● 場所/Venue
Happy Promotion Center
● スタッフ/Staff
● 参加者/Attendants
子ども・ティーンエージャー 合計33名
33 children and teenagers
● 当日のアジェンダ/Agendas of the Day
1. 今週の練習/Weekly practice
2. 新しい講師と一緒に活動する/Working with the new teacher
3. 新入生を歓迎する/Welcoming new students
4. 生徒による見学を求める/Call for exposure visits from the students
● 当日の活動内容/Activities of the Day
Having addressed the lateness of the students in the previous meeting, they responded with punctuality for this weekend’s practice session. The kids arrived early in the morning on time for the activity. Most of them were at HPC before the teachers which was a great sign of dedication and willingness to learn. That necessitated the timely commencement of the activity in the early morning when the weather was still conducive for vigorous practice.
The teachers arrived on time to take the kids through the morning session. As usual, the recital and playgroup teams assembled in the classrooms for their practice, while the dance team practiced from outside. Given the low heat in the morning, the dance session was great and enjoyable for the kids. The other teams also had a meaningful session in the morning as the kids were full of energy with peak concentration spans.
The morning session went on until 1100hrs when we had a porridge break which also doubles up as a breather for the kids to take a rest and re-energize for the second session of the day. It also gives the entire group a chance to socialize and catch up on what has been happening in the entire week since the last activity. The cook has continuously provided high-quality, adequate, and nutritious porridge for the kids to enjoy during the break.
After the porridge break the kids and their instructors embarked on the second session of the day. For this, we had an exhibition of what they have learned recently to assess the progress made in the recent past. The dance team put forward a thrilling and highly synchronized performance full of energy indicating the kids’ dedication to learn and improve their skills.
The recitals team has also improved tremendously, they have more confidence presenting their pieces and their diction is better hence one can hear and understand what they’re saying more clearly. The playgroup kids also enjoy themselves playing and interacting with others enhancing their social skills.
We had lunch after the exhibition. The cook prepared rice and green grams for the kids and instructors. The days’ attendance was higher than the previous ones because of the new kids who joined the various groups. The food prepared was not enough for everyone as the teachers and instructors did not get any forcing me to purchase Chapatis for them as there were green grams in plenty.
We’ll continue to monitor the food ratio given to each kid and the attendance to determine whether we need to review the portion of food cooked. The fluctuating food prices in the country don’t help the situation but we hope we can settle on a portion that is enough for all the kids attending the activity alongside their teachers and instructors.
After lunch, we had a meeting with the kids to find out if there were any problems on their side. There was nothing substantial to report from their side except the normal complaints of high solar insolation during the latter part of the activities in the afternoon. We know that will be fixed come August and therefore urge them to be patient until it is done. The teachers and instructors had a word with the kids, prayed and then dismissed them to go back home.
● 今後の望ましい対応/Recommendation
We’re working closely with the new teacher to onboard her to the activities. This weekend we had a chat with her and explained the expectations we have of her and got feedback from her on the interactions with the kids so far. We’ll also ask the kids about their perception of the new teacher to ensure everything is going on as before or better. We’ve uploaded her details on the scrap box section for staff, The picture is soon to follow.