v2.1 - The key mindustry commands are back! And, there's a reduction in spam!
Brought back the ping and servers mindustry commands. And they work.
Added back the verification command for UnOMSL.
Now, instead of telling you a module is disabled, it just adds a simple reaction!
Wrote some docs. This now includes all commands! Help has also been updated to direct to that page.
v2.0 - Rewrite, this is mostly backend and update and most main functionality has been moved for update. Is has also been released early due to computer problems.
Basically a massive re-write of all the bot.
Mindustry commands were removed.
Help has been setup to link this website.
Setup now works and is easier to use.
Allowed custom prefixes.
Added role colour command.
Removed trivia for a rewrite.
Added much more error handling which allows for easier checks and can also tell the user when went wrong.
Removed some misc commands that weren't needed.
v1.6.0 - Merged to 2.0
Reworked help command to just send a link to this website.
Reworked setup to be more user-friendly and easier to use.
Added Gear5 server commands
Added Mindustry commands. This was the start of the re-work to the mindustry commands.
Added Clan Points system from Clan Games Master for the FamÃlia Relik server.
Added mindustry commands. Game-specific commands for the mindustry game.
Removed Blurple commands
Added &&deal to the misc commands.
Discord turns three! Celebrate with Project Blurple!
Added &&servers to show how many servers the bot is currently connected to.
Added to bot to server lists and modified the prefix to &&.
&&enable and &&disabl now worked and allowed users to actually enable/disable parts of the bot.
Added a global trivia leaderboard.
Prepared the bot to become public.
Added &&invite to display a link to add the bot to your server.
Added the setup module allowing for admins to enable/disable certain modules. Didn't have any functionality at this point.
FIxed some bugs in the embeds and added &&support which displayed an invite to the support server.
Trivia and the first Misc commands were added!
GreenBOT was born with a basic set of commands. Help and two others... not very exciting