Writing online is the fastest way to accelerate your career
Writing online means, first and foremost, that there is writing being done.
"The easiest way to write more is to write about ideas that stimulate you. If you do, you’ll be able to produce on a more consistent basis."
"Focus on quantity over quality at first. If you publish something every week for a year, you’ll gain tremendous insights into what you should be creating."
"Don’t write on Medium."
"The more you can use platforms you own, the better. Rather than writing on Medium, do the work to build a personal blog. That way, you can have a central place to point people to."
"You don’t own your content and the platform makes it difficult to turn one-time readers into loyal ones."
"Make it easy for people to find you. Buy a domain name and use it to create your own website, even if it’s very simple at first. Your website is your resume, your business card, your store, your directory, and your personal magazine. It’s the one place online that you completely own and control – your Online Home."