import { uploadBulk } from "../複数の画像ファイルをGyazoにuploadするscript/upload.ts"; import { basename, extname, resolve, } from ""; import { readZip } from ""; // directory内の全てのzipを読み込む const dir = resolve(Deno.cwd(), Deno.args[0]); console.log(dir); const name = basename(dir); if (!(await Deno.stat(dir)).isDirectory) { throw Error(`"${name}" is not a directory. Specify a directory path.`); } for await (const { name: fileName } of Deno.readDir(dir)) { const path = resolve(dir, fileName); if (extname(path) !== ".zip") continue; const zip = await readZip(path); console.log(`Open ${fileName}`); const files: File[] = []; for (const file of zip) { const blob = await file.async("blob"); files.push(new File([blob],, { lastModified:, })); console.log(`Extract ${}`); } files.sort((a, b) => parseInt( - parseInt(; const [year, date] = fileName.match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})/)?.slice?.(1) ?? ["", ""]; const title = `『山と渓谷 ${parseInt(year)}年${parseInt(date)}月号』`; console.log(`Upload ${title}`); const errors = [] as number[]; let counter = 0; const URLs = [] as string[]; for await (const result of uploadBulk( files, { title, noIndex: true, accessToken: Deno.args[1], }, )) { counter++; if (!result.success) { if (!(result.reason instanceof Error)) throw result.reason; console.error(`[${counter}/${files.length}] `, result.reason); errors.push(counter); } else { const { permalink_url, name, index } = result.value; URLs[index] = permalink_url; console.log(`[${counter}/${files.length}] ${name} ${permalink_url}`); } } if (errors.length > 0) console.log(errors); // .zipを削ってファイル名を組み立てる await Deno.writeTextFile(resolve(dir, `./${fileName.slice(0, -extname(fileName).length)}-gyazo.json`), JSON.stringify(URLs)); }