1. The consumption of Yánléi has been described as intensive but short-living - so I guess it would be similar to drug use, actually. Is Yánléi a drug per definition?
2. Is there a reason why Kayn’s Shadow Tattoo on his right arm is white while Zed’ is black? Can someone chose the color the tattoos appear?
3. Do Zed’ tattoo have any meaning? It looks cool as hell but I couldn’t recognize any of the symbols.
4. I noticed that Kayn had his hair loose this issue while he had badly made ponytail all other issues before. Is there are hair code in Ionia?
1. ヤンレイの効果は強力だが短時間と記述されている―つまり実際にはドラッグ使用と同様だと推測する。ヤンレイの定義はドラッグなのか?
2. ケインの右腕にある影のタトゥーは白なのに、ゼドのタトゥーは黒である理由はあるのか? タトゥーの色は選べるのか?
3. ゼドのタトゥーには何か意味があるのか? ドチャクソかっこいいけど、意味のあるシンボルが刻まれているようには見えない。
4. ケインは前話までは髪を不器用な三つ編みでまとめていたけれど、5話では髪をほどいている。アイオニアでは髪型に何か意味があるのか?
1. I mean that depends on how you view drugs effects verse magics effects. This is almost a philosophical question so I don't have an answer exactly. But yes it is a substance you can use to gain benefit--but like any lore thing I work on-- power has price.
2. This was just sketched in on my notes as a cool idea-- placement probably matters but it is also probably part of a larger ritual. I describe them in locations and gave guideline for how it was done-- but that was just notes for the artists or concept artists. When possible I like to leave things like this open to other writers, artists, and teams to explore. (esp when there isn't time for me to explore them, like in this comic book). It makes the world feel lived in and open for latter exploration without restricting other teams. The color here also can be understood as bruising and the tattoo fading or being absorbed. One assumes only very dark colors are available (it is shadow magic after-all)
3. Yes, but I only gave outlines to the artist. Not I direct quote but I believe I wrote something like "It should feel ritualistic, angry, masculine, imply a level of self-hatred and, obviously, shadows and smoke" I think I attached some sample images too-- but Edgar made this up. Hopefully other teams will be able to further explore it. But that said this, like the shadow tattoos in general, this is here to make the world feel grounded and lived in (and tie into some larger rules about magic)... but I don't want to write every rule and custom, instead we want to imply to the reader that rules and customs exist. (Ultimately because we don't have time to explore that in this action driven medium but we basically can set up exploration later. )
4. Not exactly. There are fashion norms for the different regions and organizations, (and some have rigid rules) . But a minor goal for me with this comic and Warmother was to show that our characters exist in a world and thus their appearance changes for the weather, mood, location, culture, job, and through time. It makes it more real imo. Also one of the advantages of comics over a moba is character's canon costumes can change-- and can be explored safely and cheaply. So also hopefully if something gets done that's super awesome and people want it, we could import it back into the moba as a base or skin or at least use it in other products and media.
One of the things I always advocated for on Champion team was making new champs that revealed a different part of an existing character's story. (Warmachine did this on tabletop well) A new champion kit and model for the game...but the same person at a different part of their lives. So making a pre-gun Jhin as a strategic jungler who uses traps and knives. Making Kat and Garen, lovers on the run, a bot lane duo. Sejuani after bristle dies, Riven leader of the Noxican rebellion. (Not lore approved just spitballing -but you get the idea.) This way the old characters (and kits) still exist in game but we can advance their storylines, give fans new kits to try, and provide a base level of understanding on the kit, personality, and lore. (I.e Jhin would still have limited ammo of 4... but it becomes daggers. )
1. How did Shen and Zed found the Yánléi and more important: How did they knew how to use it?
2. What exactly happened before Zed left? Because we know that Shen himself dabbed with the Yánléi. It seems Zed wanted so desperately to leave, why did he have to make sure things had to end on a "bad term"?
3. What was Shen and Zed's relationship after Zed left but before he killed Kusho? Since Shen actually wanted to fight in the War as well, I could see both writing letter to each other. Or did the mentioned kiss between Zed and Yevnai broke their friendship?
4. If Shen actually wanted to fight in the war, why did he stayed with Kinkou? According to Zed, he actually could have convince him to join his new Order if he had played his card differently. Because I try to understand why Shen, after he tried to help in the war in secret, stopped doing it.
