● 場所/Venue
Happy Promotion Center
● スタッフ/Staff
● 参加者/Attendants
子ども・ティーンエージャー 合計17名
17 Children and teenagers
● 当日のアジェンダ/Agendas of the Day
1. 今週の練習/Weekly practice
2. 出席率の評価/Assesing the attendance
3. 名簿と新入生の個人情報の更新/Updating the register and biodate for the joining students
● 当日の活動内容/Activities of the Day
The rains continue to pour down Nairobi mostly in the early morning hours. On this day, it had been raining from 0600hrs until around 0900hrs when the rains subsided to light showers. That made it difficult for the stakeholders to attend the activities on time. The instructors were rained on while making their way to the school, they arrived soaked in water and their shoes filled too for having to walk through puddles of water to get to the school. We appreciate them for the determination and relentless efforts they put in to ensure the day's activities practice was done.
The rain also affected the attendance of the kids, especially the little ones who often require company to get to the school. First, they couldn't walk to the school as usual as the pools of water around the school were too deep for them, they would need to be carried across the water to get to the school. Second, the river and trenches around HPC were full of high-speed flowing water presenting a danger of drowning for the little kids and most of them stayed at home and were absent on this day. We observed that their elder sibling would also stay at home to watch over the little kids.
For the teenagers, their number was also minimal given the rain. Some came and could not cross through the water as the level was too high for them and they would need to take off their shoes and some of their clothes to cross to avoid making them wet. We had to excuse them to go back home as we did not want to put them through any trouble for the sake of a day’s practice at the expense of their safety and comfort.
Despite the challenges, some of the teenagers managed to cross through the water with gum boots and access the school for the day’s activities. The dance and recitals team commenced their practice around 0930hrs and proceeded to noon when the porridge was ready. The delay in making the porridge was because the firewood that had been bought the previous day was soaked in water as it had been stored in the kitchen which has a leaking roof.
Additionally, the fireplace had also been soaked with water from the morning rains and was wet making it hard for one to light and sustain a fire to cook anything. We had to unearth the wet topsoil and struggle with the wet firewood until the fire was lit and the cook started preparing the meals of the day. The porridge was ready at noon and the kids took a break from their practice session to take the porridge and warm up as it was chilly outside. Everyone drank to their fill given the low turnout, making more food available for the ones who attended the day’s activities.
The kids resumed the second session phase of the practice session and continued to around 1400hrs where they took a second break as most of them were tired from the vigorous dancing they had been doing all day long. The recital team entertained us with some songs as we waited for the food to get ready. During that time, we also had our usual brief meeting to interact with the kids before dismissing them for home. We updated the attendance list and added the newcomers who had joined us and welcomed them.
Additionally, I took some time to engage the kids and inquire about the effects of floods in their homes and it was sad to realize that most of their houses had been flooded at some point during the ongoing rains. Some of them even had to shift to prevent the water from damaging their property.
● 今後の望ましい対応/Recommendation
According to the Metrological Department of Kenya, the rains should subside in the coming weeks and normalcy restored. We hope this is the case so that we can resume our normal practice schedule. We also anticipate a wet season around July but hopefully, it doesn’t rain as much. The school's reopening date has been called off indefinitely so the kids will continue with their recess until further notice.