● 場所/Venue
Happy Promotion Center
● スタッフ/Staff
● 参加者/Attendants
子ども・ティーンエージャー 合計16名
16 children and teenagers
● 当日のアジェンダ/Agendas of the Day
1. 新入生への継続的な入学許可/Ongoing onboarding of new kids
2. 通常の毎週の練習/Regular weekly practice
3. リサイタル&歌の新しい講師の継続的な募集/Search for recital & singing teacher replacement ongoing
4. ビデオへのフィードバック/Feedback videos
● 当日の活動内容/Activities of the Day
The day started early as usual after the timely arrival of all the stakeholders of the activity. The kids were excited for the day’s practice session as the weather was calm, presenting the perfect environment for practicing, especially for the dance group which practices from outside without a shade. The recitals and playgroup are not affected much by the adverse weather conditions as they practice in an enclosed environment.
The dance group assembled outside for a brief warm-up session before commencing the day’s practice. The warmup session is meant to activate the muscles set the mood for practice and enhance the kids’ energy levels. As is the norm they started by going through the choreographies they had learned on the previous weekend before moving into new ones. The teacher brought everyone to speed to ensure the dance was perfectly synchronized.That went on for the better part of the morning session for the dance. The instructor likes to utilize the morning session to teach the kids new choreographies as the weather is friendlier at that time and most of the kids are still energetic. For this weekend, the morning session was busy for the dance team with everyone putting in maximum effort to ensure they were at par with the rest of the team.
リサイタルのチームでは、講師がいない恵まれない状況が続いていた。私はついに講師と連絡を取ることができた。彼は、ある学校でより良いオファーをもらったため、H.P.C.ではもう教えないと言ってきた。そのため、代わりに来て、彼がやってきたことの続きをやってくれる新しい講師を探す必要が出た。私たちは、この役割にあった人を必死に探している。教える仕事についている人で、幼い子どもに対応する経験を持った人が望ましいだろう。すぐに代わりの人を見つけて、子どもたちが練習を続けられるようにしたい。その役割に適した候補を見つけたら、日本にも伝える予定である。現在は、教員のジョセフ(Joseph Mwendo)と私(Solomon Chogo Indiazi)が代わりに入って、子どもたちがすでに知っている作品をおさらいする様子を見守っている。こうすることで、最近チームに加入した新入生が前にやった作品を学び、チームの他のメンバーについていけるようにする役に立つ。 The recitals team continues to be disadvantaged by the absence of their teacher. I finally reached him via phone, and he told me that he got a better offer at a school and would no longer be teaching at HPC. That has necessitated the search for a new teacher to step in and pick up from where he left off. We’re working hard to identify someone fit for the role, preferably one with experience handling young kids like someone in the teaching profession. We hope to find a replacement soon so that the kids can continue with their practice. We’ll keep you posted when we find a suitable candidate for the role. Currently, teacher Joseph and I have had to step in and supervise the kids as they go over the pieces they know. That helps the new kids who joined the team recently to learn the old pieces and keep up with the rest of the team.
The practice session went on until 1100hrs when we had our first break of the day to take porridge prepared by our resident cook who does an incredible job in making delicious porridge. The midday snack was more than enough for all the kids as the attendance was low. Everyone drank to their fill and had fifteen minutes to rest before resuming the second phase of the activity.
Since the reopening of schools, the kids’ attendance has tremendously dwindled and is now at half capacity. The activity’s budget is meant for a maximum number of forty kids, but the attendance for the last three weeks has been less than twenty. We’ve now renewed our campaign to actively enroll new students but with an age limit of eight years to boost the lower primary school kids' numbers as they are the least in the group presently.
私たちは近所の学校に通っている子どもたちに声をかけて、このプログラムに参加してもらうようにし、加入する前にこの活動に参加することがその子どもにとって有益なのかどうかを評価する予定である。私たちはこの活動に本気で取り組み、休まずに参加して、講師が教えてくれることを学ぼうとする子どもも探しているからである。この日の2つ目の練習セッションは、スムーズに進行し、この日2回目の休憩になった。この日は丸1日の活動日なので、調理担当が用意してくれた昼食をみんなで食べた。出席率が低く、必要以上の食べ物が用意されていたため、子どもたちはご飯と緑豆(りょくとう)を満足いくまで食べた。休憩後には、手短なミーティングをして、私たちが出席率の課題に対処し、同時に、1人の講師がもう来なくなったことを告げた。また、私たちは、個人的な衛生状態の改善や身だしなみなど、活動に影響を与える他の課題について、アイデアを出し合った。Mukuru ka Njengaでは清潔な水へのアクセスが課題ではあるが、子どもたちには常に清潔でいるように促した。
We’ll be inviting the kids who attend the nearby school to attend the program and assess whether it can be of benefit to them before joining as we’re also looking for serious members who will be committed to the course and attend more regularly to learn what the instructors teach them. The second practice session of the day went smoothly leading us into the second break of the day. As it was a full day, we had lunch which was prepared by our cook. The kids enjoyed the rice and green grams to their fill as they had more than enough available given the dismal attendance. After the break, we had a brief meeting where we addressed the attendance issue and also told the kids of the instructor’s departure. We also brainstormed on other issues affecting the activity such as personal hygiene and grooming encouraging the kids to be clean always despite the challenges with access to clean water in Mukuru ka Njenga.
● 今後の望ましい対応/Recommendation
Following the departure of the rap and recital instructor we have begun a search for his replacement. We have decided to consider someone with professional experience managing little kids as it will give them an easy time with the recital group. We thank him for the efforts he put in to improve the kids’ skills to where they are now and wish him all the best in his current venture. Should he like, he’s welcome to visit at any time.