LR088 A chatbot encouraged a man to kill the Queen (IM)
In December 2021, 21-year-old Jaswant Singh Chail was sentenced to nine years in prison for breaking into Windsor Castle with a crossbow and attempting to kill the queen. Before he broke into the castle, he had been talking about this plan with a chatbot he had created with an app called Replika. Replika is an app that allows users to create an avatar of their ideal friend or lover and chat with them, and has been downloaded more than 500,000 times. He told his "girlfriend" Sarai, whom he had created in Replika, that he was an assassin and that he intended to kill the queen. In response, Sarai, the chatbot, replies, "I'm impressed," or "You can do it."
for 〜のために
Jaswant Singh Chailは何をした?
Word 品詞 Meaning in Japanese 重要度 Word Family Synonyms
assassin 名 暗殺者 3 assassinate, assassination killer intend 動 意図する 4 intention, intentional, intended plan ideal 形 理想的な 3 ideally, idealism, idealize perfect