India, West Bengal - Local Update
Network e-Bulletin, April 2020, No. 5
Message from Ardhendu S Chatterjee
1976 Graduate
I was at home when the lockdown was declared. We have been advised to remain indoors. In my immediate neighbourhood things are quiet and fortunately there are no definite infections nearby.
From the large metropolitan cities, a lot of daily labourers are walking back home, often without any food, water, and sanitation facility! Many have died on the street, but now the situation is a little better, as local NGOs have opened food centres.
My organization people and I are working mostly over the phone and internet. A lot of famers have difficulty reaching wholesale marketing centres , even though there is a shortage of food in city and town markets.
Presently we are trying to get Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and hand sanitizers to frontline community workers and quasi-health professionals. We are watching the devastating data, though feel that a lot of under-reporting is going on.
Solidarity with graduates, wherever they are! It is sad to hear that many trainees could not join the course this year, but even after the tsunami in Fukushima, the course went on. Our thoughts are with all the staff and volunteers at ARI, who must be tired!!
Chatterjee lecturing at ARI in 2012