Great cities attract ambitious people. You can sense it when you walk around one. In a hundred subtle ways, the city sends you a message: you could do more; you should try harder.
The surprising thing is how different these messages can be. New York tells you, above all: you should make more money. There are other messages too, of course. You should be hipper. You should be better looking. But the clearest message is that you should be richer.
NYCに限った話かは分からんが、これ本当に思うblu3mo.icon*2 染まりたくないと思っていても影響は受ける
自分とそこまで能力に差がなさそうな周りの友人等がSWEやQuant等の仕事を目指していて、夏インターンで数百万円を得たり卒業後に年数千万円稼ごうとしている それを見ていると、それらの道を選ばないことの機会コストを認知してしまう 「この機会コストを払ってまで〇〇をやりたいのか」という問いが生まれてしまう
でも僕もぶんじ寮良いとおもいつつシモキタカレッジに憧れたりするので人のことは言えない そもそもNYCは生きるのに金がかかりすぎる
「収入が二倍ならこんなことには悩まないのにな〜」みたいなことを思う時、都市からのyou should be richerというメッセージを感じる
What I like about Boston (or rather Cambridge) is that the message there is: you should be smarter. You really should get around to reading all those books you've been meaning to. When you ask what message a city sends, you sometimes get surprising answers. As much as they respect brains in Silicon Valley, the message the Valley sends is: you should be more powerful.
That's not quite the same message New York sends. Power matters in New York too of course, but New York is pretty impressed by a billion dollars even if you merely inherited it. In Silicon Valley no one would care except a few real estate agents. What matters in Silicon Valley is how much effect you have on the world. The reason people there care about Larry and Sergey is not their wealth but the fact that they control Google, which affects practically everyone.