The Philippines - Local Update
Network e-Bulletin, April 2020, No. 5
Message from Julito Serna
1991 Graduate / 1997 Training Assistant
Julito making food packages
Good Afternoon! Here are the activities I’m doing to help my wife in fulfilling the Department of Education’s 3Ps projects - giving assistance to the front-liners as our social responsibility. Gift giving of food packs for 200 families, funded personally by me and my wife, in the place where she is the school principal.
Julio's wife making and distributing food packets
Message from Rev. Jovy Fodulla
1998 Graduate / 2004 Training Assistant
The Philippine Independent Church - Bishop
Jovy as a TA at ARI back in 2004
Our situation here in the Philippines is becoming worse due to the increase of PUIs and PUMs and even deaths of some of the frontliners who are looking to save lives. Until now we are under Enhanced Community Quarantine, because of this pandemic. Let us keep on praying, kneeling down and offering silent meditation to cast out this kind of virus. I am praying also for the ARI community that all of you are safe, doing your best for the program.
Here in my Diocese, still we have zero positive result from COVID-19 testing. However, we stay at home and even church services are postponed. They will be resumed after. In the season of Lent, Holy Week celebrations were canceled as per mandate by the national government.
Thank you, and all my prayers are with you all. Keep safe, keep strong to fight the Coronavirus and please pray for the frontliners and health workers, especially for my wife, who is a nurse at the Canadian Specialist Hospital.
God bless and more power that we may live together
PUI = Person Under Investigation
PUM = Person Under Monitoring
Message from José Resol (Joefel)
1990 Graduate
For a little COVID-19 comic relief, Joefel sends this photo circulating Facebook in the Philippines!