#!/bin/bash set -e sudo apt update -y sudo apt upgrade -y # japanese_Fonts sudo apt install -y fonts-vlgothic fonts-takao-gothic fonts-takao-mincho fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-ipafont-mincho fonts-ipaexfont-gothic fonts-ipaexfont-mincho sudo apt install -y manpages-ja manpages-ja-dev sudo apt install -y fonts-noto-cjk fonts-noto-cjk-extra sudo apt install -y fonts-noto-color-emoji # japanese_Input_fctx sudo apt install -y fcitx fcitx-config-gtk fcitx-frontend-all fcitx-frontend-fbterm fcitx-tools fcitx-ui-classic fcitx-ui-light fcitx-anthy fcitx-mozc fcitx-table-all fcitx-frontend-gtk3 fcitx-frontend-qt5 im-config mozc-utils-gui sudo apt install -y steam steam-devices echo "[INFO] Done! Please reboot the system for the changes to take effect."