Brazil - Farmers Donate Food for 700 Meals a Week
Message from Lucinei Luiz Telles
2010 Graduate
Landless Workers Movement, Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST)
Earth Lunch Boxes
"Last week we reached the mark of 40 thousand lunch boxes distributed."
-Telles, Feb 16, 2021 update!
Harvesting and preparing meals for those who need them.
We are well and facing the pandemic in every way we can. I would like to share one of our works during the COVID 19 pandemic in the City of Curitiba, state of Parana. Our Movement, through the ACAP Association, has carried out several activities in addition to preventing this disease. The main one is the distribution of meals to people in vulnerable situations and homeless people. Since May, around 700 meals have been prepared and served weekly.
Most of the food is donated by farmers in our movement, and also family farmers in the metropolitan region. Other expenses such as water, electricity and gas have been supported by people who support the action. This is a way to continue the work of our movement that goes far beyond the distribution of land through agrarian reform.
Below is the page on the Instagram about the activity. Although it is in Portuguese, it has several photos that represent how it works.