● 場所/Venue
Happy Promotion Center
● スタッフ/Staff
● 参加者/Attendants
子ども・ティーンエージャー 合計23名
23 children and teenagers
● 当日のアジェンダ/Agendas of the Day
1. 活動のフォローアップ/Follow up on activities
2. 新規建設への準備/Preparing for construction
3. 新任講師へのフォローアップ/Following up on the new teacher
4. 子どもたちへのアドバイス/Advicing the kids
● 当日の活動内容/Activities of the Day
The day started early as always with the timely arrival of most of the stakeholders in the activity. The students arrived early and started practicing while waiting for their teachers who joined them shortly after. We appreciate the kids taking our advice and changing tact to arrive early to make the most of the morning when the sun is mild and the temperatures are low.
The dance team assembled outside in their usual training spot and commenced practicing going over their previous choreographies to perfect the moves. The instructor is pleased with the high level of discipline among the dancers and the efforts they are putting into the craft. Most of them are dedicated to learning something new every day and do not shy off from showcasing to their friends and fellow dancers.
The recital team is back on track with the new teachers who have now settled in and continue to bond with the kids during the training sessions. The team has been introduced to new poems about drugs and alcohol abuse and continues to practice the rap songs taught by their former teacher. The new teacher seems to understand his role and assignment in the program but we’re keenly monitoring his delivery and interaction with the kids to ascertain her expertise and suitability for the role.
教師のジャネット(Janet Mumbua)は、幼い子どもたちにうまく対処している。セッションが終わるまで、子どもたちの集中力を切らさないようにして、ダンサーやラッパーの邪魔にならないようにしている。幼児向けプログラムが始まる前には、そのような状態が目撃されていた。リソースがほとんどない中で、ジャネットは子どもたちを活動やゲームに参加させ、そちらに熱中させながら、精神運動上のスキルを高めてもいる。遊ぶための道具、おもちゃ、本などがもっと与えられれば、ジャネットは幼い子どもたちに対してもっと上手に対応することができるだろう。 Teacher Janet is doing a great job with the little kids by keeping them engaged during the entire session and preventing them from interrupting the dancers or rappers as has been witnessed before the commencement of the little kids program. With little resources, she manages to engage the kids in activities and games to keep them busy and also enhance their psychomotor skills. Given much support in terms of resources like playing materials, toys, books etc I believe she’ll do an even greater job with the little kids.
朝の練習セッションは午前10時まで続き、いつもよりもかなり早い時間からこの日の活動を始めた子どもたちは、ポリッジ(おかゆ)を食べながら休憩を取った。いつもの調理担当であるアリス(Alice Kitheka)がおいしいポリッジを用意してくれ、子どもたちは十分な量を食べて、この日2回目のセッションに向かった。 この日は半日の活動日で昼食は提供されないため、2回目のセッションは午後1時まで続けられ、その後、子どもたちは2回目の休憩を取った。休憩中はくつろいだり、お互いに交流したりしながら、1日の最後に行う教員や講師とのミーティングを待っていた。ミーティングでは、子どもの保護者の行動に関して、いくつかの懸念が表明された。中には、自分の子どもと会うために、練習を邪魔していたことが記録されている。
The morning practice session went on until 1000 hrs when the kids took a porridge break given the fact that they had started the day quite earlier than usual. The delicious porridge was prepared by our resident cook Alice and the kids enjoyed it to their fill before returning for the second session of the day.
Since it was a half day with no lunch provided, the second session lasted up to 1300 hrs when the kids took a second break to relax and interact with each other as they awaited the end of day meeting with their teachers and instructors. In the meeting, there were several concerns raised regarding the conduct of the kid's parents some of which had been noted to interrupt the practice sessions in pursuit of their kids.
We had a candid talk with the kids about such incidences and advised them to warn their parents against such unruly behaviour as such can be litigated in the court of law or with the local administration as their channels to be followed to solve problems at HPC rather than storming in and taking action without consultation with the Saturday activity administrative structure.
● 今後の望ましい対応/Recommendation
Despite parents giving consent for their kids to attend the activities we had an incident of a parent who was presumably intoxicated coming to interrupt the activity as he was in search of his daughter. That issue was solved in the chief’s office but we have since advised the kids to take word to their parents regarding the problem-solving channels available at HPC.