DID - ION - Identity Hub
What is hub?
Identity hubs are decentralized off-chain personal data stores that give complete control and autonomy to their owner.
you maybe wouldn't want to store your sensitive personal data on these ledgers - considering they are immutable and sometimes, even public.
What is benefits?
Identity hubs prevents anyone from using their data without the user's explicit permission.
Users can securely share their data with other people, apps, and businesses, giving access to the minimum data necessary and retaining a record of who has access to what.
App developers can reduce the complexity of data management & compliance by storing sensitive data in the user's hub and reducing their own risk of data breach.
How app developers authenticate DID and connect user data tied with DID?
Key features
Standard API
First all identity hubs expose a standard interface for data starage and retrieval.
This means users can choose to run identity hubs anywhere, with any identity hub provider they choose.