● 場所/Venue
Happy Promotion Center
● スタッフ/Staff
● 当日のアジェンダ/Agendas of the Day
1. Weekly practice
2. Folow up on students
3. Assessing the activity progress
● 当日の活動内容/Activities of the Day
The year is nearing the end, and there are a couple of months to go. We have come so far with the Saturday activities, which have impacted the community positively by producing talents and sending them to the world to pass down to kids who require a mentor or a tutor to pursue their dreams in dancing or rapping.
Many of our former and some of our current students have gone ahead and pursued a career in dancing by being featured in music videos, teaching dance in schools and churches, and designing choreographies for music videos and artists. We're glad that a skill they learned at HPC under the guidance of our expert tutors has enabled them to put their name on the map and helped them earn some income.
The impact of the Saturday activity in its tenure has never been thoroughly assessed and quantified, but the results are visible, and people's lives have been changed. We can proudly say that we continuously achieve the objective set at the program's inception, which is to impact the community by changing lives through developing talents.
With that said, we can revert to the activity of the day. As usual, we commenced the daily practice early in the morning with the attendance of all the stakeholders, from teachers, instructors, and students. The groups gathered in their respective practice areas. The dance group assumed their rightful place under the newly constructed stage while the recitals and play group teams assembled in the classrooms.
The morning practice session went well, with each team learning something new to add to their gallery. Teacher Janet had a very interactive session with the little ones in the classroom and later outside in one of the compartments under the shed. They sang games, played hide and seek, mimicked animal sounds, and identified them from pictures.
Porridge was served at around 1030hrs, which was perfect timing as the morning weather was a bit cold and chilly; hence, warm porridge provided warmth for everyone. Our resident cook has been consistent with her attendance and maintained a high-quality standard of food, given our budgetary limitations.
The kids had some time to rest before going in for the second practice session. Despite the cold, everyone requested to practice outside and enjoy the serene outdoor environment under the shed. The recitals and playgroups took positions in different compartments of the shed to ensure they did not interrupt each other.
The day's second session went on until lunch was served at 0200hrs. The kids enjoyed a delicious meal of rice, green grams, and greens washed with a cup of water. The food was sufficient for everyone who attended the activity that day.
After lunch, we engaged the kids in a brief meeting to get their opinion of how the shade transformed the Saturday activity, and the dance team members gave positive feedback on how comfortable they were practising under a shed. The recital team was also significant in that they could use the shed for practice during break and lunchtime instead of sharing the tiny spaces available in the classrooms, especially when we're a full house.
● 今後の望ましい対応/Recommendation
We urge the kids who fall within the required age bracket to join the activity with their friends. We have observed a slow exit of the teenagers and would like to replace them with younger kids for the continuity of the program.