Block formatting
Block fromatting is quite limited in Basically, you can note that there are the following forms:
code block, invoked as code:filename.extension
table, invoked as table:name_of_the_table
blockquote, invoked as > on the beginnin of a line (i.e. not expected [>)
Unfortunately, because of the internal workings of Scrapbox, it is not possible to easily modify, e.g., table based on its name or preceding tag.
However, there is a workaround (with limitations). It is possible to use familiar [ ] syntax from text formatting to format whole blocks.
💡 like this - this is a block
.deco-\" {
/* Key part for making behave as a block */
/* background color and border */
/* making some free space around it */
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
The magic is done by following two CSS declarations:
display:inline-block; – chages the display mode of an element to inline-block that allows to set the width and height
width:100%; – full width