● 場所/Venue
Happy Promotion Center
● スタッフ/Staff
● 参加者/Attendants
子ども 65名
65 children
● 当日のアジェンダ/Agendas of the Day
1. その日に予定された子どもたちとの活動を実施する/Carrying out the day’s planned activities with children.
2. 今後学校を円滑に運営していく方法を議論する/Discussing the way forward for smooth running of the school.
3. 対処すべき課題を特定する/Identifying loopholes to work on.
● 当日の活動内容/Activities of the Day
9:00〜11:00:生徒の登校/Arrival of students.
We divided the classes into two. Jojo and Lola were in charge of the younger group. They engaged in an outdoor children’s game or singing and running.
年長グループ(上級生)では、ダンス講師のムサフィ(Msafii Stephen)による通常のダンスレッスンを行った。クラスの中で、どの子どもがダンスの上手な子どもなのかを確認した。 The older group (upper class) engaged in a general dance class led by the dance trainer, Msafii. He scouted for the best dancers in the class.
11:00〜12:00:食事/1st meal
We had porridge. Linah Adhiambo, the cook, prepared it.
12:00〜14:10:年長クラスが2つに分けられた/Upper class was divided into two.
One group has a drama session led by Jojo, while the other had an art class led by Eve.
The lower class had a singing and rapping session led by Msafii and Lola.
We had rice and beans for lunch. Linah Adhiambo prepared it.
15:00〜16:00:全生徒を外に連れて行き、2つのグループに分けた/We took all the pupils outside and separated them into two.
The younger kids had a dancing lesson led by Lola.
The older ones engaged in a dancing lesson led by Msafii and Jojo. They were further divided into two, with the lead dancers separated from the rest. They will be the main dance group of the school.
We dismissed thereafter and left for our homes.
● 課題と今後の望ましい対処方法/Challenge and Recommendation
This was the third day of the children’s activities program. From what took place, it was a big success, and most of the shortcomings encountered are things we can resolve. Below are notes on what went on, challenges encountered and recommendations.
A. 食費/The Food Budget
We added one more kilogram of rice and beans from the previous week’s budget. This time, the food was almost sufficient. The kids were more satisfied than they were last time. The utensils were also enough as the kids brought their own that shall be used henceforth.
B. 活動費/Allowances
チョークや応急処置キットの費用を追加することを、ジョセフ(Joseph Mwendo)が提案した。特に後者が用意されることの重要性を強調していた。 Joseph suggested that we slot in some money for chalks and the first aid kit. He stressed on the importance of having the latter included.
C. 改修/Renovations
プレイエリアを教室に転換しようとして、ジョセフ(Joseph Mwendo)が改修を始めた。屋根のない場所には、利用できる金属板がないため、ナイロンのカバーをかけた。 Joseph began renovation of the playing area in a bid to convert it into a classroom. He put in some nylon cover in place of the open roof since he has no iron sheets to use.
He also moved the out the playing items are arranged the stones and tires to be used as the sitting area for now.
図.3/Fig. 3
学校の看板の塗り直しとリブランディングが必要なことを、ジャネット(Janet Mumbua)が再提起してくれた。下の写真が現在の様子である。(図.4) There was a reminder by Janet on the repainting and rebranding of the school signpost. Below is a representation of what it looks like now.
図.4/Fig. 4