1. シェンとゼドがヤンレイを見つけた方法こそもっと重要だ。2人はどうやって使い方を知ったのか?
2. ゼドが均衡の守人を抜ける前に実際に起こったことは? シェン自身もヤンレイを使っていたから。ゼドがどうしても抜けたがっていたように見えるが、彼が最終的に「悪い結末」にしなければならなかったのはなぜ?
3. ゼドが抜けた後、しかしクショーを殺す前のシェンとゼドの関係はどんなものだった? 当時はシェンも戦争に参加したがっていたので、手紙を送り合っていたのではないかと思う。それとも、ゼドとイェヴナイ(訳注:ゼド2話に登場した、シェンの婚約者にしてゼドの恋人の女性)がキスをして親交を断った時に言及されていた?
4. もしシェンが戦争を戦ったとしたら、彼が均衡の守人に留まった理由は? ゼドによれば、彼が違ったやり方をしていれば、シェンも新しい団についてきてしまう自信があったということだった。戦争を終わらせるために秘密裏に活動したシェンが均衡の守人に留まる理由を考えたんだけども。
Group A Question 2, Yeah actually the tattoo culture for Yakuza and Triads is something we have to be hyper aware of in visual designs. There are a lot of international rules and rating restrictions surrounding tattoos for characters. (esp Korea, Japan and China.) So character's using tattoos is always risky part of any visual design for anything we do at riot and requires a lot of support from our Localization teams. It usually creates an extra step for our ratings and loc teams.
Group B
1. The original story and several other docs I've made state that Yanlei ichor is created by the quinlons as a by product for damning or limiting magic. (this goes back to work before Rakan and Xayah) . Actually storing it in temples or some-places being able to get rid of it (somehow) is more of the problem. From the human perspective it's the evil magic they don't want getting out. (Xayah would see it differently.)
2. I mean issue 6 is still a thing....
3. I actually had a draft where Shen and Zed had a talk during the war. Shen was worried about Zed (thinking he was taking too many risks), angry at his father's inaction, but also suspected Yevnai had feelings for Zed and that had something to do with the marriage being called off. It was meant to be bittersweet and show how even apart these two brothers relied on each other, but also they knew their lives and choices were sending them on separate paths. I liked the scene a lot actually... it was there to help build out the logic out showing that Shen was on the border of joining Zed. But 20 pages is a harsh mistress, and my original draft was 26 comic pages. I had to cut that scene and a very funny Akali action scene. (many, many comedic and badass Akali scenes had to be cut)
4. Ultimately, I think because Zed left. With Zed having been cast out and his father fighting a political battle within the Kinkou. If Shen left, or was caught helping the war effort, he would be really, really stabbing his father in the heart. He and Zed were exceptional, they were the presumed next generation of leaders (akali was still a child). He was needed by the Kinkou. 'Cause basically somebody still had to fight demons and ghosts. So I think Shen was really, really unhappy then and wanted out, but he stayed. His friend had left, his girl was leaving him (or had left), and the family and organization he'd grown up in was fighting internally. Maybe not in violence, but we can assume many angry emotional arguments were happening in the Kinkou's halls. So would you walk away from your dad? Your family? And the organization your family gave its life to? When they needed you the most? This is why I think Shen is a hero. Not because he obtained some perfect Buddha like state or wisdom... but exactly because he didn't. Because that job is hard... and Shen saw that someone had to do it. And even more importantly because Shen didn't want any of this: Shen didn't want to be the Eye of the Twilight. He doesn't want to limit all of his emotions. He doesn't want to look at the big picture. He doesn't want to be a leader of the order. He didn't want to stay with his dad. None of it. But for all of these things... he tried to be calm and do what he believed and what he had been taught to believe the right thing was. So... both now and back then, I think Shen is a man desperately trying understand what the right thing to do is. And I think Shen is a man desperately trying to do the right thing, even though its cost him everything he ever wanted... Because ultimately i just think that is a more heroic and human character than a perfect Buddha. (Not that I don't like Buddha... but you get the idea.)
訳注:ゼド第1話の質疑応答で「ヤンレイとはゼドが率いる一団の名前であり、"涙" という意味でもある。つまり "影の涙" の涙の部分の単語。ヤンレイはゼドとその弟子たちが影の魔法を使えるようにする薬品の名でもある(タトゥーに擦り込まれている)」という要旨のコメントがWAAAARGHbobo氏よりあった。