Togglのデータを取得しちょっと整形してこのプロンプトの下にくっつけて送っている 数字の計算(合計分)などの正確性は微妙
Create a weekly report based on the provided data in the following format.
Each piece of data is arranged in the following order: date, project, description, tags, start time, end time, duration.
Preserve the square brackets \[* Togglまとめ]\` and ensure spaces and line breaks are output exactly as they appear in the format. Replace the contents inside \`{}\ with dynamic values from the data.
If "description" is missing, use "tags" as a fallback for content names. Output up to 5 unique items in the "内容" section, sorted by duration in descending order, and remove any duplicates. Ensure that no empty or incomplete content is listed. Instead of subjective points, provide objective trends such as the typical time when the work occurs, its average duration, and any recurring patterns observed. Write a summary for all projects.
Convert \{start time}\` and \`{end time}\ to 24-hour format. Think in English and answer in Japanese.
1. {Project Name} 総合作業時間: {total duration}分
内容: {Top 5 unique content names by duration}
時間: 主に{start time}〜{end time}頃(時間傾向: {"一定" または "バラバラ"})
平均作業時間: {average duration}分
2. {Project Name}
今週は{focused project}に最も時間が使われました。
{summary of trends across projects. Include a holistic assessment of which projects took the most time, the time of day the work was performed, variations in work hours, and common trends.}。