#136 September 14th, 2024 https://scrapbox.io/files/66ec655d192738001c481141.jpg
● 場所/Venue
Happy Promotion Center
● スタッフ/Staff
● 当日のアジェンダ/Agendas of the Day
1. Regular weekly practice
2. Improving the raps team presentation skills
3. Advising the kids
● 当日の活動内容/Activities of the Day
On this day, the weather was conducive for practicing. The dance, recitals, and playgroup teams arrived on time to start the practice session. The instructors were also on time at HPC to guide the kids through the practice session. The dance team assembled under the shed and began their daily practice by reviewing what they had done the previous week.
Mentor Java spent most of the morning instructing the younger group among the dancers to help them catch up with the others. Later, he grouped the dancers into the ladies and gentlemen and introduced a new choreography that needed the two groups to cooperate intermittently for it to work.
The morning session of the dance group was successful. The dancers appreciated the new styles and were also grateful for the teacher taking the time to catch up with the others. Teacher Janet has taken advantage of the latest classroom created after putting up the shed to play with the kids there. The space is large enough and open for the kids to enjoy the warm weather.
Teacher Janet is doing a great job keeping the kids lively and engaged throughout the day as their other siblings practice dancing and recitals. Given her requested props, she can do more things with the little kids to enhance their psychomotor skills. Given the availability of some funds, we recommend buying the props and toys she suggested.
Teacher Millicent is also improving the presentation skills of the recitals team by encouraging them to present their pieces before the audience of other kids during the meal breaks. Some rappers like Tamara are confident enough to rap around some other students randomly during their breaks.
The morning sessions proceeded well until the first break time to take porridge. The cook prepared delicious porridge that was enough for all the students who had attended this Saturday. After the porridge, the kids had a brief break for about ten minutes before returning to the practice session's second session.
The second session was as successful as the first, and the dance team went ahead and learned more new choreographies on the recently released songs in the Kenyan music space. The kids were welcoming to the latest dance styles and tried to ensure they grasped them and perfected them. The recital team moved out of the classroom to practice for the second session outside under the shed, and they enjoyed the cool breeze in the open space.
The second session ended at 1400hrs, and then we had a brief meeting with the kids to talk to them and encourage them to put more effort into their education, be respectful, and keep away from drug and substance abuse. We also gave them time to give their input and opinions on the progress of the activity.
● 今後の望ましい対応/Recommendation
The kids are enjoying the newly built shed as it has offered every group an opportunity and chance to practice in the open space and enjoy the fresh air instead of the classrooms with minimal ventilation. Previously, we thought it would only be a savior to the dance team, but we have now realized how important it is to the entire team.