
proveFee(state) T T F F
proveTransfer(state) T F T F
exitable T T T F
Simple swap predicate
sg.icon "disputation scheme" can be combined with other disputation. A disputation scheme returns boolean.
Simple swap requires 3 predicates.
predicate(proveDeprecation(state) and proveInclusion(state.correspondent) and confirmation(state.correspondent))
= predicate(proveDeprecation(state)) or predicate(proveInclusion(state.correspondent) and confirmation(state.correspondent))
= predicate(proveDeprecation(state)) or predicate(proveInclusion(state.correspondent)) or predicate(confirmation(state.correspondent))
Dex predicate
Dex predicate requires 3 predicates.
predicate(proveDeprecation(state)) or (predicate(finalizeExit(state.correspondent)) and predicate(proveDeprecation(state.correspondent)))
name a b c d e f g h
proveDeprecation(state) T T T F T F F F
finalizeExit(state.correspondent) T T F T F T F F
proveDeprecation(state.correspondent) T F T T F F T F
exitable T T T T T F F F
What topic to research next
Payment channel predicate?
predicate(proveClose(openState)) and channel(deprecation(openState))
How do we stands for extra dispute pereod?
The simple swap requires extra dispution period. How do we write that?