About me --(Biography) Katsutoshi Masai 正井克俊
I am currently working as an assistant professor at Kyushu University. I am interested in creating a gadget for understanding the mechanism of human mind and behavior in social interaction, sports etc. I am also interestd in gesture recognition using machine learning and wearable sensors. I have the publications at ACII(2022), TVCG(2022), ISMAR(2020 *2), TEI(2020), AHs(2017,2018,2020, 2023), IEEE VR (2017), VRST (2017), MobileHCI (2017), TiiS(2017), IUI(2016, 2023), UbiComp(2015) etc.
Current Position:
Assistant Professor at Kyushu University (Apr. 2023 - )
Selected Publication and Projects
#AffectiveWear (Journal for TiiS 2017 / Full paper, IUI2016 / Demo, Siggraph E-tech 2015) Research Career
Assistant Professor, Kyushu University (Apr. 2023 -)
Reserach Associate at NTT Communication Science Laboratories (Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2023)
Reserach Associate at Department of Information and Computer Science, Keio University (Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2020)
Project Reserach Associate at Interactive Media Lab, Keio University (Oct. 2018 - Mar. 2019)
Research Fellow (DC2), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Apr. 2018 - Sep. 2018)
Research Assistant at CREST (Apr. 2016 - Sep. 2018)
Researcher at CREST (Oct. 2015 - Mar. 2016)
Co-worked with Prof.Mark Billinghurst at University of South Australia ( Nov. 2015 - Feb. 2016)
Special Recognition Award at Augmented Humans 2021
Takegawa, Y., Tokuda, Y., Umezawa, A., Suzuki, K., Masai, K., Sugiura, Y., ... & Hirata, K. (2020, November). Digital Full-Face Mask Display with Expression Recognition using Embedded Photo Reflective Sensor Arrays. In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2020) (pp. 101-108).
Best Paper Award Bronze at ICAT-EVGE 2019
Fumihiko Nakamura, Katsuhiro Suzuki, Katsutoshi Masai, Yuta Itoh, Yuta Sugiura, Maki Sugimoto: Automatic Labeling of Training Data by Vowel Recognition for Mouth Shape Recognition with Optical Sensors Embedded in Head-Mounted Display
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 学術奨励賞 at 第23回日本VR学会大会, 2018
斎藤慶, 正井克俊, 杉浦裕太, 木村聡貴, 杉本麻樹「バーチャル環境を用いたテニスのサービスへの反応と熟練度の関係解析
Innovative Technologies 2018, ACM SIGGRAPH Special Prize at DCEXPOS 2018
Best Paper Honourable Mention at ICAT-EVGE 2017
Nao Asano, Katsutoshi Masai, Yuta Sugiura, Maki Sugimoto 「Facial performance capture by embedded photo reflective sensors on a smart eyewear」
第19回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文賞 Sep. 2017
正井克俊,杉浦裕太,尾形正泰,クンツェ カイ,稲見昌彦,杉本麻樹「AffectiveWear: 装着者の日常的な表情を認識する眼鏡型装置」(論文誌,Vol.21, No.2 pp.-385-394,2016)
電子情報通信学会MVE賞,電子情報通信学会 Oct. 2016
Ph.D in Engineering (2018, from Keio University)
Facial Expression Classification Using Photo-reflective Sensors on Smart Eyewear
Master's Degree in Media Design (2015, from Keio University)
Attended Global Innovation Design Programme ( Pratt Institute, Royal Colledge of Design)
Nominated in the Dean's List
Bahelor's Degree in Economics (2011, from Keio University)
Teaching Experience
2023.9 Practical Data Sience @ Kyushu University
2020.7 Human Computer Interaction @Waseda University
Coordinated online lectures related to ubiquitous computing
2019.8 Human Computer Interaction @Waseda University
Workshop using Arduino, sensors, and actuators for HCI
2019.4 - 2020.3 @Keio University
Spring: The basics of Python using Raspberry Pi , co-organized, mainly in charge of Interaction Project using low-cost touch sensor and LED.
PRISM AIP (Development of Wearable Interface that Leverages Touch Gestures to Face, ¥3M,FY2018)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, ,¥900K, FY2018 (Constructing the Wearable Sensing System for Facial Expression in Daily Life, 装着型装置を用いた日常における自然な表情計測技術の構築
TEI 2021,
ICMI 2021, 2022
ISMAR 2022, 2020,
CHI 2020,
IEEE VR 2021, 2020, 2019,
MobileHCI 2019 (poster),
ISWC 2021, 2019, 2018,
Siggraph Asia 2018,
MUM 2018