● 場所/Venue
Happy Promotion Center
● スタッフ/Staff
● 当日のアジェンダ/Agendas of the Day
1. この日の練習/Daily practice
2. 寄宿学校の生徒の迎え入れ/Welcoming boarding students
3. カウンセリングプログラムの開始/Commencing the councelling program
● 当日の活動内容/Activities of the Day
The activities commenced early in the morning, with all the stakeholders attending promptly. The kids have tremendously improved in their time discipline as they have been observed to attend on time in the past two months since we talked with them. The numbers stagnated at below thirty, with periodic spikes above the mean attendance. However, with the closure of the schools, we expect the attendance to increase almost two-fold with the resumption of the attendance of the kids in boarding schools.
ダンスのチームは時間通りに到着し、朝の早い時間から練習を開始した。朝の穏やかな天気を活用して、まだ元気があり、疲れていない状態で、最も激しい振り付けを一通り練習していた。講師でメンターでもあるジャバ(Java Prince)は、子どもたちの学習へのコミットメント、高い自律性、お互いに知識やスキルを共有する意欲などを挙げて、このグループへの前向きなフィードバックを伝えてくれた。 The dance team arrived on time and started practising in the early morning, taking advantage of the calm weather in the morning to go through their most intensive choreography while they were still energetic and fresh. Their instructor, mentor Java, reported positive feedback from his group, citing their commitment to learning, high discipline levels and willingness to share their knowledge and skills among themselves.
The recital and rap teams are slowly rejuvenating their skills with the input of the new teacher, who, the students, appreciate her teaching method and approach to issues. She has since blended into the group and resonated with the kids, enabling her to gauge their skills and introduce them to content that meets their difficulty level. They have since been taught new songs and poems, which they continue to master, and we hope they can use them as tools of change in the societies where they come from and reside.
Teacher Janet continues to do a great job with the little kids. She has developed engaging games to keep the kids entertained while introducing them to school concepts. The kids are now expressive and interact with each other constructively with lots of respect. Most of them are now eager to join the other groups as they admire what the dancers and recital team kids do, but we have advised them to enjoy their childhood and that they will join the other team in due time.
All the groups are putting in efforts to ensure they are constantly improving their craft and becoming better with each practice. We are still actively enrolling new members within our target age group to ensure the continuity of the program after the elder kids eventually depart for better opportunities or to chase their dreams.
朝のセッションは午前11時まで続き、その後、子どもたちはポリッジ(おかゆ)休憩を取り、専属の調理担当であるアリス(Alice Kitheka)の素晴らしい料理を楽しんだ。アリスによるこのグループへの献身性はここまで素晴らしいもので、毎回参加しては、子どもたちのために調理をし、食器を洗ってくれている。子どもたちやこのプログラムへの愛を持って、楽しそうに仕事をしてくれている。 The morning sessions went on until 1100hrs, when the kids took a porridge break to enjoy the excellent cooking of our in-house cook Alice. Her dedication to the group has been commendable so far, ensuring she attends every day to cook for the kids and clean the utensils. She does the job joyfully with a lot of love for the kids and the program.
After the porridge break, the kids embarked on the second session of practice for the better part of the afternoon. The session was characterized by low-intensity exercise for the dance group due to the heat from the scorching afternoon sun to prevent the kids from getting too tired. However, it was a productive session that proceeded up to lunchtime. https://scrapbox.io/files/66b38a93fc0004001c7c05c9.jpg
We hope that after the completion of the construction of the shed, it will create a more conducive environment for the kids to practice in, and perhaps they can now extend the practice sessions into the afternoon under the shed. The recital and playgroup teams are not affected much by the weather as they practice indoors in the classrooms.
● 今後の望ましい対応/Recommendation
教員のフェリスタ(Felista Wavinya)によるカウンセリングプログラムの導入は、子どもたちが健康的な精神状態を維持する役に立つため、とても歓迎されている。子どもたちの中には、問題を抱える家族や背景を持つ子どももいる。子どもにとって、難しい時期に信用して話ができる人がいるのは、助けになることであるし、情報を把握した上で、私たちが彼らを助けることができるチャンネルになるかもしれない。 The introduction of a counselling program by teacher Felista is highly welcome as it will help the kids maintain a healthy mental state, as some of them have troubled families and backgrounds. Having someone to talk to and confide in during such challenging times will be helpful to the kids and may also open a channel where we can help them from an informed perspective.